Witness Robert Costello to Trump Grand Jury...Cohen is a "convicted perjurer, serial liar and will do anything to stay out of jail""!!

VitaMan's Avatar
Maybe some day you will be able to discern opinion from testimony. Originally Posted by bb1961
Take your time reviewing the FOX testimony in the Dominion case. Then get back to us.

Or even better you can post it
All you do is thread hijacking.
The topic of the thread is a witnesses testimony and you hijack the thread as propaganda...because you don't have any counter point to it, that is a pitiful action on you part but I ALWAYS consider the source...

When you have nothing of substance in regard to the topic you revert to hijacking it, you can't help but add your continual nonsense as usual.
VitaMan's Avatar
You asked about testimony, so you shouldn't get worked up talking about testimony...or did you change your tune ?

Consider the source..Redstate

Looks like you selectively consider the source and the testimony when it comes to Mr. Trump
You didn't respond about the testimony discussed in the topic of the thread. You proceeded to hijack it with propaganda...a blatant hijack diversion of yours because you never have ANYTHING of substance to add as usual. Stick to the topic of thread or don't post.

The mod frowns on it...
VitaMan's Avatar
Go ahead and discuss the opinion provided by Redstate

You are the one who started and stated I cannot tell the difference between testimony and opinion...not me.

I mention to you some testimony that I can tell the difference from opinion.

And now you accuse me of thread hijacking ?
Go ahead and discuss the opinion provided by Redstate

You are the one who started and stated I cannot tell the difference between testimony and opinion...not me.

I mention to you some testimony that I can tell the difference from opinion.

And now you accuse me of thread hijacking ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Prolly 'cause YOU were thread-hijacking.

Any thoughts on lawyer Costello from you??

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So a lawyer that works for Trump has some truth about another lawyer for trump. Lol. That’s rich. How many trump lawyers have lost their licenses? What are we at so far 6. They all lie, for trump. I’m sure Bragg has some corroborating evidence.

So will they cuff Trump. Can’t wait until his arraignment. And for ads to feature his mug shot. Then several more indictments will come down and it’ll play out over again. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

gonna call ya on that "6 lawyers" statement. you can prove that, yeah?

only Cohen has been formally disbarred. Giuliani had his law license suspended in New York and D.C. but as of yet has not been disbarred. Giuliani is challenging the suspension.

so who's the other 5 lawyers again? not even Sidney Powell has been disbarred, a motion in Texas failed recently with the Judge siding with Powell. Powell by the way was dropped by Trump after just a few days. Mark Meadows convinced Trump to drop Powell saying her claims were "crazy". Powell filed all her claims on her own and not representing Trump.

Texas Bar petition against Powell

On March 1, 2022, the State Bar of Texas’ Commission for Lawyer Discipline submitted in court a disciplinary petition against Powell[161] alleging that she had violated several rules of professional conduct, such as those about making false statements to a tribunal, using evidence known to be false, and engaging in dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.[162] On February 23, 2023, judge Andrea Bouressa of the 471st District Court, dismissed the petition, on the grounds of the commission failing to meet the burden of proof that Powell had indeed violated the Texas' attorney code of conduct. In her decision, the judge also admonished the commission for not "properly labeling" the exhibits in its filing, which led to the consideration of only two of them.[21]

Good job Waco. So 2 suspended 1 disbarred 1 not suspended or disbarred due to mislabeled exhibits. But all liars.
So what is untrue about their star witness and his credibility??
Just trying to keep the focus on the thread topic...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Is this the thread for discussing voting machines or something else? Can't hardly tell...
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
You always consider the source?
And you consider the sources, redstate and fox news to be credible sources?

Sorry, since you mentioned both none credible sources in OP, Costello's testimony is as questionable (if not more) than Cohen's.

We'll have to wait and see who a jury believes. In New York or in Georgia.
All you do is thread hijacking.
The topic of the thread is a witnesses testimony and you hijack the thread as propaganda...because you don't have any counter point to it, that is a pitiful action on you part but I ALWAYS consider the source...

When you have nothing of substance in regard to the topic you revert to hijacking it, you can't help but add your continual nonsense as usual. Originally Posted by bb1961
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You always consider the source?
And you consider the sources, redstate and fox news to be credible sources?

Sorry, since you mentioned both none credible sources in OP, Costello's testimony is as questionable (if not more) than Cohen's.

We'll have to wait and see who a jury believes. In New York or in Georgia.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

are CNN and MSN credible sources? see how that works?

Costello has hundreds of email communications with Cohen when he represented Cohen that he's turned over and until Costello becomes a convicted felon and perjurer his credibility is excellent, compared to Cohen's.
It should be simple for him to point out ANYTHING that would make one believe Cohen in regards to ANYTHING...most prosecutor's would consider a man like him a liability and not an asset to their case. Truth is we're dealing with a questionable prosecution at best...just another Soros minion making an ass out of himself.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems Costello not only testified, but he also brought the receipts. 600 pages of receipts and so far the DA has only managed to "cherry pick" out 6 emails from the 600 pages. No word yet on if his dog ate the 594 other pages. Clearly, they have yet to release the missing pages to the defense as exculpatory evidence. The might have to crash the entire economy to cover that one up.