Wicked Whitmer

  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2020, 07:42 AM
just as Mayor on High deblasio was photographed out at his gum for a workout after finally imposing NYC lockdown.

the Usual Democrat Hypocrisy - may be a new acronym - "UDH"!!
Classic do as I say, not as I do...she should pay a fine for breaking the rules, and be publicly censured. Originally Posted by friendly fred
and made to apologize - profusely

when the dim judge in dallas made apology to a politician a condition of release for the hair salon owner it was strikingly similar to how the communist chinese require apologetic submission as well

recall, if you will, the chinese actress fan bingbing

she was made to issue an apology, although still hidden, either in prison or under duress of some sort

she was made to credit the communist party for her success and abjectly declare she had undergone a deep self-reflection and introspection for her failures

you got your mind right. luke? yeah I got it right, I got it right boss.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Literally every one of these Democrats from politicians to pundits like Chris Cuomo who broke quarantine while telling others to stay home, has violated the very rules they are demanding the rest of us adhere to including Barack Obama. Barack is out playing golf while Michele is doing a PSA telling everybody to stay home unless it is essential that you go out. I guess golf to Barack is like getting a haircut for the Mayor of Chicago, essential if they do it but not if you do it.


Former President Barack Obama was photographed golfing over the weekend, which some are saying contradicts former first lady Michelle Obama’s call two days later for residents of Washington, D.C., to stay inside.
“Remember, we urge you to stay home except if you need essential healthcare, essential food or supplies, or to go to your essential job,” Mrs. Obama said in a Monday phone message. “Thank you, and please stay home, D.C.”
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2020, 11:44 AM
Dem politicians know to themselves that they are the law - and the people must submit to their rule, and be grateful for it.

The correllation wit the CCP is a valid one - and they want to institute CCP style totalitarian rule in america to transform it in to their "Vision"!.

Orwell wrote their "Vision" in a book - 1984!