Fuel City at 3:00am, amazing...

Adonis's Avatar
What's supposed to be scary about Fuel City? Originally Posted by jdkees
~Some of the clientele and/or those there to hustle the clientele at those late night after bar hours.
jdkees's Avatar
~Some of the clientele and/or those there to hustle the clientele at those late night after bar hours. Originally Posted by Adonis
That is so remarkably vague I just can't even.

Come again?

That is so remarkably vague I just can't even.

Come again?

. Originally Posted by jdkees
Adonis is trying to say that you get a "approached" by people wanting something from you: panhandlers, drunks, druggies, robbers, etc.

I heard of a guy from a CHL class that went there after a concert around midnight to get gas and had to shoot somebody to defend himself and his family after the perp drew his gun.

If you've ever been to this place you could see how it's the poster child for gas station "shenanigans". If you want to pump gas on the wild side, this place is for you.
Fuel City isn't for everybody....but...who DOESN'T like a taco after the bar/before the club?

Plus...practice your 2nd Amendment right and have an RBF and no one will mess with you.

Side note: To make the BEST elotes en vaso at home, use corn, crema mexicana, cotija, 1-2 lime wedges, valentina, and butter. It took me a while to perfect it, and I can only eyeball, so can't provide measurements, BUT - you won't regret it. And cotija is better than Parmesan.
They sale those tacos for like $1.00 / taco in a million other places around the metroplex too
Fuel City is just busy like quicktrip x10. Pump your gas & watch the show.... its culturalistic (:
Crzytxn's Avatar
You folks gotta understand the area. You have homeless folks, drunks, beggars, and criminals. Add to that the truck drivers, and the folks who work down there at night. It's not my idea of a fun place to go with the family. If you do go down there though, be sure to carry your weapon. ( If your licensed to carry ) You just might need it
Diznutz's Avatar
Bambi am going to have to book a session with you to have a taste of your elote...but dont worry, I'll bring the tacos de lengua!