Meghan McCain - who knew?

TexTushHog's Avatar
From your lips, to God's ears, Introuble. I hope you personally get to pick the 2012 Republican nominee. Maybe Jerry Falwell can be resurrected from the dead to run. Failing that, how about Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. I'll take that any day of the week.

And as for the recent poll on choice, you might look at these three posts:
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 05-19-2009, 06:57 AM
Cindy McCain is a knockout, and if you look at pics of John and Cindy in their younger days you would not have to wonder about where Meghan got her looks. With genes like those, I would have been surprised if she didn't turn out stunning.

And if she shares her mom's standards for men, then she is going to hold out for a handsome war hero who is smart and thinks like her.

I guess she'll marry Roadking--the lucky bastard.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
I would hit that like the proverbial fist of an angry old testament God....

Until she was screaming God's name, Ronald Reagan's name and mine. In any given order. Originally Posted by Bob Soldios
That is some funny shit but that is what i like to do to her MOM.