Dems/Progs/Socialists: What do you hope to accomplish?

Jackie, entitlements have paid for themselves...there are 3 main drivers of debt in this country. Paying for our

The two entitlements are paid for , for now, it will need some tweaking but the thing that has driven debt ( which is actually people voting a largeness of government, is the Defense Industry.

We just gave a huge tax breaks to multi nationals when in fact they do not pay for the largeness they receive from our worldwide presence. Originally Posted by WTF
Overtaxing multinational corporations will prove to be counterproductive. They can move away, and we still have millions of deadbeat losers to take care of so we have to keep spending money on them, hoping they can eventually become self reliant, not sponging asshole motherfuckers.

Spending money on defense does drive the debt and the deficit, and I wish we spent considerably less, but the world is full of assholes who want to kill us, so what the fuck choice do we have?
Not true, Jackie. I don’t agree with most of the things you’ve said I stand for.

But the “guilt by association” game is prevalent in your post. You’ve just indicted “Democrats in general,” as you habitually do. Yet I don’t blame YOU for Trump’s horrible agenda (how’s your portfolio doing, btw?). I don’t blame “Republicans in general” for the action of Trump supporters like the MAGABomber.

Where in your rhetoric is there room for independent thought?

Not a rhetorical question. I’d like to know what makes you say such things. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Please stay on topic. This isn't a blame game - which is another way of saying "stop the back and forth."

What specifically do you want to accomplish?
A Democracy will fail when the people discover they can vot themselves a largess from the Govrnment.

These words have never been more poinient than today. When those that take far outnumber those that produce, the system collapses.

I would not expect the people that vote for the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Peloci, Maxine Waters, Chuckie Schumer and Democrats in general to understand this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your expectations are correct.

Socialism always seems to end badly, such as Venezuela.

Pretty girls, there, too. Shame they didn't oppose socialism.

The promoters of socialism and its similar to communism philosophies tend to be good at rhetoric and bad at governing.

Hitler was a socialist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please stay on topic. This isn't a blame game - which is another way of saying "stop the back and forth."

What specifically do you want to accomplish? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Fair taxation.

Reduced military spending.

Improved infrastructure

Improved public education.


I’m sure there are a few more things, bu for now, let’s start with those.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fascinating! NBC has reported that Mexico offered the Honduran Caravan participants the right to settle in Mexico which has universal health coverage. They rejected the offer. They want the bounty that the free-enterprise system in the U.S. offers them: not free, universal health care.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK. So what does that mean?

I guess That proves I am not a Guatemalan invader.

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I B Hankering's Avatar
OK. So what does that mean?

I guess That proves I am not a Guatemalan invader.

Back on topic... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The comment was on topic, which would make your comment the off topic comment. Socialist fantasies is the topic of this thread, and the notion that universal health care is the panacea for all of society's ills is a product of the dystopian socialist fantasy that even the really destitute formally reject when given the choice between that and a free enterprise, capitalist system.