A Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden? Is it even possible?

LexusLover's Avatar
The Demonicrats have no choice.... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They are stuck with Biden. Now they've pissed off Bernie's folks.

As each day passes they are confirming Trump's message!
Did he tell the doctors to give CV19 patients a disinfectant to clear the virus? :y ikes:

Originally Posted by adav8s28
Are you alluding to someone having done that?
adav8s28's Avatar
And you know this how? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Fox news.

I think the Democrats should run a Bill DeBlasio/Hillary Clinton ticket.

I hear "The Hizzoner" is very popular.
adav8s28's Avatar
that's what the libtard news said. by 11 pm Trump had an insurmountable lead. Hillary cried and threw champagne bottles into innocent TV's. she jilted her supporters (because she was so drunk she couldn't stand up) so Johnny Pedophile podesta went out and told the brave little snowflakes to go home and pray for a miracle that didn't happen.

tell me if you've seen this before ...


even Dennis Miller knows Biden is afraid to debate Trump


BAHHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Did you click on the link in your post #1 about the 538 poll? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com...ident-general/

Biden is killing Trump in Mich, Penn and NORTH CAROLINA. If Biden flips these three, the ballgame is over. Biden will not even need Wisconsin. Speed Racer is right, Texas and Georgia of all places are close. Biden will take the popular vote and the electoral college, it will not even be close.
Biden already has the democratic base and the labor unions. Originally Posted by adav8s28
And you know this how? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Fox news.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bid...sement-of-2020 Originally Posted by adav8s28
That pretty damn funny that you quote an article of 1, yeah just 1 major union as somehow supporting the entire Dem base and labor unions for Joe.

Did you click on the link in your post #1 about the 538 poll? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com...ident-general/

Biden is killing Trump in Mich, Penn and NORTH CAROLINA. If Biden flips these three, the ballgame is over. Biden will not even need Wisconsin. Speed Racer is right, Texas and Georgia of all places are close. Biden will take the popular vote and the electoral college, it will not even be close. Originally Posted by adav8s28
And as has been previously discussed polls at this point are laughable in any predictability of the Nov election.

And I'm personally not stupid enough to predict at this point anything except Biden probably taking the popular vote and that will likely be entirely reflected in California as it was with Hillary. Drop that popular vote count and Trump won the consolidated popular vote in the other 49 states.
bambino's Avatar
That pretty damn funny that you quote an article of 1, yeah just 1 major union as somehow supporting the entire Dem base and labor unions for Joe.

And as has been previously discussed polls at this point are laughable in any predictability of the Nov election.

And I'm personally not stupid enough to predict at this point anything except Biden probably taking the popular vote and that will likely be entirely reflected in California as it was with Hillary. Drop that popular vote count and Trump won the consolidated popular vote in the other 49 states. Originally Posted by eccielover
Exactly! Trump winning the popular vote in 49 states is as worthless as Hillary winning the Popular vote in all 50 combined. Trump won 304 Electoral votes. It’s the only total that matters.
Exactly! Trump winning the popular vote in 49 states is as worthless as Hillary winning the Popular vote in all 50 combined. Trump won 304 Electoral votes. It’s the only total that matters. Originally Posted by bambino
Indeed, it's also reflected in the "so called" mandate of the 2018 midterms. The Dems continually tout the House margin of victory in the popular vote and the number of seats picked up. Yet it was largely a routine number of seats lost by the incumbent POTUS's party during a first mid term.

Yet, while the Dems had an almost similar number in the popular vote margin of victory in the Senate, they actually lost seats.
this should have been a co-firstly, not a lastly

"Lastly, some Democrats are concerned about Biden’s age and possible cognitive issues"

co-first with bidens corruption in ukraine and china and elsewhere

the man is, in a simple word, incapable

as far as hellary- yes she is a schemer extraordinaire

but her appetites are huge and uncontrollable and force error, while, at best, her abilities at craft or grace or subtlety are clumsy, and her machinations have always become apparent
adav8s28's Avatar
That pretty damn funny that you quote an article of 1, yeah just 1 major union as somehow supporting the entire Dem base and labor unions for Joe.

And as has been previously discussed........ Originally Posted by eccielover
Penn and Mich have flipped already. You Trump worshipers better keep and eye on Wisconsin and North Carolina. If Biden flips either of these two to go with Penn and Mich, Biden gets to 270 and Trump goes home to Trump Tower.
Penn and Mich have flipped already Originally Posted by adav8s28
WOW, I didn't realize it was Nov 3, 2020 yet.

Nothing has flipped until that evening or possibly the next morning.

Polls have varied and are always changing. As I keep noting, anyone predicting polls at this point in not living in reality. Hillary merrily moved along thinking she had those states and Polls(and especially moron pundits) told her that right up until election day, when she didn't.

Keep on with you "predictive" nonsense, while the rest of us living the real world keep an eye on the polls and react accordingly.
bambino's Avatar
Penn and Mich have flipped already. You Trump worshipers better keep and eye on Wisconsin and North Carolina. If Biden flips either of these two to go with Penn and Mich, Biden gets to 270 and Trump goes home to Trump Tower. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Not a single vote has been cast. Explain how they flipped already?
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 09:14 AM
Obama for VP - i think that concept has been previously posted.

1-Obama (barack) does not want to be VP. Particularly to Biden as POTUS
2Even the DNC is not that stupid to put him in the slot - they would lose the moderate and independents in America for the obvious attempt at a 3rd term for Obama due to biden's xex assault, corruption and senility issues.

does Michelle plan on leaving her paradise on martha's Vineyard - hardly.

fascist DPST's can drool - but it aini't hapening.

H... is closely observing biden's issues and calculating how to get on the ticket. She would happily take VP to biden - knowing he ain't for Long!

Best DNC ticket - Biden / Abrams - gotta have Diversity in the Diversity party - and nominating H... sends a bad message to the black Plantation group the DNC thinks it "Owns"!
Obama for VP - i think that concept has been previously posted.

1-Obama (barack) does not want to be VP. Particularly to Biden as POTUS
2Even the DNC is not that stupid to put him in the slot - they would lose the moderate and independents in America for the obvious attempt at a 3rd term for Obama due to biden's xex assault, corruption and senility issues.

does Michelle plan on leaving her paradise on martha's Vineyard - hardly.
Originally Posted by oeb11
I dunno, I've been very surprised at the stupidity of the left in the past.

This election could bring it all out.

But I agree, if they would try anything to get Barack Hussein Obama back into the Presidency, I think it would back fire with many moderate Dems and independents.
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 09:33 AM
YR is on "Ignore" - I invite other forum posters to do the same.