Pierced Kittys....

Caitlyn, I hope I have better luck as far as functionality is concerned, but I am looking forward to the pretty decoration.

If Reese wants to get if done, I'll gladly pay for it as long as she lets me watch having it done. That woman is so darn pretty. Originally Posted by oleguy
Thank you.

Reese, I will go with you and hold your hand. It does not hurt at all. It hurts worse to get your ears pierced. The hood is just a flap of very thin skin, with little to no nerve endings. The needle is so sharp you really don't feel a thing. If it hurts, I'll buy.

I love mine, but I do not wear it all the time. I usually only wear it upon request because it's a love it or hate it thing with guys. As far as extra stimulation, no, you won't have spontaneous orgasms. I do get extra stimulation, esp. if I am wearing tight jeans. But that's just me, I have heard other ladies say that it did nothing for them, as well. Originally Posted by Dannie
Let's have a Reese Hood Piercing Party! Dannie how long can you leave it out before it closes for good?

Reese, I will be happy to hold your hand for the procedure. And road test it afterwards. Originally Posted by steverino50

Steverino, I didn't forget you.. you are my hero!
Jasinda's Avatar
I'm serious. I'm wondering where you get this done? A shop? Dr.'s Office? Mall? Originally Posted by KatherineJones
I got mine done at Tiger Moon on NW Hwy. As Reese said, tattoo and piercing studios, but be careful and make sure they are licensed.

Jasinda's Avatar
Let's have a Reese Hood Piercing Party! Dannie how long can you leave it out before it closes for good? Originally Posted by reese foster
Hope you don't mind me responding, Reese, but even though I haven't worn anything in mine in months, it's still pierced. I just checked, LOL. I don't think they close once they've healed, like most earlobe piercings.

May I attend the Reese Hood Piercing Party?

gucio's Avatar
  • gucio
  • 08-02-2010, 09:38 AM
How do you remove a piercing ?

plug it up with mud & cement like BP ?

BTW I don't like them at all ( the metal attachments). Any "decoration" on nipples will guarantee non return and no visit if I know beforehand.

I don't even like them in photographs. Can never understand why would someone do it.
oglfp12's Avatar
I'm old fashioned. (Perhaps because I'm old.) Anyway, I find pierced nipples and kitties to be distracting to the point of a turn off. Sorry . . .
Hope you don't mind me responding, Reese, but even though I haven't worn anything in mine in months, it's still pierced. I just checked, LOL. I don't think they close once they've healed, like most earlobe piercings.

May I attend the Reese Hood Piercing Party?

Originally Posted by EbonyBabeUTR

Yes, of course, Jas. I wonder what the guys in the shop would think about all of us showing up for my piercing? Lmao!
Clit hoods, nipples, tongues....damn! Never found any of them to be attractive or necessary. It's always been sufficient for me if the woman I'm attracted to has a sensuous, fun personality, one pair of breasts capped with responsive nipples, one vagina and a mouth that likes being wrapped around a friendly dick. Can someone give me a witness!
Getting piercings are a personal choice, as is being attracted to those who have them. Just as it amazes some people as to why anyone would get it done, it amazes me that anyone would be turned off by something so simple. WALDT....thank goodness!
THE DANNIE has been keeping secrets.

Reese, I will go with you and hold your hand. It does not hurt at all. It hurts worse to get your ears pierced. The hood is just a flap of very thin skin, with little to no nerve endings. The needle is so sharp you really don't feel a thing. If it hurts, I'll buy.

I love mine, but I do not wear it all the time. I usually only wear it upon request because it's a love it or hate it thing with guys. As far as extra stimulation, no, you won't have spontaneous orgasms. I do get extra stimulation, esp. if I am wearing tight jeans. But that's just me, I have heard other ladies say that it did nothing for them, as well. Originally Posted by Dannie
I do get extra stimulation, esp. if I am wearing tight jeans. Originally Posted by Dannie
+1 Me too.

I also love it when I use a vibrator.
lightning's Avatar
I've known women that swear they are great to have, and bring them to more
and quicker orgasms, sometimes spontaneously, but not often.

Maybe they work better for some depending on your anatomy, age, and inclinations.
Harley*Jayden's Avatar
you are a solider girl ;') I couldnt let nothing go threw my little kitty like that sounds painful but so fucking sexy I admire your bravery to do it sweetie!!! my friends got infected ;/ i dunno what was going on with her though lol
i have my tounge and its awsome ;0
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Amen, brother Txcwby6. You're preachin' to the choir!
I will never understand why the ladies go messin' with perfection.
Piercing, tatoos - bah!
lilsmurf's Avatar
I love a Ladies cooch being pierced, its sexy and kinky!
It also tells me where to come back to if I wander off.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Wynter Stark has a pierced hood and I could almost swear her clit gets extra stimulation when I dine on it. Anyway, it's nice and tasty down there and anything that can help a lady get hers is welcome in my book.