CNN- Hillary v Trump 2020

Wrong. Clinton has no chance to win. Neither do most of the clowns that will eventually enter thinking "any Dem can beat Trump!". Not.

the Dems have no one able to go toe to toe with Trump. Not Clinton, certainly not that idiot Biden (who would be dumb enough to try it) and not Sanders or Warren either.

Beto? A joke. Castro? A bigger joke. Harris has sold her ass for politics and her shit is cumming out her ass. She's already done. OVER. she just isn't smart enough to know it. all she'll hear is "U FUCKED Willie Brown!!!" she's a whore. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I hope you are right but many people who do not realize all the good things Trump has done will vote against him no matter who runs against him and that will unfortunately accrue to the benefit of whomever the Dems nominate.

The most important thing for the Democrats is that they keep RBG alive until the next inauguration.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-28-2019, 06:31 AM
Killary is toast. Its time she find her own Rosie O'donnell and ride off into the sunset on that Harley.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....on that Harley. Originally Posted by R.M.
.. they don't want her either.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-28-2019, 08:42 AM
Someone said on Facebook I believe that Nancy was the major stock holder in Harley. I can't find anything to that nature on google.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Again the N word somebody afraid of dumpers , I hope Billary runs again ( oh wait is see Russians )
bamscram's Avatar
It’s a moot point. She will probably be incapacitated by 2020. Originally Posted by Jackie S

We can hope. Nothing really bad , just house bound.

If we are really lucky Trump will be sitting with her.
Little Monster's Avatar
Really? "us Dems"?

It's amazing (at times) what living in the SocialistCapitalOfTexas can do to supposedly analytical minds, and I suppose it's being continually bombarded with SocialistLiberal perceptions of what they perceive as "reality." I used to think it was the water, but I'm beginning to believe it's the permeated air.

Probably a little bit of both. Add beer & barbecue into the mix, and that would explain why we pride ourselves on being weird.

The Democrats elected Trump. Once the Democrats accept that FACT and adjust their rhetoric, actions, and standards accordingly they will have a much better chance to remove him in 2020.

Wow man we finally agree on something!! You're right the Democrats let Trump get elected. Not by voting for him, but by not voting all. I've said it a hundred times on here that the only reason Trump won was because the Bernie Sanders people stayed home or voted for Jill Stein.

That will not be the case this time around. We have already shown what happens when all Democrats are on the same page and show up to vote. Down play it all you want to but the past two years have gone our way

Continually filing the airwaves and newsprint with LOONS they elevate to revelancey and "stardom" is not going to cut it. Here are THE "Dems":
Originally Posted by LexusLover

Yeah, and Trump is a perfectly stable man. Breitbart & Farce News are far more accurate & truthful resources. Those "Loons" are doing a damn good job of making Trump look like the lying, clueless, moron that he is. So hopefully we continue to elevate more and more Loons
  • oeb11
  • 01-29-2019, 04:55 AM
So hopefully we continue to elevate more and more Loons

Pursuant to announced candidates for DPST 2020 nomination- an excellent assessment of the candidate pool - announced, pending, unannounced, and lurking.