America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is exactly the point. Kim had the president of the US kissing his ass.

And the success of the Trump stunt ? Absolute zero. Actually less than that since the prestige of the presidency was damaged. Originally Posted by VitaMan

old Vulcan proverb .. "Only Nixon could go to China"

thank you valued poster.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
What did Trump accomplish on that bizarre trip ? N. Korea never stopped their nuclear weapons program. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trump accomplished the same thing Dennis Rodman did when he went there to meet with the little crazy dwarf which was nothing but attention that attention whores like them crave. You don't get any credit for that to me when it is just self-serving bullshit to see that little weirdo. Hell, I bet South Korean leaders know it is a waste of time to talk to that man and that's just a simple drive up North for them.

Anyway, back on topic. I found the article to be interesting. I didn't know the numbers would be like they were. I actually thought Trump and Biden would be viewed relatively closer than that by the rest of the world. It's both telling and pathetic that others even know what a piece of shit Trump is more than many of the clueless people in this country.
VitaMan's Avatar
Bringing up Nixon in this thread ?


doesn't even deserve a ba
Since the current leader became supreme leader of North Korea in 2011, Trump is the only American president to kiss Kim Jung Un's ass.
Get back on topic.
who else did NK play?

Truman? (who had the ultimate chance stop NK)
Ronnie The Great?
Bushy I?
Bushy II?
Insane Hussein?

name one of the 12 presidents above that actually met NK in person.

thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
tman1847's Avatar
“a median of 77% describe Biden as well-qualified to be president, compared with 16% who felt this way about Trump.”

WOW so people thought that someone with 40+ years of political experience was more qualified than someone with no experience. Dam, can’t sneak anything past those Europeans

“Whereas a median of just 34% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S. last year, a median of 62% now hold this view."
And recent polls of American Citizens state 71% feel this country is headed in the wrong direction.

As Oilfieldace so brilliantlt stated “Why would we care what other countries think ? Why should we use their opinion as a yardstick for the safety and security of America.”

How many times did you hear Trump say “He respected foreign leaders who took advantage of our country” It was their job to take care of their country. He was going to do the same for the US.

Ever hear Biden say that?

I’m sure that swayed foreign opinion of Trump

“It's both telling and pathetic that others even know what a piece of shit Trump is more than many of the clueless people in this country.”

Typical of your posts, but you always state that Biden and Trump are both pieces of shit. But end your post calling Trump followers as ignorant. Never have I seen a Trump follower on here state that Trump had a great personality or great “tweets”. I believe they would all agree that Trumps big mouth lost the election, Biden didn’t win it.

But they do compare Trump’s first 20 months vs. Biden’s first 20 months

But you never state how ignorant the Biden followers are on here who continue to defend Biden's horrible performance. As Biden stated “The Buck stops here” (that one accepts responsibility and will not try to give it to someone else)

How can they defend Biden’s performance so far and you not call them ignorant, are you bias? (prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.)

Based on performance, your so called ignorant Trump followers would prefer Trump over Biden in 2024 if it came to that. God help us all!

Hopefully the republican’s nominate someone better. But what about the DNC? They haven’t let the dems choose a candidate in the last 3 elections. If they turn their back on Harris, won’t that cause an uproar. If she’s nominated we will have a republican president
biomed1's Avatar
Of the following. . . .
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Precious_b's Avatar
who else did NK play?

Truman? (who had the ultimate chance stop NK)
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Truman played Mac. If Harry would have let him have his way, none of this would have ever happened.

old Vulcan proverb .. "Only Nixon could go to China"

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wrong. My fathers friend beat Nixon to China. He was the one that setup all the nice communication stuff so that we all here could see Dick get off the plane when it landed.
ICU 812's Avatar
How other nations view each other in general has shifted a lot in the past few years.

My view of Canada and Canadians has changed a great deal since 2019.

The Pandemic brought out significant differences in their concept of freedom and what a free society is. While I was really disturbed by societal disruptions and governmental over reach here in the USA, Caneda was significantly worse in my view. The Trucker's protest was among the worst display ao arbitrary eutherian abuse of power. Recent efforts to erradicate ownership of firearms is another red-flag issue.