Instead of, they are getting 145 miles of Trump's wall that we are still waiting for Mehico to pay for

Big T likes to say those things to get the libs all worked up. Heehee And he does a great job of it! Some people just cannot appreciate the genius that is Trump. Oh well.
Dev Null's Avatar
If a Democrat had spent that kind of money on a so-called defense system that could be easily gotten around with a $100 item from Home Depot, Republicans would unleash no end of grief.

Instead they chalk it up to Trump's genius in psyching out liberals.

What more proof do you need that Republicans have deteriorated from their fiscally responsible roots into an authoritarian personality cult?
"And I agree with you on people calling Republicans fascists and fake patriots. That is wrong."

That is because Republicans, such as William Cohen, once Secretary of Defense, David Brooks, George Will, a few governors, Mitt Romney are true Republicans. The Trump supporters core beliefs are not Republican as it has existed from day one. In the beginning the Rep. party was the party of thinkers, sort of a reebellious group. It has now been hijacked and now is more of a mob , or cult who devote blind allegiance to a leader.
Precious_b's Avatar

What more proof do you need that Republicans have deteriorated from their fiscally responsible roots into an authoritarian personality cult? Originally Posted by Dev Null
That's hitting below the belt.
Both sides can point fingers at the other side wasting $$$.
But rarely do you get to see the example of a current Prez out dspending the former and *STILL* attacking the former even though he is wasting mega more bucks.
Agent220's Avatar
Yall have read the cartels have started using saws to cut through the newly built parts of the border wall right?
Precious_b's Avatar
History is full of accounts of failed walls and barriers:
Wall surrounding Harare, Hadrians, maginot and Siegfried line, Berlin Wall.

Now our beloved Fearless Leaders token Wall.
Just a trip to Home Depot....
The Great Wall of China is still standing after all this time.

History is full of accounts of failed walls and barriers:
Wall surrounding Harare, Hadrians, maginot and Siegfried line, Berlin Wall.

Now our beloved Fearless Leaders token Wall.
Just a trip to Home Depot.... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
The Great Wall of China failed to keep out invaders.

The Great Wall of China failed to keep out invaders. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
Precious_b's Avatar
Groovy J, I didn't want to humiliate Ellen with that reply. That's why I didn't list it.
I was only going to state that the American people wouldn't be hot to have a 2,000 year time frame to build one.
Hell, I didn't even mention the cordoned (sp) off area of the West Bank. As good as the Israelis are, the Palestinians still have a lucrative business smuggling in stuff. And that naturally leads to the fact that if you can get stuff in, you can do that same with people.

Walls don't work. Period.
Just like strategic bombing. At the point in WWII where the Allieds dropped the most tonnage of bombs, Germany had it's highest output of war material. But that's another story.
Well, thank you Precious. There will always be folks that try to circumvent whatever barrier is put up. No doubt about that. It's like apartment access gates. People think they are there for security reasons. They are not. They are cosmetic only - but for the most part they serve their purpose as a deterrent to crime. However, some folks still sneak in when the gates open or they will just use a blow torch and remove the obstacle in order to trespass onto the property. Remember, nothing is perfect!

Groovy J, I didn't want to humiliate Ellen with that reply. That's why I didn't list it.
I was only going to state that the American people wouldn't be hot to have a 2,000 year time frame to build one.
Hell, I didn't even mention the cordoned (sp) off area of the West Bank. As good as the Israelis are, the Palestinians still have a lucrative business smuggling in stuff. And that naturally leads to the fact that if you can get stuff in, you can do that same with people.

Walls don't work. Period.
Just like strategic bombing. At the point in WWII where the Allieds dropped the most tonnage of bombs, Germany had it's highest output of war material. But that's another story. Originally Posted by Precious_b
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The Great Wall of China is still standing after all this time. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The Great Wall was not useful unless it was manned 24x7. Give me a ladder and I'm over it in seconds. Same as Trump's wall. Give me a reciprocating saw from the Home Depot and I'm through it in seconds.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, thank you Precious. There will always be folks that try to circumvent whatever barrier is put up. No doubt about that. It's like apartment access gates. People think they are there for security reasons. They are not. They are cosmetic only - but for the most part they serve their purpose as a deterrent to crime. However, some folks still sneak in when the gates open or they will just use a blow torch and remove the obstacle in order to trespass onto the property. Remember, nothing is perfect! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Apartment access gates keep cars from entering the property, not people. There are unsecure access gates for people on foot to enter the property.
Speed, people think they are there for security reasons.
That's the reason properties installed them in the first place. But like I said, they are really cosmetic. However, you don't just get free access to the property. You get an access code to enter after you have been qualified and approved to move in.

And if you are talking about the pedestrian walk thru doors - they should be secured. Residents usually get a code or a key when they move it. But again there will be some nefarious individuals who will try to sneak in and do damage to people or property.

Apartment access gates keep cars from entering the property, not people. There are unsecure access gates for people on foot to enter the property. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ha! Well, you're in better shape then I am.

The Great Wall was not useful unless it was manned 24x7. Give me a ladder and I'm over it in seconds. Same as Trump's wall. Give me a reciprocating saw from the Home Depot and I'm through it in seconds. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX