And yet you use boards used by us sex deprived fucks to vent your rant? Farewell hypocrite.
Grecco's Avatar
Wow, born again christian, awesome!
  • Booth
  • 07-31-2011, 09:36 AM
Is it too late to invite him to the Spider Hole?
Solemate62's Avatar
Yikes! And I thought Oral Roberts had died! Seems he was Born again and came back as a leopard!
Karma is not going to get me. I went back to Christianity. So you will never see me buying sex anymore because my faith for the lord is stronger than ever. Good bye to most of you.[\quote]

Daaayyuumm what church does he belong too>??????

BAN ME, PLEASE! BAN ME FOREVER! I can't stand this hellhole. I can't stand how you johns treat the women. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
You ask and you will receive............. SEE YA!! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!
You ask and you will receive............. SEE YA!! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Originally Posted by CupOfJava
Thanks Java,can we nail this zealot asshole to a cross also?
Thanks Java,can we nail this zealot asshole to a cross also? Originally Posted by rockerrick
I'd love to take the credit.... I wanted to! I was hesitant on pulling the trigger being the new guy....

So credit will have to go to one of the other Mods

Humm? the cross idea..... I wonder if we can add that to the infractions?
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-31-2011, 12:13 PM
I think y'all are missing the big picture...
He asked for "serious help, medically!"and y'all argued that a kick to the nuts turned him gay.
So, I'm thinking that one of two things happened:
1) He's obviously a little soft between the ears and your comments were taken to heart and he's now gay,
2) He found the Lord in his effort to combat the new homo-erotic thoughts that he was having.

Either way, cut the poor guy some slack.
Leopard, Via Con Dios, my little strange gay friend.

Takeshi Miike's Avatar
What I see here is a serious lack of compassion for someone who seems to be going through a serious crisis. I would recommend the mods kill the thread. It would be a kindness to all of those here.
Eraserman's Avatar
I thought it was pretty good. Kept me entertained. I did wonder though, why not just click "delete link" in the browser for Eccie. Seems like that would have been simpler. Maybe I'm just lazy.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You had me at, "Tysteel is my hero".

I'll take , "You're out of your got damned mind
", for $1000, please Alex


mastermind238's Avatar
It's easy enough to dismiss the OP as a lunatic, but there is an important element of his message that I hope doesn't get lost.

I won't say most, but certainly a great many hobbyists who haunt these boards really don't like or respect women very much. It's obvious to everyone who these hobbyists are.

But it's unfair that the OP lumps together everyone who pays for pussy as misogynists. We aren't. And we aren't all malformed, drooling, social misfits who are otherwise unable to attract a woman. Some of us just happen to be in a sexless marriage, and paying for pussy is by far the least of all possible evils.

Not being a native Texan, I have no trouble saying that I think women - and not pickup trucks - are God's greatest invention. I love 'em. I think every hard-working provider deserves our respect. There are a few among them who are as lowly as some of the clients the OP has in mind. If you are one of the hobbyists who degrades, abuses or debases providers, then shame on you.

Happy hobbying, everybody.
It's easy enough to dismiss the OP as a lunatic, but there is an important element of his message that I hope doesn't get lost.

I won't say most, but certainly a great many hobbyists who haunt these boards really don't like or respect women very much. It's obvious to everyone who these hobbyists are.

But it's unfair that the OP lumps together everyone who pays for pussy as misogynists. We aren't. And we aren't all malformed, drooling, social misfits who are otherwise unable to attract a woman. Some of us just happen to be in a sexless marriage, and paying for pussy is by far the least of all possible evils.

Not being a native Texan, I have no trouble saying that I think women - and not pickup trucks - are God's greatest invention. I love 'em. I think every hard-working provider deserves our respect. There are a few among them who are as lowly as some of the clients the OP has in mind. If you are one of the hobbyists who degrades, abuses or debases providers, then shame on you.

Happy hobbying, everybody. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Very well said Sir -- I absolutelly agree....
  • Vyt
  • 07-31-2011, 04:12 PM
Mastermind, speaks his mind X4 ..... great post sir!

I personally took offense to Leopards remarks.... but obviously, he made some good points but gets an "F" in presentation.