Officer darren wilson should be what?

Kinda hard to play the race card against your own race... Originally Posted by WTF
So called "Uncle Toms" strongly disagree.
LexusLover's Avatar

It is also true most white people do not know what it feels like growing up harassed by police that are of a different race. Originally Posted by WTF
That is not to say that some "white people" do not know "what it feels like"!

Some "white people" do not know what it feels like growing up harassed by their parents' boss that are from a different country with the fear that if they don't do as the boss tells them they will be turned into immigration and sent back home to their country of origin. You are "white" aren't you?
LexusLover's Avatar
So called "Uncle Toms" strongly disagree. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You do realize that WTF is an admitted racist ....

..... who wants everyone else to be one so he "feels" better about his attitude.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 11-29-2014, 01:07 PM
Assigned to animal control.

Maybe; A police officer should be able to outsmart a stupid 18 year old belligerent teenager. That the world is not just nails.
Assigned to animal control.

Maybe; A police officer should be able to outsmart a stupid 18 year old belligerent teenager. That the world is not just nails. Originally Posted by Brot
I'm sure he did "out smart" him.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2014, 02:20 PM
You do realize that WTF is an admitted racist ....

..... who wants everyone else to be one so he "feels" better about his attitude. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do realize that you are lying don't you?

I have posted links showing studies where we are all have bias, be it race, age or sexism.

Please show other wise or just please STFU with that distortion.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2014, 02:27 PM
That is not to say that some "white people" do not know "what it feels like"!

Some "white people" do not know what it feels like growing up harassed by their parents' boss that are from a different country with the fear that if they don't do as the boss tells them they will be turned into immigration and sent back home to their country of origin. You are "white" aren't you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are just proving my point. Folks can see the exact same thing...except they see it through a different lens. Some are just not smart enough to grasp that concept. Another point you are driving home.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are just proving my point. Originally Posted by WTF
The only point I would prove with you is the one revealed by removing your hat.

Please don't try so hard to be relevant and "on point" by changing the topic.

Your racism and the racism of others (if it exists in others) has NOTHING to do with Officer Wilson's career opportunities (or even his decision to shoot Brown). Since you don't know much about those things, it's probably better for you not to comment on them.

Quit trying to make everyone a racist to make yourself feel better.
LexusLover's Avatar
A police officer should be able to outsmart a stupid 18 year old belligerent teenager. Originally Posted by Brot
"stupid" and "18-year-old" is redundant.

In this context Brown was not and is not a "teenager" ... he's an adult.

Your word selection is about as bias as Obaminable's use of "killing"! It demonstrates your underlying prejudgment of the situation, just like Obaminable's, who DOES KNOW BETTER because he's the con law professor!
politebluefish's Avatar
Officer Darren Wilson should ... be offered a book deal. Support him or loathe him, people would read it.
Actually there is a Denver cop who has shot 3 suspects dead and is still on the street!

IMO his "career in Ferguson" is not "ruined." A "problem" is that (contrary to seemingly "popular" belief) an officer who has shot someone in the line of duty is a "risk" to another agency, primarily because of the "popular belief" that once he has shot someone it is "easier" the second time. Actually, IMO the reverse is truer and the "hesitation" in a 2nd incident by the officer is often considered a danger to his fellow officers ... meaning when confronted with another "shoot or don't shoot" decision his past bad experience and the way he feels about it may make him hesitate ... putting himself and the other offices around him in jeopardy. Depending upon his education, knowledge, and skills (as well as "trainability") he could be moved to a detective position and "off the streets" where he is less likely to have a "shoot or don't shoot' decision to make. Whatever ... he probably should not be put back on the street for a good period of time to get his head straight. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, I just heard on the news that officer Wilson has resigned.
Gone gone gone..
Actually there is a Denver cop who has shot 3 suspects dead and is still on the street! Originally Posted by SkylerScarlett
All of the dead were innocent little chilrens... right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

It is also true most white people do not know what it feels like growing up harassed by police that are of a different race.

Originally Posted by WTF
stop making excuses for Jesse and Sharpton. do you actually believe those *Staff Edit - JCM anyway?

race relations are completely the fault of the black race. their kids grow up to be thugs and they immediately blame whitey. the blame is on them. they don't respect the Rule of Law. they are welfare bums. they kill each other by the thousands. why is that the fault of white people? it isn't. never was and never will be.