All you deniers trot out your climatology credentials. We'll wait....

Tell us what qualifies any of you asshats to offer an opinion on this topic besides listening to your whacko conservative talk radio heroes.....who, by the way, don't have the credentials to offer or back up an opinion on the topic any more than you halfwits.

Critical thinkers my ass.....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 02:23 PM
All you deniers trot out your climatology credentials. We'll wait....

Tell us what qualifies any of you asshats to offer an opinion on this topic besides listening to your whacko conservative talk radio heroes.....who, by the way, don't have the credentials to offer or back up an opinion on the topic any more than you halfwits.

Critical thinkers my ass..... Originally Posted by timpage

critical thinking... Fox News or Lush Bimbo radio...take notes, then repeat everything Fox and Lush have to lie about...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You're running out of issues, JL. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You think I've covered them all for now?
All you deniers trot out your climatology credentials. We'll wait....

Tell us what qualifies any of you asshats to offer an opinion on this topic besides listening to your whacko conservative talk radio heroes.....who, by the way, don't have the credentials to offer or back up an opinion on the topic any more than you halfwits.

Critical thinkers my ass..... Originally Posted by timpage
You first heard of Climate Change aka, Global Warming from Al Gore, and you believed it the manner in which he presented it. Where's his credentials I might ask?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Climate Change is not the DOD's area. If they aren't wasting money they are certainly wasting their time.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Oh boy, THERE is a comment based in ignorance.

Go look at Katrina, or the Los Alamos fires (twice), or the Mississippi flooding of St Louis, or Sandy, or numerous other natural disasters. Check all the photos. Why do you think so many of the people you see are wearing BDUs?

Maybe you think DoD and the National Guard shouldn't be involved, but they are. And such issues occupy a huge part of their planning--and consume a significant part of their unplanned expenses.

By the way, most those in DoD who spend large parts of their time worrying about such things are Reps, not Dems (and in spite of the "help" from congressmen and local politicians they generally do a pretty good job of planning. Once execution moves to the state and local govs, things often deteriorate.)

For instance it is said that tons of plastics are found in the Oceans yearly the presents of plastics disrupts the natural ecosystems of the ocean.


not a problem slopjaw

your travel agent can hook you up with a tropical island vacation if there's still room !! Originally Posted by CJ7
Let me guess, you don't think that trash is carried into the Ocean with the tide. What you see on shore there is still an equal amount that remains in the Ocean. What do plastics contain that may over time leach out in water and pose a hazard to aquatic life? Why don't you research that instead of spewing out your typical ignorant Redneck Bullshit.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 03:59 PM
Let me guess, you don't think that trash is carried into the Ocean with the tide. What you see on shore there is still an equal amount that remains in the Ocean. What do plastics contain that may over time leach out in water and pose a hazard to aquatic life? Why don't you research that instead of spewing out your typical ignorant Redneck Bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

here ya go dumbas

Plastic bags are among the top two items of debris found most often in coastal cleanups. (Ocean Conservancy)
• Plastic bags wrap around living corals, quickly "suffocating" and killing them. (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
• Plastic pieces outweigh surface zooplankton in the Central North Pacific by a factor of 6 to 1. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Plastic pieces can attract and hold hydrophobic elements like PCB and DDT up to 1 million x background levels. As a result, floating plastic is like a poison pill. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Approximately 500 nautical miles off the California coast sits a growing "plastic island," a gargantuan patch of floating plastic trash held together by currents stretching across the northern Pacific almost as far as Japan. This "plastic island" is made up of about 7 billion pounds of plastic garbage, and measures about twice the size of Texas.
• Each year, enough trash—most of it plastic—floats down the Los Angeles River to fill the Rose Bowl two stories deep. (Los Angeles Times, "Altered Oceans")
• Of 500,000 albatross chicks born each year on Midway Atoll, about 200,000 die of starvation. Adult albatrosses mistake plastic trash for food and end up feeding it to their chicks. (L.A. Times)
• On a single day in 2007, nearly 400,000 volunteers around the world picked up more than 6 million pounds of trash. A majority of the items were single-use disposable plastic items, such as plastic bags and Styrofoam containers. (Ocean Conservancy International)
• Since water keeps the plastic cool and algae blocks ultraviolet rays, "every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50 years that made it into the ocean is still out there somewhere." (Research Triangle Institute

no effect on the aquatic life??? you slackjaw redneck
Oh boy, THERE is a comment based in ignorance.

Go look at Katrina, or the Los Alamos fires (twice), or the Mississippi flooding of St Louis, or Sandy, or numerous other natural disasters. Check all the photos. Why do you think so many of the people you see are wearing BDUs?

Maybe you think DoD and the National Guard shouldn't be involved, but they are. And such issues occupy a huge part of their planning--and consume a significant part of their unplanned expenses.

By the way, most those in DoD who spend large parts of their time worrying about such things are Reps, not Dems (and in spite of the "help" from congressmen and local politicians they generally do a pretty good job of planning. Once execution moves to the state and local govs, things often deteriorate.)

Originally Posted by Old-T
You missed the point. National Guard are involved in the Safety and evacuation of areas hit by natural disasters. That's not what I was referring to.

here ya go dumbas

Plastic bags are among the top two items of debris found most often in coastal cleanups. (Ocean Conservancy)
• Plastic bags wrap around living corals, quickly "suffocating" and killing them. (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
• Plastic pieces outweigh surface zooplankton in the Central North Pacific by a factor of 6 to 1. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Plastic pieces can attract and hold hydrophobic elements like PCB and DDT up to 1 million x background levels. As a result, floating plastic is like a poison pill. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Approximately 500 nautical miles off the California coast sits a growing "plastic island," a gargantuan patch of floating plastic trash held together by currents stretching across the northern Pacific almost as far as Japan. This "plastic island" is made up of about 7 billion pounds of plastic garbage, and measures about twice the size of Texas.
• Each year, enough trash—most of it plastic—floats down the Los Angeles River to fill the Rose Bowl two stories deep. (Los Angeles Times, "Altered Oceans")
• Of 500,000 albatross chicks born each year on Midway Atoll, about 200,000 die of starvation. Adult albatrosses mistake plastic trash for food and end up feeding it to their chicks. (L.A. Times)
• On a single day in 2007, nearly 400,000 volunteers around the world picked up more than 6 million pounds of trash. A majority of the items were single-use disposable plastic items, such as plastic bags and Styrofoam containers. (Ocean Conservancy International)
• Since water keeps the plastic cool and algae blocks ultraviolet rays, "every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50 years that made it into the ocean is still out there somewhere." (Research Triangle Institute

no effect on the aquatic life??? you slackjaw redneck Originally Posted by CJ7
Sure it has an effect on aquatic life. What do you think Corals and Anemones are? Besides plastic is plastic regardless of it's form it still poses an environmental issue whether in the Ocean itself or on it's shore.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2014, 06:26 PM
You missed the point. National Guard are involved in the Safety and evacuation of areas hit by natural disasters. That's not what I was referring to.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Responding to natural (and potentially human) disasters is very much DoD business, so as a result you have NIEs, etc., which look at the impact, and how it will affect them. In that sense it IS something they spend significant time and resources on.

In the same way, since all services have bases/posts on the coast, issues of storms, rising sea levels, etc., affect their plans for being able to operate, having to relocate to protects ships/aircraft, etc.

If that kind of thing is not the point you were trying to make about DoD wasting their time on climate change, then I am confused. I'm not being hostile in this case, but truly missing your point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You think I've covered them all for now? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You're beginning to sound like a broken record. Women in the military. Hating on gays. Despising non-Jews in Israel. America sucks donkey dicks... etc.
Responding to natural (and potentially human) disasters is very much DoD business, so as a result you have NIEs, etc., which look at the impact, and how it will affect them. In that sense it IS something they spend significant time and resources on.

In the same way, since all services have bases/posts on the coast, issues of storms, rising sea levels, etc., affect their plans for being able to operate, having to relocate to protects ships/aircraft, etc.

If that kind of thing is not the point you were trying to make about DoD wasting their time on climate change, then I am confused. I'm not being hostile in this case, but truly missing your point.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I was referring to Scientific studies into the cause and effect of Climate Change.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-01-2014, 07:16 PM
I was referring to Scientific studies into the cause and effect of Climate Change.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That is their job to access risks.
That is their job to access risks. Originally Posted by WTF
Well give me an idea what branch of Scientific study or research would that fall into?
