Republican incompetence

dirty dog's Avatar
The voters elected them to cause chaos, and shut down the government? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Well yes in a sense, they were voted in to counter the progressive ideology which was pulling the country to the ultra left. They were voted in to stop this ideology shift and if doing requires the government to be shut down then that's what they were put in office to do
LovingKayla's Avatar
How exactly did ANYONE drop the debt? It's over 18 TRILLION that they REPORT. I'm getting kind of concerned about you guys.

OH and no the Fing repukes (I disavow republicans, and I just plain don't usually like dems) havent done shit except betray and steal. Oh wait.... that's a politician thing.

And gutting dems out will do nothing. You have to replace all the top muzzies that oboma has put in power. We are supposed to be Americans. Why the hell can't we work together. The muzzie shit is bad. Really bad. Do we agree with that? I think there has been only 1 shooting in the last couple years that wasn't done by a muzzie. What's worse is trying to blame white or christians. Why would anyone TRY TO BLAME without all the facts yet? Conspiracy theory? I think not.
LovingKayla's Avatar
hey PS

"It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes."~ George Soros
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
hey PS

"It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes."~ George Soros Originally Posted by LovingKayla
that's actually a paraphrase of one of Soro's heroes .. Joseph Stalin

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

not surprised at all that Soros would use that quote.

that's actually a paraphrase of one of Soro's heroes .. Joseph Stalin

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

not surprised at all that Soros would use that quote.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Keep in mind, a lot of the entertainment industry and many Progressives of the late 1940's and early 1950's were totally anamored with this brutal tyrant and his "socialist utopia".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keep in mind, a lot of the entertainment industry and many Progressives of the late 1940's and early 1950's were totally anamored with this brutal tyrant and his "socialist utopia". Originally Posted by Jackie S
yes, they were. which means that Joe McCarthy was actually right. and many members of the communist party in America were disillusioned when Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler. while we know now neither intended to abide by it, at the time it seemed like this guy ...

"Peace in our time" .. NOT

Case in point... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yep, utterly clueless.....none of the right wing radicals has a single comment to refute one word of Brooks' op-ed. They are the party of incompetence and cluelessness. All talk, nothing ever accomplished, complete idiots. They control the House of Representatives of the United States of America and they can't even figure out who is going to be the Speaker. The man who had the job is leaving because of the utterly dysfunctional nature of the institution...a direct result of the Tea Party whackadoos....this century's version of the Know-Nothings. And Paul Ryan doesn't want the job because he knows that he will be dealing with the idiots who caused the melt-down in the first place.

The GOP is a joke right now....fools on a fool's errand because people like Ted Cruz have robbed true conservatives interested in actually favor of right wing radicals whose only interest is in stirring shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is Fukin' funny.

I hope there are enough members on here who have seen "A Clockwork Orange" to appreciate this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
one of my favorites. have it on DVD. right up there with Dr Strangelove. classics

Keep in mind, a lot of the entertainment industry and many Progressives of the late 1940's and early 1950's were totally anamored with this brutal tyrant and his "socialist utopia". Originally Posted by Jackie S
What the fuck does this have to do with anything related to the OP? We're talking about the utterly dysfunctional nature of your party. What the fuck does your Joe McCarthy redux on the red scare have to do with shit? No offense, but usually you make sense. This post...doesn't.
How exactly did ANYONE drop the debt? It's over 18 TRILLION that they REPORT. I'm getting kind of concerned about you guys.

OH and no the Fing repukes (I disavow republicans, and I just plain don't usually like dems) havent done shit except betray and steal. Oh wait.... that's a politician thing.

And gutting dems out will do nothing. You have to replace all the top muzzies that oboma has put in power. We are supposed to be Americans. Why the hell can't we work together. The muzzie shit is bad. Really bad. Do we agree with that? I think there has been only 1 shooting in the last couple years that wasn't done by a muzzie. What's worse is trying to blame white or christians. Why would anyone TRY TO BLAME without all the facts yet? Conspiracy theory? I think not. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Kayla, get into rehab or something. You make zero sense darling.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What the fuck does this have to do with anything related to the OP? We're talking about the utterly dysfunctional nature of your party. What the fuck does your Joe McCarthy redux on the red scare have to do with shit? No offense, but usually you make sense. This post...doesn't. Originally Posted by timpage
says the idiot who supports the party of the KKK, and who opposed the ending of slavery. and your idiot ass would call me a racist? right!!
Luckily, I can't read your response Whacko Kid since you're blocked because you never post up anything worth fucking louder you racist douchenozzle shitbag.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Luckily, I can't read your response Whacko Kid since you're blocked because you never post up anything worth fucking louder you racist douchenozzle shitbag. Originally Posted by timpage
and even if i had you on ignore your tittie avatar would still be visible. that's your only positive contribution here. and since you "claim" to have me on ignore you won't mind if i call you a

i mean, you'll never know right?

Still haven't seen one coherent statement refuting anything David Brooks states. I'll safely assume that the usual idiotic banter of those I have blocked doesn't rise to the level of anything requiring a response.

Nobody has anything?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Still haven't seen one coherent statement refuting anything David Brooks states. I'll safely assume that the usual idiotic banter of those I have blocked doesn't rise to the level of anything requiring a response.

Nobody has anything? Originally Posted by timpage
So you're saying that you didn't read my response...