Theres no section for the HEB and Fort Worth areas?

TinMan's Avatar
It has always been this way, Mya. We lobbied staff both here and on oh2 to create a Tarrant County forum, but only oh2 was willing to try it out. It does not get much traffic, though, so hard to complain about a lack of interest by the staff here.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
It has always been this way, Mya. We lobbied staff both here and on oh2 to create a Tarrant County forum, but only oh2 was willing to try it out. It does not get much traffic, though, so hard to complain about a lack of interest by the staff here. Originally Posted by TinMan

I used a desktop or laptop. For me, at least, if they'd just change the review template so that the city appears when you hover over a subject line, that would help.

But, to you point, is the lack of success that you assess at OH2 indicative of prospects here, which I assume to have a larger audience? If one were established, what's the appropriate metric to determine whether its continuation is justified? Based on the examples I gave earlier, a period of non-use of five or six years doesn't merit discontinuation. Once the costs have been sunk, apparently, lack of interest is no longer relevant, apparently. I don't think there's any reason our requests haven't been honored other than, "We don't wanna do it. Now shut up and go back to BFE whence you came, filthy denizen of the west."
TinMan's Avatar
I think it’s a staffing concern more than anything. These forums can be a bitch to moderate, and adding more creates more work.

A reason I believe ck1942 has kept the oh2 FW forums going is the folks there have not required much moderation. I guess we are just a kinder and gentler people out west lol.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Now I think you're shifting the goalposts, from "not enough interest" to "so much interest it can't be moderated. effectively." Even if I am misreading you or exaggerating your position, if that's the case, it sounds to me like people looking for reasons not to do something instead of ways to make something happen. I'm not nearly as up on all the internecine squabbles and personalities here as you are, especially after pretty much a five-year hiatus, but it seems to me like most of the heavy moderation takes place in coed, much less so in the review forums.

Take only a TC reviews forum for a test spin. SC reviews stay where they are because the club in the subject line identifies the location, usually. SubAMPs I'm ambivalent on, but my initial reaction is to get the TC ones away from the Dallas interference.

Maybe you'd get a tremendous deluge in new reviews that would require more staffing, but I suspect that, for the most part, you'd merely be shifting the same content to a new location, and the extra workload would be a couple of clicks.

If the workload is too great, solicit additional help or shut it down.
TinMan's Avatar
I’m saying that’s why I think oh2 has kept their FW forum open despite the lack of success. We’ve been low maintenance. My concern if I was running this site with a thin staff is it would be another burden because it’s as, uh, “lively” as the Dallas forums with no more staff to moderate.

Of course, to your point, limiting it to a FW review forum would likely cut down on the work. Particularly since the studio scene is almost non-existent here.