Locker Room and Private Forums vs Public Posting

there is NOTHING private on the internet - that includes the locker room. if you want to keep it quiet why are you posting it on the internet to begin with?

there is an expectation that anything you want private you shouldn't post on the internet. duh. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
I post wherever I find an interesting thread. Sometimes it's in coed like this one, some times in strip club, spa, locker room etc.. I say whatever comes to mind at the time so don't really see a difference other then I seem to get in less pissing matches in the locker room (WK syndrome seems to be less when there aren't ladies there to see it, kinda shows the real motivation behind it). Other then that, whatever I am willing to say in LR I am willing to say anywhare else (unless rules prevent of course).

I've also started threads in most of the forums here, including locker room. Some times its nice to have a place to kick back, drink a beer and vent with the boys.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Who says a Leopard can't change their spots? Originally Posted by Whispers

I do!
1. Recent joining.
2. Same nut-smashed speech/printed speech pattern
3. Lots of posts
4. Been here a few days and has inside scoop on Whisper's poop.
5. The cub made sure everyone knew he was leaving.
6. He limped along, sniveling, for months. His exit too abrupt.
7. Those weren't spots. It was ring-worm.
8. The new name even starts with an L

And the main reason? Because I want it to be him!!

Sorry about that. It was like when I quit smoking 20 years ago. After 2 packs a day for 15 years, what would fill the time? How would I adjust to the loss of what seemed like my best friend when in reality it was something I would be better off without?

I'll just take it 1 day at a time.

One leopard alias at a time.

We need him as much as he needs us....NOT!!!

Anybody got a Marlboro?

PS Great "spot" on that, Rand
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You don't care for others? That is why not too many womens talk to you. This room is a place for the boys to act macho for the ladys. It makes me boring. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
Don't sell yourself short. You're plenty boring in any room.