Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

In the Trumpian world it’s so easy for a white to take a black life Originally Posted by redhot11
Really .... bringing Trump into the mix after Obama and others popularized race relations more than any others? Geez. There is right and wrong in all these situations but it gets lost in the smoke of peripheral issues such as race, gender, politics, etc. If a cop kills ANYONE, they should be convicted as would a civilian.

Of course, with the media shifting so left in Dallas over the last few years, most incidents go to race or other such agendas with the stations highlighting the local talking head activists who have nothing else in life but to use others’ misfortunes to get airtime.
I was going to say! She looks mixed, not White in those photos. How did she know the victim? I can't find any information
TexTushHog's Avatar
I was going to say! She looks mixed, not White in those photos. How did she know the victim? I can't find any information Originally Posted by Purlie Victorious

Apparently she didn't. That was a erroneous message. Apparently it wasn't her in the picture. Rumors run rampant in any criminal case that gets any publicity. And that trend gets worse by the day. And both the public and the media are to blame. Gathering accurate facts takes time. A whole lot of time. If you do any civil or criminal trial law you know this. But people, for some idiotic reason, think facts are just given and hand themselves out on a platter to anybody who happens to be the in one complete entirely accurate whole. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even when police, or other better staffed investigative agencies like the FBI or NTSB are through with their investigation huge errors are still often present.

And the damned media just can't help themselves. They are almost congenitally incapable of saying, "We just don't know about that." And they can't help speculating. They're so afraid of getting scooped, or feel so pressured to fill column inches or broadcast time that they'll put some talking head on there who doesn't know one single thing about the case to speculate. In case you can't tell, it pisses me off. And creates an expectation among jurors that answers are just out there waiting to be picked up by the first Barney Fife dumbass that trips over them.
Sounds like an Ambien related incident to me. That stuff is evil.
He opened the door and she ended his life
There wasn't any "freeze!" "What are you doing in my apartment" "get on the ground" "put your hands up"

Incompetent,reckless and trigger happy

It's one thing to go to the wrong apartment
But how out of it do you have to be,to keep trying over and over when your key card is not working? Without taking a second to verify you are at the right place?
The door finally opens and you fire your weapon?

They need to make an example out of her
We really need to stop hiring every hack who makes it through the academy
dallasfan's Avatar
Only going to get worst. No one In Their right minds wants to be a cop now a days. They are drawing from the bottom of the deck. This one obviously didn’t need to be issued a gun.
TexTushHog's Avatar
And the most amazing thing about the shoot first ask questions later mentality is that cops -- and ordinary people -- haven't been this safe in most of our lifetimes. Violent crime is a near historic lows. Your odds of being the victim of a violent crime haven't been this low in fifty years. There was never any excuse for this type of behavior, but now there is less excuse than there ever was.
TexTushHog's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah, Photo fake news
Still a lot of questions 15 hour shift ? , dark apartment just starts shooting ? . At first news said she walked but now parked on wrong floor ?
We will have to wait and see
Chung Tran's Avatar
one thing I want to know, and I'm surprised I haven't heard anything.

was the victim's apartment right above hers, or situated in a way that it passes the smell test, that she might have truly believed it was her apartment?

and I'm surprised no one has brought up the female angle.. I used to hear all the time, that Female Cops were more trigger-happy, because they are smaller, and more likely to interpret a situation as more dangerous than a Male Cop. never saw research to back it up, but I heard that theory often.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-10-2018, 05:59 PM
I honestly hate to see her be a victim of all this racial divide, if it was honestly an accident. Its easy to say what you will and won’t do, until you are in that position.

Nobody else has gotten off on the wrong floor? Yes, Ambien will make you do strange things. I have a good relationship with my female doctor, and she refused to prescribe it to me; due to the harmful ingredients.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-10-2018, 06:12 PM
I've gotten off on the wrong floor, I've even opened the door and sat down in the wrong car. It seems so familiar and then again so wrong at the same time.....it's a strange feeling.
I'm sure she didn't go home that night and think she's going to kill somebody.
I'm sure he didn't really comply right away as he was thinking what the hell is going on in my apartment.

The real issue is why did she feel the need to shoot and kill and unarmed man. That is what is so difficult to justify and rationalize. Why couldn't she have just held him at gunpoint and called 911 or yell for help?

It's tragic all around. She took the life of an innocent man, and she at a minimum ruined her own career and based on the backlash rather than just the circumstances will likely face jail time. Nobody wins in these situations.
TinMan's Avatar
I’ve been in that conplex. The fronts are numbingly the same. It may not have gone down exactly as the news reports are saying, but I could see how a tired mind could play tricks on a person and cause something like this to happen.
It really sucks. He thought he was safe at home and opened his door to. A fk up cop. Just like the black guy in Arlington got killed last weekend by a trigger happy cop. Take a knee and buy Nike. Support freedom for all people
TexTushHog's Avatar
one thing I want to know, and I'm surprised I haven't heard anything.

was the victim's apartment right above hers, or situated in a way that it passes the smell test, that she might have truly believed it was her apartment?

and I'm surprised no one has brought up the female angle.. I used to hear all the time, that Female Cops were more trigger-happy, because they are smaller, and more likely to interpret a situation as more dangerous than a Male Cop. never saw research to back it up, but I heard that theory often. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

According to today's DMN, her apartment was exactly one floor below his.


Of course, as I pointed out earlier, this could be wrong. But that's close enough to a basic fact that the odds or error are somewhat lower than with more subjective facts. But far from zero.

I honestly hate to see her be a victim of all this racial divide, if it was honestly an accident. Its easy to say what you will and won’t do, until you are in that position.

Nobody else has gotten off on the wrong floor? Yes, Ambien will make you do strange things. I have a good relationship with my female doctor, and she refused to prescribe it to me; due to the harmful ingredients. Originally Posted by 8701
That's why she's charged with manslaughter, not murder. It was an "accident." The State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Defendant "recklessly caused the death of another person."

A person can be considered to behave recklessly if they commit an action without the appropriate amount of care and caution. Engaging in a behavior that has the risk of death or injury can lead to manslaughter charges if a person dies as a direct result of the action and appropriate safety precautions were not followed.

She's dead meat, if you ask me. 80% chance of conviction.