Republicans worry Trump is having a ‘public nervous breakdown’

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ That's simply called, "chickens coming home to roost" for that piece of shit.
It's over for Donnie boy...a female is gonna beat him ajajajjaajajaj Originally Posted by FocusedGamer
... We'll See... ...

#### Salty
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 08-11-2024, 05:54 AM
If the Republicans had any courage, they would like the Democrats, flush their turd for a candidate that cares about the rule of law.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Now the old man baby is making up multiple set debate dates when Harris has only agreed to one... his handlers really should try to keep that crazy old scumbag off social media while he is losing his damn mind.

I would say Trump losing his shit is kind of sad to me, but that would be a complete lie. I love it when idiots shoot themselves in the foot because of their lack of impulse control so fuck that clown.
He's trapped like the rat he is...can't wait to see who he blames for his failure...
Even the Wall Street Journal is jumping in his shit. A new editorial today that is titled "Trump Is Looking Like a Loser Again." And they stress the "Again" part multiple times in the piece. And call him out on his lies, saying of the press conference at Mar-a-Lago last week "By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump's remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse or lunatic."

The WSJ isn't coming out against him as such. They don't want the Dems keeping the White House and would be happy to have him re-take it. But they realize Trump is going to lose for them. AGAIN. And they are starting to freak. Cool.
TechPapi's Avatar
Devastated cheeto rants publicly about his magical thinking over Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Will Saletan breaks down his stages of grief.
Precious_b's Avatar
He is popular with his MAGA cult. He can say and do whatever with them and they'll vote for him regardless because he's their one and only master. Fortunately, MAGAs don't represent the majority of this country. Hurling racist and childish nonsense is just fine and fully approved by MAGA. Unfortunately for Donald Duck, many adults hardly find it to be a redeeming quality in a 78-year-old relic to act like an uncontrollable child who has public meltdowns like yesterday.

He can keep peddling the same bullshit to his cult like he did in 2020. MAGAs will eat it up as usual. And that strategy obviously worked out so well for him back then. I say stick with the exact same script 4 years later with an even worse VP than he had then. That should definitely get him over the hump this time around. Why fix something if it is not broken? Am I right, Salty? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

It is getting quite boring, isn't it.

Meanwhile too many don’t understand they are being brainwashed to support Marxism/Communism Central Government planning that always fails. Originally Posted by farmstud60
This coming from the guy that supports a person who wants to be a demigod who has his tongue so far up putins ass that he is frenching his prostate.

Comrade, eat your borscht!

The cult accusing others of being brainwashed. Thanks for the laugh. Also, some folks might want to check rally size. 14,000 at a 10,000 seat arena for Harris/Walz last night. Cheeto couldn't fill 2/3 of the same place a few days before. He's running out of enthusiastic weirdos.

Originally Posted by TechPapi
... Crikey! ... 14,000 people in a 10,000 people arena??
Which music concert did Harris/Walz attend?... Was it rock and roll
or one o' those folk groups?? ... Megan thee Stallion there again??

See? ... When "breakdown" Trump does a rally - the people are
there to see and hear HIM. ... While Trump's opponents have to do
a short talk at a music concert - where the crowd already is!

Hmmmm... Reckon that's called "false valor"...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

If the Republicans had any courage, they would like the Democrats, flush their turd for a candidate that cares about the rule of law. Originally Posted by Brot
That just makes too much sense.
Hence, they won't do it.
Cheeto!!!! I love it, that would have gotten me banned again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You know Trump is really losing it when dumb dumb accuses Harris of election inference because of falsely claiming fake AI pictures of a crowd for her on a fucking airport tarmac... I really would like to believe that the majority of this country is smart enough to know that an immature imbecile like him should not even be in charge of a lemonade stand, and certainly not the best country in the world.

That fool is even worse than he was in 2020 and I didn't even think that was possible... I always knew that with age comes wisdom was complete bullshit that old dipshits say to mask their stupidity. Trump has proven my theory to be correct. Trump was dumb when he was 39 years old, now that he is twice as old, he is wise by that reasoning? Haha
He has lied about crowd size since his inauguration. Now he has ironically suggested that no one should believe a word that Kamala says because she is lying about hers (according to him). Christ. This is good shit, and you can't make it up!
... Is she lying?? ... Some people think so.

... Uh, Which Republicans believe that Trump is having
a nervous breakdown??

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... Is she lying?? ... Some people think so.

... Originally Posted by Salty Again
I have to admit, *if* she does, holds no candle to your buddy.

... Uh, Which Republicans believe that Trump is having
a nervous breakdown??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Your sources should have told you which ones
txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump is petrified of what happens if he loses. Too many criminal trials left to go. In fact he indicated he would flee to Venezuela if he loses the election.

Donald Trump says he’ll flee to Venezuela if he loses the election
TechPapi's Avatar
They realize they've tied the party and themselves to a bunch of mentally addled morons. Time to jump off the train before it crashes into the station. Expect to see more of this as they realize the cheeto is losing his shit.

Local GOP Official on potentially being removed for supporting Harris: I didn't commit 34 felonies. I haven't disrespected our veterans and I didn't drag our country through one of the darkest days in American history. If you want to kick me out for that, that's fine with me

Remember folks: