Taking a break

JRLawrence's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear this honey and I've felt the same way recently. I took a few days away from the board and have been happier for it. I've found myself addicted to this place now and again, and it can greatly impact your mind from time to time. For my sanity, I've had to "ground" myself away from the board occasionally.

I will miss your posts, but I think you've made the right decision for yourself and your sobriety, which is absolutely vital in your life! I commend you for your honesty, as well. It's not easy to admit our downfalls, and I think you're very courageous for it.

If you ever just need a friend to listen I hope that you know, without a doubt, that you can call on me.

Please take care of you.

Staci Originally Posted by Staci Stacked

You have private messages. Why don't several of you just set up some private email sessions away from this group completely. There is no rule you have to go through this group. Form your own group. Everything can't be related to work.

pyramider's Avatar
Be sure to post some taint when you come back.

You have private messages. Why don't several of you just set up some private email sessions away from this group completely. There is no rule you have to go through this group. Form your own group. Everything can't be related to work.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
What a great idea sweetheart!!! There is some serious assholes on here that talk so much crap and is allowed to get away with it. So I'm loosing respect for some of them, because no one and i mean no one has the right to speak to us like were dogs. This is our profession and our clients come to us with discretion,privacy and of course fun. And there should be a private place for us ladies to review and privately discuss them. I don't ever want what happened to me to happen to another lady. We are worth more than theft.
What happened ?
hope things get better for you!
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
You just can't take what certain folks say seriously. Some (not all) are being contrary just to be contrary. Like most men, there are certain types that do it for me and some that don't. I just don't feel the need to comment on those preferences here where someone's feelings might be hurt. It's unnecessary and cruel.

As far as some of the comments made by some folks, when I read them I remove my fingers from the keyboard, roll my eyes and continue on. Nothing I write is going to change their view, no matter how eloquently I might phrase it, because more than a few folks take a opposing view as 'mean' or 'hateful'. What's the point of that? I just try to let it slide. In those few instances where I might be moved to reply, I attempt to write something that is thoughtful and (hopefully) non-confrontational. Life is too short to be making enemies. Or allowing others to upset you.

Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one and most of them stink. If you need to remove yourself from the fray for a while, you certainly know yourself better than any of us can.
Well everyone I am back. Thanks so much for the support and kind words everyone. A few weeks before I took a break I skimmed through what can only be described as the ultimate train wreck to end all train wrecks. Not on this board, it was from another city. One of the replies in that thread suggested that the woman involved take a vacation from ECCIE for a while because she had clearly gotten over her head, lost perspective, and was basically shooting herself with every flaming reply she posted. She chose not to take the advice given her, but the day I asked to disable my account for a while, I thought about that post and thought it sounded like some good advice worth taking.

I am very glad I did. I did in fact completely lose perspective, and it really goes back starting several months ago. Last month it came to a head, and I found myself about as close to a relapse as it gets without taking the last step. The who, what, and why really doesn't matter. What mattered most to me was how I reacted, and realizing that I needed to step back and get myself under control.

The time I spent away from here has definitely done me some good. Its good to be back, and I think its safe to say my head is screwed on straight again. Or at least, its as straight as its ever going to get LOL

Missed you guys.

PS. Thank you again, and AGAIN to the awesome men who made the Christmas food and toy drive a success again. Please remember, the food drive never ends. Food donations are gratefully accepted every day of the year.
I'm glad your back babe
Always glad to see someone refresh and ready to go.

Regardless of the nasty past stuff...good for you in taking a break and coming back strong!!!
Welcome back doll! Good to see you in better spirits! *hugs*

Welcome back honey....
Glad to hear your back and refreshed!!!
love2fishfork's Avatar
Welcome Back!