When a member's reputation is being trashed, are you comfortable watching the lies?

ManSlut's Avatar
+1 Pyramider !! You da man or is it Frog with a Gape hand puppet??
Ugh I've been away from these boards and I really can't believe there is so much drama here!
ManSlut's Avatar
And I've missed you bsb, but it's really the same old same old.
And I've missed you bsb, but it's really the same old same old. Originally Posted by ManSlut
That's why I never expect too much out of people...
You can go right back to wherever you are returning from, or ignore the thread altogether, you know. You have choices here!

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! There they go again!!! Stop making us reeeead!!!!!"

You two DO realize there is a PM system here...correct??

Use it or contribute to the OP. Thanks.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
C'mon Dannie, really? You are really putting all that out there publicly?

Ya know, it sounds like its a bunch of typical "well she said that she said so and so did such and such" crap. Same shit different forum, from mine. I read that entire thread you started and the only one I see throwing shit is that Miss Priss. I cannot speak to her motivation for doing so, but I never saw a single post from Amber. So it was clearly an off-board situation that for some reason was brought on to the board.

What did Amber say to you when you talked to her about it all? Thats the only person you really should to talk to, first hand, and get her actual story. Not all the 2nd and 3rd hand "she said" info. Sure seems like a miscommunication mountain has been made of a little ant hill and blown waaaaay out pf proportion to me.

But thats just me, and since I don't know all the players involved I'll bow out of this one. I graduated high school a long long time ago and won't be going back. No wonder I don't venture into the Dallas threads very often, kinda sorry I opened up this thread now.
C'mon Dannie, really? You are really putting all that out there publicly?
Ya know, it sounds like its a bunch of typical "well she said that she said so and so did such and such" crap. Same shit different forum, from mine. I read that entire thread you started and the only one I see throwing shit is that Miss Priss. Never saw a single post from Amber.

What did Amber say to you when you talked to her about it all? Thats the only person you really should to talk to, first hand, and get her actual story. Not all the 2nd and 3rd hand "she said" info. Sure seems like a miscommunication mountain has been made of a little ant hill and blown waaaaay out pf proportion to me.

But thats just me, and since I don't know all the players involved I'll bow out of this one. No wonder I don't venture into the Dallas threads very often, kinda sorry I opened up this thread now. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yep. I sure am, and I'm pissed. I have every right to be. So does Tara, honestly.

Of course you never saw a single post from Amber. That's the point. If she's blameless why did she offer a half-assed apology? Please, do tell.

If they had the guts to attack me publicly, have the guts to apologize for being a dumb-ass, publicly. I've done it several times, myself.

If you'll fully read my post, you'll see what Amber said about it all:
She admitted it.
You want the PM's? I'm happy to send 'em.

If anyone knows this it's you: I don't just make shit up for fuck's sake. If I'm ranting, there's a good reason. Give me that much.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
No thank you. I can't do anything about it anyways, Dallas has lots of mods already LOL!
Well don't say I didn't offer.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I assume the PM's have all been RTM'ed, I look at them there. Just for the entertainment value of course.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
This just in from our correspondents in the field.....

"There's lying and duplicitousness afoot in the hobby."

Let's see if I've got this right, providers are all fugitives from the Junior League, summa cum laude graduates from William Woods College, Sarah Lawrence or some other tony ladies institution and runners-up for the Nobel Prize. They really don't need the money because of the magnitude of their trust funds. However, they do like the thrill of the occasional tryst with old, fat guys who posses mad social skills. We hobbyists are all captains of industry, former world-class athletes, authors of "must read" tracts and articles on economics, law, business, music and art who have never even thought about anything that would so much as get us a traffic ticket.

Alrighty, then - salvation is at hand. Be like us.
ManSlut's Avatar
You can go right back to wherever you are returning from, or ignore the thread altogether, you know. You have choices here!

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! There they go again!!! Stop making us reeeead!!!!!"

You two DO realize there is a PM system here...correct??

Use it or contribute to the OP. Thanks. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
Just because a cuckoo bird shat on you, doesn't mean you should, but you can if it makes you feel better, on bsb and myself...The last time I read this OP it didn't have your handle on it...Leave the thread police work to the Mods and fling the mud that got slung on you onto someone else.

By the way, I read, ALOT, and when my investigative feathers smell 'the Truth' needs to be 'out there', well let's just say I have no problem counting your recent 'off subject commentary' on other people's threads.

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth
I assume the PM's have all been RTM'ed, I look at them there. Just for the entertainment value of course. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Why in the world would I need to report a PM where a provider is explaining exactly what I just said? You lost me there.

I wasn't being harassed. I didn't feel 'threatened'. She explained several variations of 'stories'. Why would I RTM that, exactly?
Just because a cuckoo bird shat on you, doesn't mean you should, but you can if it makes you feel better, on bsb and myself...The last time I read this OP it didn't have your handle on it...Leave the thread police work to the Mods and fling the mud that got slung on you onto someone else.

By the way, I read, ALOT, and when my investigative feathers smell 'the Truth' needs to be 'out there', well let's just say I have no problem counting your recent 'off subject commentary' on other people's threads.

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth Originally Posted by ManSlut
Huh? OP= Original Post. My name was all up in it. Take it down a notch, por favor.

Please do let me know, next time I banter back and forth about irrelevant BS in a thread!! I hate when people do that, "I miss you baby!!"..."NO! I miss you more!".."What have you been up to?"..."Oh, nothing much.." in the middle of a discussion. Please, please do correct me if I ever do that. It kinda makes me wanna barf a little.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread!! Both of you!! I stand corrected!! Muah!
novacain's Avatar
Sort of funny how drama, outings and attempts at outing just puddle up around Amber, not all that surprised she's now trying to play in the shadows since it's how she conducts her other business.

As was said earlier, if you choose to see her, keep any and all info about yourself very very well hidden from her, as discretion is not in her vocabulary and I know this from direct personal experience.