Should racism be disallowed in private?

whitechocolate's Avatar
Bigoted thoughts are wrong whether in public or private and even as part of self talk or the thinking process but the punishment for public expression needs to make sense and not be a rush to lynch as in this case. Here is Cuban's views on the punishment aspect and the right to be a moron.
The OP thinks that you can control people's private thoughts and discussions... LOL. You must work for the government.
I'm not sure what your point is exactly, and I applaud all the brave people on the board coming out against racism, but that was never really my point. Frankly I could care less if someone is a racist or not. My entire objection was using a private conversation in someone's own home as reason to vilify someone. That's all.

And I sincerely hope none of you never find yourself on the wrong side of a controversial, even bone-headed opinion. You might find witch hunts pretty lousy.
I just wish JP wasn't too buzy to post bout all this bs. I would love her science lesson
whitechocolate's Avatar
Alastair, I think most people agree that a private conversation made in your home to your wife, kids, girlfriend or provider or even best friend with the expectations of privacy should remain private especially when the conversation makes little sense in the first place.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-02-2014, 10:12 PM
Bitches always be causing trouble. I'd find something to sue the fuck out of her for. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
What can he possibly get from her? I'm sure she's broke as hell and doubt she'll be trusted around any other celebrity.
Boltfan's Avatar
They really don't have that choice. He's had a history of racist behavior / comments that they have ignored. If they strike a "deal" it will come with the appearance that they accept it. Originally Posted by Jarvis

And if they vote him out they open the door to the whim of the public to determine their ownership. Sterling will have this tied up in court for years if they vote him out.

Telling you, a deal is coming that won't involve a vote. They won't have that precedent on record.
What can he possibly get from her? I'm sure she's broke as hell and doubt she'll be trusted around any other celebrity. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
His ex-wife is already suing her. he had given her several expensive cars and property valued in the millions. The ex is claiming it was paid out of their common property funds and wants her share back.
And if they vote him out they open the door to the whim of the public to determine their ownership. Sterling will have this tied up in court for years if they vote him out.

Telling you, a deal is coming that won't involve a vote. They won't have that precedent on record. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Sterling doesn't have years left to seek a judgement from the courts. This could easily drag out 10+ years with a ton of bad press for Donald and his family.

I would bet that the commish polled all the owners before levying the lifetime ban.

Since it is a private entity, I'm sure the league could remove the teams franchise status rendering it virtually worthless. Selling would be his best option.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-03-2014, 10:49 AM
His ex-wife is already suing her. he had given her several expensive cars and property valued in the millions. The ex is claiming it was paid out of their common property funds and wants her share back. Originally Posted by Jarvis
That sugar baby hit the jackpot with that old man
Boltfan's Avatar
Sterling doesn't have years left to seek a judgement from the courts. This could easily drag out 10+ years with a ton of bad press for Donald and his family.

I would bet that the commish polled all the owners before levying the lifetime ban.

Since it is a private entity, I'm sure the league could remove the teams franchise status rendering it virtually worthless. Selling would be his best option. Originally Posted by Jarvis
This isn't about Sterling as much as it is about setting a precedent for other sports owners. And do you really think Sterling gives a fuck about his reputation? You do realize his history, correct? He loves to sue.

They will show him the money. A sales without being forcibly caused will yield more money than a forced sale from a vote.
There are more racists out there than people would like to admit. And they can say and think whatever they want but if they are in a position of power over blacks,hispanics Asians or whatever and that racisms becomes public, there will be a price to pay cuz everyone has a boss...

he may be the owner of the team but there are others such as the NBA that can be affected.

Your boss or you childs teacher can be racist at home but if they are racist in public they can no longer hold that position without causing problems at every turn.
This isn't about Sterling as much as it is about setting a precedent for other sports owners. And do you really think Sterling gives a fuck about his reputation? You do realize his history, correct? He loves to sue.

They will show him the money. A sales without being forcibly caused will yield more money than a forced sale from a vote. Originally Posted by Boltfan
No, it's not about Sterling which is why the NBA should give a fuck what he threatens to do. It's about taking a solid unanimous stand against something they cannot allow or accept. He cannot be rewarded with a "backroom deal". The franchise goes to sealed bid auction like the Rangers and Dodgers did. If he's not happy about it, strip his franchise and auction a new franchise to another SD where it all started.. Fuck DS, he's a cancer in an organization and they need to perform surgery asap.

You sound like they are *afraid* of him. In a legal money war of DS vs. the NBA, I'll take the NBA.

DS can get his own reality TV show and carry on...