If you see backpage providers watch this...

Now that's crazy.............
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Why can't cops just stay out of it?? I really don't see how its hurting anyone Originally Posted by Alana Clark
Because baby, we make up about .00001% of the "prostitution world." Even the girls on this site are not all in this for the "right" reasons.

Of course when asked, why are you here? the replies would all say something like.... I love the people, I love the freedom, and of course one or two honest ones that just love the money. How many providers do you know that do this because they believe in it? (Take me totally out of this because I actually do believe in my little niche.)

Now stop being progressives and look at the other side of the coin before you spend it.

The vast, and I mean VAST majority of women and girls in this around the world are slaves. Not just slaves to the money, but true slaves. We live in a fantasy land quite literally. When I was new in 2003, I said something very taboo that got my butt reemed all the way down the block but I was right... and I'm right now. Almost 100% of any AMP girl is a slave. If they can't speak English, I'd bet the rent. If they speak broken English, it's almost assured. If they speak clearly, they have moved up in the organization and have a better life but probably are not in it for any other reason than it's all they know. If you AMP lovers want to go to the mat with me on this, let's dance. When I was still in the Coast Guard we busted a floating AMP off the coast of Fla. It started out as a routine safety stop (oh yes the government has been doing those forever on the water.) It wasn't quite right on board, so when we walked the boat we started seeing things that would indicate drugs. It was getting a little deeper than 3 BTM's could handle, so we withdrew and kept an eye on this thing. After about 3 months of watching them, one of our boys who OBVIOUSLY knew alllllllllllll about AMPS (lord what would his wife of said... and she put out too!) said,"drugs are secondary with this. We have a floating whore house slave ship in our bay." Well way to go Larry D, you were right.

It took Larry's private contacts to infiltrate the boat and what I learned about it was more than I ever wanted. If these poor girls had to do only 10 guys a day, it was a light day. They were beaten with military style blanket parties to cause the most pain without producing bruises. They were fed almost nothing, to keep them skinny (cuz we know how the TOAS lovers have to have their bones showing on the women they choose,) they were Kept addicted to serious drugs to keep them quiet and compliant, they all wore very, VERY heavy jewelery that would make them sink like a rock if they jumped over board.... and their faces... their faces were vacant hollow places where little girls once played.... but not anymore.

Their reasons for being there ranged from kidnapped to sold by their familys, to self enslaved to save their families. Ever watched TAKEN? Go watch it again before you go out and take part of that torture. Do you care about anything other than your dick guys?

Sorry, I was just back on that boat surrounded by these women. You all DON'T know what's happening anywhere after you leave. You don't.

THAT'S why the cops do this (besides being told too.) Guys if you get busted, it's your own fault for not sticking to what you know. But for the women it's not always a bad thing to get caught. These 14-25 year old CHILDREN are doing things to their psyche they can't possibly understand. I don't agree with LE involvement most of the time, especially in our little circles, but if one little girl is saved from something she TRULY doesn't want, then I wouldn't mind being scooped up in the same net that catches her. I have a great lawyer, and they are not interested in me. I choose this with my eyes open. Most do not.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I hear ya loud and clear, Kayla (on the forced AMP/sex slave life). It's a beautiful thing when the cops bust open those operations. Bravo! Great cop work. Rock on!

But don't come fucking with me because I'm trying to get a lil' bit with another consenting, fully compliant adult who has control of her circumstances. You or any other provider who controls her circumstances should NOT be 'scooped up' with anyone who's being treated like a slave. Why? Because that's a whole 'nother group of crimes, crimes that are being cloaked by prostitution. Kidnapping, torture, rape, starvation, and forced labor are crimes, PERIOD. There doesn't need to be a sex/money exchange fore these to be crimes. Hell, I can sell weed behind the scenes out of my bird food shop. That doesn't make selling bird food illegal. What would the cops say.

"We had Mr. Creed here and his shop under surveillance for some time now. We picked our spots and finally made our move using our undercover bird food buyer. We know him and his kind are using bird food shops as cover to other crimes. Nailing Mr. Creed is just the beginning. We're going after all disgusting bird food shop owners all over town and abroad!"

Selling bird food isn't illegal, as it shouldn't be because it doesn't have to be. Prostitution doesn't have to be illegal either, because it's not enough of an inconvenience to the average person. Now, if prostitution was so RAMPANT that the people not involved in it couldn't put food on their table, get power to their homes, and put clothing on their backs..then yeah. Let it be illegal. People use legal means to do illegal acts all the time. It doesn't make that legal act any less legal.

I hear what you're saying with cops and all. This post isn't aimed at YOU in any way, just generally speaking. Law enforcement can do their jobs of nailing perps of other crimes...REAL crimes, without using the excuse of prostitution. This business is such low hanging fruit to go after. The excuse of morality is BS, I think. If you ask me, charging ridiculous rates and silly, recurring fees on credit cards is immoral. Immoral as hell, even. Thing is, THERE ARE VICTIMS to the 'crime' of the credit card business. Families lose their mortgage and parents can't feed their kids because of outrageous credit card bills. When consumers aren't being nickled and dimed to death with hidden fees, they're late fees and 'CONVENIENCE' fees. Oh, because I'm paying OVER THE INTERNET, you're going to charge me 3 extra dollars? WTF?? This is technology! It's SUPPOSED to be easier NOW to pay a bill than it was 30 years ago. It's convenient for everybody to pay bills online. The payer, the payee, and even the guy who has to empty the dumpster. It's even convenient to the environment. But I digress.
doncock's Avatar
Louisville is a "convention town". I have spent MANY weeks there over the years and LE was always active trying to bust the out of towners who were out for some fun. My experience with providers there was not good. Poor quality, undependable and the type of chances you have with CL girls. Say thanks for our safe little community here.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Rambro, I agree. I probably agree more than you do in a way. We all get blinders on to our fantasy sometimes and it's important to see the other side... if for no other reason to keep perspective.

But hell yes I agree with stay the fuck out of my business. I run a better business than the government any day of the week. Well, then again the kids across the street with the lemonaid stand run a better business.

For the record, I'm on BP and I love it. It's the best place I've ever been. The men there seem to be so much nicer than I've met anywhere else. Pro's and con's to all really.
I have a friend who says, "you can either pay up front for it or pay out the a** later, you choose".

lol, I do believe he's been married before, lol lol.