Msn Polls

  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2019, 08:25 AM
LL - mostly I agree with you on many topics.

MSN puts out an uncontrolled real-time poll for all comers.

It is not presented as a definitive, statistically controlled poll.

It may have flaws - yes- i remember the pre-2016 election polls.

All polls have flaws

reasonable to think it is a cross-section of American public - at least that reads
Likely extremists on both sides exist that do not read it, and do not participate in the polls.


If you do not like what they are doing - please start your own poll with your own statistical standards, and

publish the results.
Thank you sir
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The longer it goes on you will see a shift towards blaming Nancy and the Dems.

The same people who say the wall is immoral are the same ones dancing in the streets over abortions.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Both sides need to get their act together and negotiate in good faith, AND STOP PAYING Congress and the Senators and this ridiculous would be over by lunch time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2019, 10:41 AM
RD - Thank You, Sir
themystic's Avatar
Another Trump Love fest thread. Not much for you folks to cheer about these days
bamscram's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2019, 11:34 AM
Another Trump Love fest thread. Not much for you folks to cheer about these days Originally Posted by themystic

hardly - the point is responsibility on both sides
Does Trump hatred pre-empt (Trump) reading comprehension in DPST's?
Might be an interesting psychiatric study.

Again - the Wall proposal is a boondoggle!
themystic's Avatar
hardly - the point is responsibility on both sides
Does Trump hatred pre-empt (Trump) reading comprehension in DPST's?
Might be an interesting psychiatric study.

Again - the Wall proposal is a boondoggle! Originally Posted by oeb11
There is no such thing as the DPST oeb. Thats just an out right lie
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2019, 01:38 PM
Individuals have different opinions.
next one could deny the Holocaust, AOC is a Socialist DPST, Warren is Indian - but not Hindu, Beto is Mexican, and DPST Party never plays racial politics
themystic's Avatar
Individuals have different opinions.
next one could deny the Holocaust, AOC is a Socialist DPST, Warren is Indian - but not Hindu, Beto is Mexican, and DPST Party never plays racial politics Originally Posted by oeb11
Could you send me some legitimate info on the DPST? If you cant Im going to have to assume that you are spreading fake news which in reality is a lie. I know that the snowflakes on the right have become desensitized by Trumps chronic lying but the fact remains, he is a Liar. In your examples above, The Holocaust happen, and AOC is a Socialist. Warren is not any kind of Indian and Beto isn't a Mexican. Those are facts oeb. Please provide back up for your DPST claims. Maybe your claim is similar to Mexico is going to pay for the wall
winn dixie's Avatar
dpst dpst dpst

themystic's Avatar
dpst dpst dpst

hahahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
WD that gave me a good laugh thanks Brother!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Eccie threads might be an interesting psychiatric study just damn
bamscram's Avatar
Eccie threads might be an interesting psychiatric study just damn Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Lock 'em up lock ;em up. LOL
LexusLover's Avatar

If you do not like what they are doing - please start your own poll with your own statistical standards, and

publish the results.
Thank you sir Originally Posted by oeb11
I don't like Dung bettles, .... but that doesn't mean I'm gonna roll turds around on the floor!

At risk of being repetitive the problem is not "on paper" or "in the computer" .... the problem is the implementation of the opinion gathering ... and I say "opinion" because that is exactly what it is ... "opinions" change almost by the minute, if not by the hour or day, so it's merely a snap shot of the opinion asked at the moment ... Secondly, like any "information" the product is no better than the input ...

.. "garbage in, garbage out" ... theory

BTW: It's not just 2016 .... it was also 2004 ... John Kerry's group "listened" to exit polls in Ohio and rather than making a stop in Ohio to talk up "the base" since the exit polls were reporting he had it in the bag AND THE ELECTION (sound familiar?) he overflew Ohio and went on to Boston for the VICTORY PARTY!

I'm familiar from an educational point of view as well as a practical application with regard to marketing and strategies based on information "from the ground" as it relates to political campaigns ... and with regard to all marketing efforts based on "opinion" the worst thing one can do (like most ventures that are precarious) is to structure the inquiry based upon the biases of the person developing the tools and gathering the data to be "run through" the tools to get a predictable product. One with that flawed approach creates an "outcome determined" result. They want to believe it, so it's true. They want to "please" the "client" so they give them what they want to hear.

When running a campaign it is a tug by the mechanic who is the ramrod, because basically from a marketing point of view all you're doing is selling laundry detergent, which are chemically about all the same, except with a different odor. So the "box" has to be the distinguishing feature, because (to keep that thread) the box is what gets it in the cart and through the checkout stand. Who gives a flip what happens when they get it home (SOUND FAMILIAR?). That's why candidates shouldn't run campaigns.

So the wording and illustrations on the box influence the decision, and not the substance of the product, which is still in the box (bottle etc) until it's opened AFTER ITS PAID FOR.

I'll give you an historical example of "packaging" ...

Hershey had two candy bars ... chocolate with almonds and without .. 50-60 years ago they got a new ad company to do their advertising ... the new guys "had to do something" to justify their existence ... even though Hershey had about 89% of the candy bar market with those 2 bars .... so they left EVERYTHING THE SAME ON THE CANDY BAR WRAPPERS except they changed the original dull finish on the wrapper to a glossy finish ..

within a year their % of the market was in the high teens ... around 19% .... and you know the rest of the story .... just go look.

Point: How one asks and what one asks makes a difference in the response.

It does when chasing pussy or chasing a political office or chasing an opinion based upon a select group of people that someone touts as being representative of the whole country. The result can be a bottle of wine through the TV.