President Trump picks Ohio's J.D. Vance as Vice-President

Also my opinion. Candidates for POTUS pick a running mate who will bring strength to the ticket in areas where the candidate needs help. Trump picked Vance because he won a Senate seat (barely) in a midwestern state and hopes he can garner more support in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. His stance on abortion certainly won't win with suburban women. His position on other issues align fairly well with Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree.

But his life story is very compelling.

I am not sure of your age, but in my generation, the one VP pick that was 100% chosen to carry a major State was when JFK picked Lyndon Johnson. It was no secret that the two men hated each other. But Johnson just about owned Texas.
It had to be done, and it paid off……….Except for that fateful day in Dallas.
His life story sure is compelling! It is very interesting how he sold out his Appalachian heritage and then became a member of the Silicon Valley elite. Then stood up to MAGA for awhile and gave a false bit of hope to those looking for the GOP to stop idolizing a serial liar and con man. But then decided to become one himself since it has become the shortest and surest path to real power and riches. MAGA is right. There is a Deep State. JD is going to run it pretty soon.
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To no one's surprise.

Russia welcomes JD Vance's views on Ukraine after Donald Trump VP announcement

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday welcomed Sen. JD Vance’s (Ohio) position on U.S. military and economic support for Ukraine following former President Trump’s announcement he tapped the Ohio lawmaker as his running mate.

“He’s in favor of peace, he’s in favor of ending the assistance that’s being provided and we can only welcome that because that’s what we need — to stop pumping Ukraine full of weapons and then the war will end,” Lavrov said in a press conference Wednesday, according to a translation by Reuters.

Vance has repeatedly expressed concerns about continued U.S. military and financial support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia. He once said he doesn’t “care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”

The Ohio Republican has raised doubt the U.S. can carry on support to Ukraine, arguing the U.S. does not build enough munitions to sustain the level of assistance currently being given to Kyiv.

“We will work with any American leader, we will remain ready to work with any U.S. leader, who the U.S. people elect,” Lavrov said, if the leader is “willing to engage in equitable, mutually respectful dialogue,” per Reuters.

The Biden-Harris campaign said it was “no surprise” Russia was expressing support for Trump and Vance.

“Of course Vladimir Putin’s regime supports Donald Trump and JD Vance — Trump encouraged Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to our NATO allies, greenlit Putin’s expansion into Europe, and signaled to other dictators around the world that under a Trump-Vance administration the United States will not protect its allies or stand up for America’s core values in the world,” Biden-Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer said in a statement Wednesday.

Trump’s choice of Vance sparked alarm bells for some Ukraine supporters who are worried about the implications of the pick given his foreign policy viewpoints. It is not yet clear how much influence Vance would have on foreign policy should Trump win reelection in November.

Lavrov on Wednesday said he believes there was more dialogue between Russia and the White House under Trump, in contrast to the Biden administration.

“It was during the Trump presidency that the sanctions war began. It is fair to say that Obama started it, but sanctions increased during Trump’s presidency, both economic and diplomatic ones. But during that period, the dialogue at the highest level between Washington and us was underway. Right now, there is no such dialogue,” he said, per a translation from CNN.

Trump, who has claimed he had more friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, has repeatedly claimed that he could end Russia’s war in Ukraine in just 24 hours if he were the president. Originally Posted by Russian Cunts posting about their babushka