Eric Holder made two speeches in the last 24 hours...

You think successful black leadership will happen? Well, I guess stranger things have happened.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You think successful black leadership will happen? Well, I guess stranger things have happened. Originally Posted by Nick Gers
Until they quit blaming other people for their failures, it is unlikely they will ever create a successful modern society. They could succeed if they relied upon hard work and dedication, like they do in the brutally competitive NFL, where they completely dominate and are worshiped by empty headed beer drinking morons every Sunday. I prefer auto racing and ice hockey, which require more than just brutality, though it requires some.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Eric Holder can't promise anything in relation to the Police involved shooting in Ferguson Mo. The DOJ isn't a roving disciplinary board which investigates Police misconduct. There is only two areas of criminal law the DOJ has direct jurisdiction. Citizens have the right to freedom from unwarranted assault, Theft of Property and unlawful Arrest by Public Officials, and the act of denying civil rights by a public official must be intentional. These two criminal statutes aren't apparent in this shooting so therefore the DOJ really has no part in the investigation or any prosecution procedures.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
They have basically created an environment that they can bootstrap their way into any case involving black folks to further their black victim agenda from which they derive their political power.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You think successful black leadership will happen? Well, I guess stranger things have happened. Originally Posted by Nick Gers
Adios Assup!!
Nice try....
Eric Holder can't promise anything in relation to the Police involved shooting in Ferguson Mo. The DOJ isn't a roving disciplinary board which investigates Police misconduct. There is only two areas of criminal law the DOJ has direct jurisdiction. Citizens have the right to freedom from unwarranted assault, Theft of Property and unlawful Arrest by Public Officials, and the act of denying civil rights by a public official must be intentional. These two criminal statutes aren't apparent in this shooting so therefore the DOJ really has no part in the investigation or any prosecution procedures.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The sad truth is that DOJ is now a roving, politically motivated nanny bureau. They successfully got federal supervision over New Orleans PD, and maybe they needed it, but how many little police departments are there nationwide that would not pass Holder's disparate outcome criteria if they don't have enough AA officers? Why is Ferguson suddenly a problem? Why does Ferguson's force have racial imbalance, not representative of the community? Could it possibly be public employee union rules? Could it be a lack of qualified, drug free applicants without criminal record? Does Holder know DOJ doesn't have a chance to convict anybody on the Ferguson PD of civil rights violations? He's still investigating the Sanford, Florida PD years after the Trayvon Martin debacle. Trust Eric to figure all this out. He's the guy that recommended pardoning Mark Rich to Bill Clinton. Competence is not his long suit, but race baiting is. Holder himself admitted that his career was over when he sleep walked through the pardon vetting process for Mark Rich, Hugh Rodham, et al. Then he won the lottery and BHO got elected. Under-achieving Eric has a new gig. Affirmative Action's poster child. First ever Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress. Eric should help Congressman Hank Johnson investigate why Wake Island is in danger of capsizing instead of trying to prosecute everything in sight. Even Democrats think he is a looney for attempting to try KSM in Manhattan. Such is the arrogance and ignorance of this poor, vain man, an obsequious acolyte of his patron.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Adios Assup!!
Nice try.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Unlike you, IBBlowhard, that's fucking rich!

Spoken like ECCIE's leading racist and a complete brach on the millions who died so he can assimilate!