Discount in exchange for Eccie Reviews

daty/o's Avatar
I'm in the discount the first-time Camp (maybe I'm the only one?)..

a new restaurant doesn't advertize for you to come in, pay the menu price, write a review on Yelp, then get a discount the next visit.. the point is to give a discount for a try-out that is less likely to occur without a discount. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung, you are not the only one.; I'm camped there with you. As someone who does not repeat often, a discount on a subsequent visit would not be much incentive for me to see a particular provider.
TinMan's Avatar
However you should only offer the discount on the Second Visit.

Originally Posted by iggy
I disagree. I take advantage of first-timer review discounts fairly frequently. Many times it's a woman I wouldn't otherwise visit (for example, she's located in an out-of-the-way location for me, but I'm enticed into making the trip because of the discount), so a 2nd visit discount is of no use to me.

To the OP: it's only a bribe if you insist on a "good" review, regardless if the man was pleased with the experience. I won't see a woman with that precondition, as I'm assuming she intends to half-ass the session once she gets my money and commitment.
Sandsailor's Avatar
I always ask if a provider wants a review because some don't want the bump in useless emails. 2nd visits are a crap-shoot and I'm not sure how to prove with a second visit that may be months later, if I can schedule one, or want to bother dealing with it if all was good. I would think if you check references you should be able to determine which clients provide fair reviews and would welcome a request for a review (with or without discount) like we appreciate an OK reference. Just went to a provider showcase after reading a review where she had a disclaimer for contents in her reviews. Not the first time for me a few well placed questions to a provider put things in perspective.
I take reviews very seriously and they take me a long time to write, so I don't do them often, usually only when asked. There is now the trend to include photos/videos and make the reviews into a Hollywood production, those take much longer. My plain reviews take about 1 hr, so getting a discount is appreciated. My time is valuable, too.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Let the record show that I DO take bribes and can be bought off and do take incentives from the ladies.

If you need a regular review, a bounce back review, or anything in between, just let me know and we can figure something out.
Let the record show that I DO take bribes and can be bought off and do take incentives from the ladies.

If you need a regular review, a bounce back review, or anything in between, just let me know and we can figure something out. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
What he said. I'm not cheap, but am reliable.
Chung, you are not the only one.; I'm camped there with you. As someone who does not repeat often, a discount on a subsequent visit would not be much incentive for me to see a particular provider. Originally Posted by daty/o
I disagree. I take advantage of first-timer review discounts fairly frequently. Many times it's a woman I wouldn't otherwise visit (for example, she's located in an out-of-the-way location for me, but I'm enticed into making the trip because of the discount), so a 2nd visit discount is of no use to me.

To the OP: it's only a bribe if you insist on a "good" review, regardless if the man was pleased with the experience. I won't see a woman with that precondition, as I'm assuming she intends to half-ass the session once she gets my money and commitment. Originally Posted by TinMan
I take reviews very seriously and they take me a long time to write, so I don't do them often, usually only when asked. There is now the trend to include photos/videos and make the reviews into a Hollywood production, those take much longer. My plain reviews take about 1 hr, so getting a discount is appreciated. My time is valuable, too. Originally Posted by dallaswill
I also see a review discount as an indicator of a provider who is confident in her services! I often seek them out and more often than not give the full donation anyway as I rarely write reviews.
*Ginger*'s Avatar
Great job *ElisabethWhispers* and so very well put with the splash of Class...Women should consider ourselves Special enough than to have to barter our services!!

From one woman to another, don't offer a review special. It might take some time to get your first one, but a man who generally will review, won't mind doing a review for you without the special.

Guys get "credit" for writing a review and so it's not like he has no vested advantage to writing a review anyway.

Just my thoughts on it.

When you're new, men will come out of the woodwork offering advice. Always think about the motivations behind that advice before taking guys up on it.

Best of luck to you,

edited to add: For some reason, I thought that you were new to this and you're not. And are you planning to travel to Dallas? Dallas has a lot of guys here who like to review. If you're in Denver, well it might be more difficult to find clients who review on Eccie. Just something to consider.

I don't think that anyone would mind, if they're a regular Eccie contributor, if you asked him if he would write a review for you if you really connected and had some good chemistry. All he can say is no. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
.....Women should consider ourselves Special enough than to have to barter our services!! Originally Posted by *Ginger*
The providers who barter their BCD time for other services should not be degraded like that and are still special ladies, as that is just another means they have at their disposal to use if the money is not there of enough for the service/material possession they want/need. It does not make them less of a person. With that in mind, it does not make a hobbyist less of person either who would like to barter his service or a physical item(s) to a lady for BCD services. In both instances, it is consenting adults engaging in service exchanges and fully agreed to and upon by both parties, so nothing wrong with that.

This may come as a shock, but even in the RW, women use the bartering of BCD services to get/keep a job, promotion in a company, get a better deal on something or to not have to pay actual money for a service, and this has been going on for decades!

Keeping with the subject of this thread, to give or not give a discount for reviews is ONLY the provider's call to make, with no prodding or demands made from anyone else. To Elizabeth Whisper's point, while a review written also gives a guy premium access, there are many guys who do a steady number of reviews anyway that an additional 6 weeks of premium access will seem non consequential in the whole scheme of things considering he probably has enough to last for 3+ years anyway! A review is just about the best form of advertising a provider can get, perhaps save for word of mouth, so to give a discount for a review is quite the norm, especially if she does not have a recent review or she is brand new on this site.
I can see the merits of both view points (1)review special with the promise of a review versus (2) review special only after the review of first visit is written. On balance I share Chung Trans' opinion that (1) is typically more effective, because it has more immediate impact in stimulating business. It's just "Marketing 101." Attracting new customers by offering a discount or "special" is a tried and true method in almost any business whether it be a restaurant, a car dealership, an electronics store, a website, or a provider. It's also called a "SALE."

You can offer a special for any reason - your birthday, hump day, tax day, need a review, rent day, etc. What matters is: will the special grow your business? A "review" special entices business in two ways: first with the discount and then with the positive "press" or advertising from the review. This can be very effective in growing a provider's business unless, of course, the review is negative. So, if a provider is offering a review special she needs to be on her "best game" to increase the probability of a great review.

Don't think of it in terms of offering a "bribe" for a good review. Think of it as providing "Value" to your client, so that he will become a loyal customer.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I do not find running specials as an incentive for men on a budget to book me to be an effective way of growing my business and building repeat clientele, nor do I think that the reviews that would be written by men who are only into me enough to see me if I offer a discount would be effective for attracting my ideal clients. I'm a very niche provider (I keep my body hair & specialize in prostate orgasms), so my ideal clients are very enthusiastic about what I am offering and those clients will write me the best reviews.

That said, the vast majority of my clients do not like to write reviews. They are busy men, and writing reviews takes time. I want my reviews to be written by my favorite types of clients, so that they will attract like-minded men to me! The men who appreciate the things about me which I most enjoy sharing are the ones who I want to review me. For me, it's not about having a lot of reviews or having the highest scores (I know this site doesn't have scores but another one I belong to does), it's more about having reviews whose contents are reflective of what I enjoy offering!

Recently I started wishing I had more ECCIE reviews because most of mine are on TER, so I offered a special where if a client reviewed our meeting from my December 2014 tour, he would receive $50 off a future visit. It's like dallaswill said, his time is valuable too. I want my review writers to take the process seriously, put together a well thought-out review & understand that I appreciate the time they took to write about me. I want them to be people who would see me at my regular rate anyway, had fun, want to see me again, and are willing to spend some time writing about it. The future discount is my way of saying THANK YOU for the time & effort they put into their writing.

That type of review special, because it was motivated by a desire for new reviews and not by a need to attract discount shoppers, actually worked really well and I have four reviews from that tour that I think really add to my review profile in very specific & helpful ways! And the guys who wrote them have either already turned into regulars or expressed their intention to when they get the chance to see me again.

So yes I am definitely in the camp of: don't run specials to attract business & if you do run a review special (to attract reviews), definitely give the discount after the review has been written, that way you know the gentleman can afford your regular rate and you're getting reviewed by potential regulars, not one-off clients who are only seeing you because the price is right for the moment. Just my two cents though, and I'm sure different business models work for ladies with different priorities than me.