No public transportation to Arlington?!?!

Phrodo's Avatar
Hey, I am a member of the public, and for bbbj's, hell I can provide transportation. Get it---public transportation!
pyramider's Avatar
I was living in Vegas. So... In comparison..
I used to live in New York.. I know nothing will compare to that, but.. After a year in Vegas and before that North Carolina and before that Los Angeles, well..
Maybe it's just where in Dallas that I decided to live. It's very easy for me to get around without a car.

Eventually I'll drive again.. I just have to learn how to not drive so fast. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Get a bike.
One provider told me that she uses Uber to get around Dallas. So maybe you can get uber or lyft in Arlington?
Billie Jene's Avatar
well then im gonna get a big giant foam finger thumb thats green and it states in bold LETTERS, I NEED A RIDE- as i hitch my way thur PT in arlington
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Arlington is the largest city in the US without public transportation. Originally Posted by Adonis
No means of transport in Arlington, but they had money for JerkyWorld.

One provider told me that she uses Uber to get around Dallas. So maybe you can get uber or lyft in Arlington? Originally Posted by gdwtwilight2000
Someone already gave me an uber code!

I may just have to rent a car for a weekend and see if I can keep it at the speed limit. I'm just so sick of paying speeding tickets! Lol. That's the only thing on my record, but it's like... Way more than one. Lol.
hemiman's Avatar

I may just have to rent a car for a weekend and see if I can keep it at the speed limit. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
If you're only doing the speed limit everyone is going to pass you.
If you're only doing the speed limit everyone is going to pass you. Originally Posted by hemiman
I always go over the speed limit and the police always seem to stop me!
When I did my taxes I went over what I spent on speeding tickets.. It was absurd! I could have taken a vacation through a safari.
Maybe I just have to get a "I donate to the police" sticker.. Do those even work?? Lol.
Wordsmith's Avatar
Not public but it is a bus ride to Cowboys games.
Not public but it is a bus ride to Cowboys games. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
I plan to use that on Dec 28th unless I find someone to take me before then!!!!
I'm looking more for six flags..
I'm thinking it's just time to be a big girl and slow down on the roads.
Back in the 80's Grand Prairie and Arlington fucked it up for the Metroplex when discussions came about to put a mass transit system in the DFW Metroplex to help alieve the future population and traffic woes. They did not want a half cent sales tax hike to pay for PT. However, they had no problem in approving tax hikes to pay for Horse track, sporting venues, etc. and other places. If they had approved it, the DFW area would have a completely different landscape and transportation environment. I love my truck, but if I drive 100-150 miles per day from home to work. If I could take the light rail back n forth, especially when I don't feel well, I would.

Oahu has the best Bus system ever! No need for a car and now they are putting in a light rail system to take people across the island to alleviate the congestion on the 2 highways.
Actually there is public transportation in Arlington, but it's pretty small.
The MAX (metro arlington xpress) can pick you up from the Centreport TRE station and take you around - but again, it's a pretty small route.
I'm one of the "they" in Arlington -- and that's how we voted. It's worked out pretty well: Ballpark paid off early, Stadium on the same track, lots of infrastructure completed for the SuperBowl (more on the way every time a major event is signed . . .).

Plus we've got some spectacular providers!
MooneyFlyer - I'm totally aware of how PT can bring down a lot of pros about an area and bring in a lot of negatives.. I don't necesarily think a rural area needs PT. I think it's a bad idea.. House market lowers, crime rises..
But a work commuter where you have one spot you can drive to get yo central Dallas and a few stops at the major attractions seem like something one would want.

Where my parents live, tooooootal suburbs... There is no bus at all. There is also no sports arena or amusement park. There are lakes, bays, snowball stands.. Lol.

Anyway, how long does it take to get out of the parking lot after a Cowboys game??
In Arlington, if you can drive to the TRE station, you can get to Dallas with massive light rail or bus access or to Fort Worth. If you need to get to Arlington, take the train to Centreport and take the MAX bus to Cowboy stadium, UTA or parts along the way. Otherwise, LYFT is a very good alternative to taxis.