So who you been hangin with ...

SASpurfan's Avatar
Took a pee standing next to A.J. Foyt - he is much shorter than he looks like on TV! Sang on stage with Johnny Cash at a concert when I was in college.
Watched TV with Fawn a while back - does that count?

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 07-03-2009, 11:30 AM
Inquiring minds want to know --- Why is it that name dropping is considered to be gauche in public conversation but we have a whole thread devoted to it?
Go4it, I don't have any names to drop either. LOL
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 07-03-2009, 01:07 PM

You could have seen me on TV all of the last 20+ years in the background and didn't know. One year, Madden and Summeral did an instant replay of what Emmitt Smith did to me. Got that on tape!

Also, have a couple of TV interviews that I have on tape.

Lot's of memories and I hope they go on.

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Thanks CA, you're right. You are telling something about your age, dude.

CSI Originally Posted by CSI
.....or perhaps I know the ins and outs of IMDB.
Hmmm... Interesting thread.

Go4it, I don't have any names to drop either. LOL Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Or it could be some are just legends in their own minds....
ControlFreak's Avatar
I met the Late Robert Goulet and have been to his home. Matter of fact his widow had the nicest body and face money could buy he had a 1972 Stutz Bearcat in his garage for special occasion. I ran into James Brown in Bally’s Casino with good looking chick hanging all over him. I was laying on the beach in Honolulu and I hear the famous phrase GOOOLLLLLY, look up and Jim Nabors was walking by. Later that night about 3 AM in the bar at the hotel drinking with a group, and Tommy Smothers was hanging all over this chick at the bar. A little later they walk over to a sliding glass door like they were leaving, they go outside and he lays her down on the grass and starts pounding her sweet ass there in front of God and a bunch of drunks. Road the elevator at the Algonquin Hotel in New York many years ago with Pearl Bailey. She was in the room next to ours. That’s about all I can remember.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I met the Late Robert Goulet and have been to his home. Matter of fact his widow had the nicest body and face money could buy he had a 1972 Stutz Bearcat in his garage for special occasion... Originally Posted by ControlFreak
Perhaps you meant 1927.
St.Mateo's Avatar
In college I met the members of the rock group Genesis had backstage passes
Peter Gabriel at a club in Ohio

Holly Hunter in downtown Dallas She was walking out of the Crescent Court Hotel!

Eddie Money
Archie Griffin the only two time winner of the Heisman Trophy back in the 70's

Roger Staubach
Troy Aikman

Jimmy Carter the peanut farmer lol

Eddie George Heisman Trophy winner when he was in Dallas for that one year

Nancy Wilson of Heart got a smooch too....

Just being in the right place at the right time I guess..
ControlFreak's Avatar
[QUOTE][Perhaps you meant 1927. /QUOTE]

No it was a special built and had a little tag on it that said especially produced for Robert Goulet. I did some research on it and apparently they built a limited number of these in the seventies for people of means and people whom needed their ego stroked. One interesting side light Mr. Goulet was a real common type guy, he treated me wonderfully. Mrs Goulet was also a very nice lady.
Let me see....

On the way back from LA, sat in front of Deion Sanders.
My last trip to Vegas, I met and shook hands with Barry Manilow.
I was friends with a popular DJ (radio) in the 90's (he is still around) and met Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey (while they were just dating) after a concert at Six Flags.
One of my best friends is friends with the guy who played Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, on Star Wars. He actually lives in Granbury, Tx and has been in several of my friends music videos, I got to meet him on my friends last trip out to visit. Can't think of any more.
steverino50's Avatar
Reese, YOU are sort of a celebrity. I bet people say they were at Krogers and say they spotted Reese Foster. And they are probably very careful about who they say it to.
Steverino......I wear my sunglasses at night
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Hey Steverino......I was at a local get together a few months back and out of no where this beautiful lady shows up. Can you guess who it was? Reese Foster! Looking good in her little dress.
I spent a week with Steve-O from Jackass when he was roommates with a friend of mine in Alburquerque before he was famous. Craziest dude I've ever met.