
myren1900's Avatar
Even If bad service? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
While wages for waiters are low, the whole point of tipping is to entice good service. Standard tip used to be 15%. Now restaurants are pushing 18-20%.
If service is substandard, tip less. Leaving less tha 10% is only reasonable in instances where the service is way below expected standards IMHO. I feel the p lace is extremely busy, I'll give them a break of course.
RagunCaucasian's Avatar
I talked to a waitress while eating breakfast at an IHOP one morning and asked her about the percentage tip, comparing the size of a check at IHOP compared to the average check at a Copeland Restaurant and she said to me that she made more money waiting tables at IHOP than many RNs make. Go figure.
SknyDiva's Avatar
In what dream world are you living in?! Did you even read my post? She fucking lied to you.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Or you're lying.
RagunCaucasian's Avatar
Why would I lie? Do you actually believe all waitresses live on paupers wages?
RagunCaucasian's Avatar
It's apparent you have never been to the IHOP off hwy 190 between Covington and the Causeway Bridge in the morning with customers waiting in line to be seated. Just because your daughter had a bad situation doesn't mean all servers have it bad.
SknyDiva's Avatar
No. I believe that you are missing the point.
I can't tell you how much I dislike the french.
The French gave us the Satanic Metric System, so yeah, FU froggies!
RagunCaucasian's Avatar
No. I believe that you are missing the point. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
I went back and read your post and agree with most of what you said
However,I think the point of this thread revolved around tipping waiters and waitresses and how your tipping is affected when you think the service is lacking. I agree things outside the servers control do happen and I usually can see that and not let it affect my decision concerning tipping.

I had a wife who once waited tables at a couple of really nice restaurants in Lafayette. She was a very good waitress , liked her job and made a decent income. She supported herself and two boys on that income. Occasionally she would complain about people that would stiff her but most of the time she bragged about the big tipper that overshadowed the stiffs.
DallasRain's Avatar
I used to waitress wayyyyy back...hated it! I made decent money except for when I waitressed at a tittie bar,then most of my tips went to the doorman & bartender!
My daughter used to work at Salu...she never made under 100 bucks a nite tips....just depends on the restaurant!
Basically It went downhill after I was seated when the waitress came. However the person seating me was nice. I was dining alone. The waitress gave me the menu and poured me a gobbler of water. She never spoke. Came back took my order, brought me the food without having anything to say. Restaurant was not busy.
When helping the other diners she wouldn't stop talking. She never brought me the check. When done I walked to the front and paid after waiting on the check. Oopsie I didn't go back Inside and leave her a tip. Guess I'm the bad guy
For some reason I felt bad for not leaving a tip, but I got over It.
Do you tip the Uber driver if the inside of their vehicle is dirty?
Dirty stained seats. Dog hair. Trash on the floor and not to mention the smell
of cigarette smoke.

I hate cigarette smoke!
Audreyg's Avatar
At restaurants I tip a minimum of 20%, even for service that sucks. I haven't had any truly awful experiences that have challenged that though! I guess my thoughts are that when I go out to eat I expect it to cost whatever my meal is plus the 20% I plan to leave, so I don't think to tip less than that. Basically if the person brought me my food I leave 20%. Most of the time I tip 25-30%

When I was younger and had less cash though, I tipped way less! Like 10-15%. I could barely afford to eat out let alone leave a large tip. I guess the main factor that determines how much I tip is my finances at the time.
^Well she never said a word to me but she did bring out the food.
I would have thought she was a mute waitress but she was conversing
with all the other fair skinned diners.

They always say a certain group of folks never tip, well in this situation they're right. I was not going to reward her with a tip
for treating me less than. It was a simple courtesy to at least fake it and speak to me. She chose that job.
I was dining alone so it was clear to me what her issue was.
It does no good to complain to management when they are not like me b/c they would never understand.
What Is the proper etiquette on tipping
when you've had subpar service with the waitress at a 5 star
Am I wrong for expecting exceptional service from the waitress, I
mean she Is the one who chose the job.

Some of these folks act like It will add
another wrinkle on their face If they greeted you with a smile Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting exceptional service from a 5 star restaurant. Servers there should be held to a higher standard. And this is coming from someone who almost never tips less than 20%