Escortsite DNS help - other hosting services

Magnific, out of curiosity, if a lady wanted to leave your services, and she paid you for her domain, will you transfer her domain to her or does she have to start over with a new domain?

This lady's best bet is to have a real site built from scratch by a real web site designer who knows not to go against a company's terms of service and risk that provider's hard-earned money being thrown away when her site gets shut down, unless you have somewhere in your terms of service that you will give a full refund if that were to happen. Also, when you buy your domain, make sure to privately register it. Yes, someone can dig if they have the means to dig that hard.
Originally Posted by Annie Adorable
I am glad you brought this up,because no matter how much it's argued reality is when you use the host's software to build a website, it does severely limit your options.

Hosting sites like wix/yahoo/etc make their software extremely easy to use for people with no website design knowledge. They are clever as this is how they attract and keep their clients.The problem's begin if you want to move to a cheaper, and or faster host. You can keep your domain name, but the site that was built with wix/yahoo/etc can never be moved .

Even if you love your host, and never wish to leave it. It can be sold, go out of business, or tighten their policy on adult content at any time .Once again when you lose the host you lose the site .The domain name is yours, but that is not where all the work is.

Software offered by hosting sites is great for people like me who like to create their own site, and do not mind the limitations that come with a freebie. But, If I were paying I would personally expect a site with more options, and a brighter future My advice to anyone who wants to make their money building websites is to learn to use software that is independent from any hosts. The old excuse that professional site are hard to update is no longer valid as I have noticed more designers offering software to go with their clients site , so they can easily make changes once its complete
That is what is so cool about software it is always changing. If a person is willing to learn, and update the options can be endless.:trampolin e:
AH Ha...Speaking of Vendettas ...KA arrives..

Next I am sure it will be your Cohort...who's name starts with an A ....

Hosting sites like wix/yahoo/etc make their software extremely easy to use for people with no website design knowledge. They are clever as this is how they attract and keep their clients.The problem's begin if you want to move to a cheaper, and or faster host. You can keep your domain name, but the site that was built with wix/yahoo/etc can never be moved .

The last client I spoke to who had had a site built by a webmaster and was wanting to move the site to a different host. The webmaster informed them it would be no problem but the cost would be $1000 to do
The Client said but I paid you $1700 for the originally. The webmaster said ...and???
Also There was the client who had paid $2000 for her site and the webmaster placed the site on a server overseas for secure reasons. 4 months later and $2000 the webmaster was MIA and the server had gone down and wasn't working that lasted for 6 months so they came to me.

But, If I were paying I would personally expect a site with more options, and a brighter future .

If you were paying....but you aren't...also...

If you were to pay $700 to $1500 or more you still have no guarantees,
even when a webmaster builds the site and puts it on what ever server, the server it is put on can choose or change it's policies be sold,,,,etc etc etc...and take down anything it wishes.

The truth is that not all can afford that much , want to afford or care to spend that.... Especially when in a short time they may wish to revamp, redo or completely change their sites. Doing so with an expensive webmaster gets costly fast.

Beside the fact that offer the owner options to maintain the site (as many offer now) never really give you any control except to make changes. Also webmaster especially who do these type sites disappear like the wind, and take advantage of many lady's lack of knowledge about such. ( at a far greater price than I charge)

My services however...being at only a few hundred dollars, (less than many spend on a pair of shoes), with me they can have those options. For the $1000 the spend with a traditional webmaster built on his desk top and controlled by him...they can change, buy new and rebuild many time over. I am here been here and will remain here. My clients know how to find me, come to my home, call my number etc etc etc..

My advice to anyone who wants to make their money building websites is to learn to use software that is independent from any hosts.

And by "anyone" folks...SHE MEANS ME!

I am fully capable of building in Dreamweaver, Front-page, Publisher and a few other desk top applications.

I chose this way for reasons obviously beyond some folk comprehension.

But literally hundreds of my clients are satisfied with my business model.
I truly wish you would give it a rest about my abilities, business model and whatever short comings you think I bring to this industry. I don't know who you are , why what I do as a business bothers you so but this is getting to be an old song and dance.

You truly don't know me, my education, skills or mindset about what and how I conduct my business. You have not done business with me ( that I know of) and If you have and I have done you some dis-service tell me who you are and allow me to try and fix it. I deplore people who hide behind the shadow of a board handle to take pot shots at others. There may be some who know you...but on here to me you are an entity that claims verified status yet have no proof of it here...No reviews. no showcase, no website no location.

Just alot of talk on a board. 700+ post ...I admit I have surmised you are eloquent and smart from your writings but yet you are simply a shadow...A shadow it seems devoted to stalking my every post almost.
I may not be as smart, as educated or as eloquent but I am no coward hiding behind a shadow. I am honest and hardworking, I have a real passion for this industry and what I do to support it. If you don't see that about me that is because you are not wanting to.
I try not to treat other in a condescending manner. If someone is less educated than myself I still treat them respectfully. If They are more educated and I respect them I try to learn from them. Actually I believe I can learn from anyone and all folks. I have even learned from you. Mostly how not to condescend to folks and what an ugly thing intolerance is.

I truly pray you just leave me alone at some point...
I simply wrote in this thread just trying to help someone...maybe they didn't need my help but I still offered.
What it has become as usual is a lets just kick Tia around again. She stuck her head out of her hole her on ECCIE so lets eloquently with pretty words and underhanded comments just kick her in the teeth!

Yall can keep kick and kickin...I aint goin away.

Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
I know this may be hard to believe but you are not the only person who builds sites using a webhosts platform. My comments were mainly intended for people who are in the market for a site. Not everyone is that well informed on what the differences are, but they should be before they spend their money regardless of the amount.

I believe I have only had one issue with you, and that was because you were deliberately plagiarizing the the text of other escorts. I would never make fun of another s lack of education since mine is nothing to write home about. But, I honestly do believe that when anyone charges for a professional service the service itself should be flawless. If it is less than that is where practice and/ or classes of some type truly help. It seems like anytime anyone offers you advice, or points out a mistake/ typo you try to play the victim. Sometimes advice is just that advice. You can always ignore it , but I know that personally I learn the most when I take the time to listen to what I may not want to hear.

.I am sorry my lack of an ad bothers you. I am not local to the area, so do not feel the need to place one here. Anyone who wants to read my 700 plus posts will likely know I am legit, but I have to warn you those posts are awful boring,

I have to say I kind of miss Lucky lindon. How is the fellow doing. I assume you two are close since your writing styles were so much alike.
I know this may be hard to believe but you are not the only person who builds sites using a webhosts platform.
The original posters post was about moving a domain you and Annie have made it about this. The only reason you posted was to harass me. Certainly Play coy...

My comments were mainly intended for people who are in the market for a site. Not everyone is that well informed on what the differences are, ( and neither are you what make you the expert? I can assure you and everyone reading I have done far more research than you ever thought of doing on this subject )
but they should be before they spend their money regardless of the amount.

I believe I have only had one issue with you, and that was because you were deliberately plagiarizing the the text of other escorts.

I have never plagiarized other sites. The time you brought it up I told you I didn't write the copy and don't always write it. It is not my place to police my clients. It puts me in an adversarial position. SECONDLY just because copy scape says the copy is in two places it has no way of knowing who wrote what.
So You can accuse and name call all you want but I am not in need of plagiarizing material. I build 100s of sites a year and you found one site with similar wording to another. As I have pointed out to your cohort and you before. If I have to steal words... Explain why suddenly I would need to steal someones words for one site when I do 100s a year and most of those I do write. Although the one in question I did not.

I would never make fun of another s lack of education since mine is nothing to write home about. But, I honestly do believe that when anyone charges for a professional service the service itself should be flawless.

I am human and I make mistakes. If I ever have my clients are compensated. Things happen in business, hell in life in general. I see website online for major fortune 500 companies with typos and mis-spellings and not that it's ok it just happens..

or perfection is unattainable... But I try

If it is less than that is where practice and/ or classes of some type truly help. It seems like anytime anyone offers you advice, or points out a mistake/ typo you try to play the victim.
Katy if you wish to offer me advice in the future why not just PM me.WHY...because you far more prefer to point out any mistake I may make to humiliate and discredit. You like to accuse and assume you know things you do not.

Sometimes advice is just that advice. You can always ignore it , but I know that personally I learn the most when I take the time to listen to what I may not want to hear. You should listen to you own advice

.I am sorry my lack of an ad bothers you. I am not local to the area, so do not feel the need to place one here. Anyone who wants to read my 700 plus posts will likely know I am legit, but I have to warn you those posts are awful boring,
It's not your lack of ads.. It your cowardly way of hiding behind a fake name, a bunny picture although Natalie Woods better suited you as her reputation and yours are more closely aligned and the nasty nice crap like the Lindon comment that urks me.
and as for your excuse of not being local...hmm this is a global website so does that mean you are a provider on another planet?

I have to say I kind of miss Lucky lindon. How is the fellow doing. I assume you two are close since your writing styles were so much alike

Lucky Lindon( or Mike) is fine he has a new handle on the board and your underhanded slur is usesless.
. Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
Lucky Lindon( or Mike) is fine he has a new handle on the board Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
You know it can really get confusing when you start to refer to yourself in the third person.

As for the rest of what you had to say, Dr S said it best....
“In my world, everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!” -Dr Seuss

My advice to your future clients Tia is ...the search engine truly is your best friend.

Next I am sure it will be your Cohort...who's name starts with an A .... Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
As I have pointed out to your cohort Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
Please don't bring me into this conversation. Spell check is about as technical as I get. You should try it sometime.
Please don't bring me into this conversation. Spell check is about as technical as I get. You should try it sometime. Originally Posted by Ansley
Who brought you in to this conversation???? You know you are not the only person on the board who's name starts with an A

BTW I hear you are a quitter{smoking that is} Congrats!

too bad you weren't a quitter of vices sooner

I'll take being a poor speller over your mistakes any day...

but if sro does drive you to drink...please remember drinking and driving is bad
all the best!
You know it can really get confusing when you start to refer to yourself in the third person.

As for the rest of what you had to say, Dr S said it best....
“In my world, everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!” -Dr Seuss

My advice to your future clients Tia is ...the search engine truly is your best friend.
Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
Becky really ...Wow you eat rainbows and poop butterflies. Well no wonder you are so amazing!So you are from another planet. That IS what you meant when you said you aren't local and so you don't advertise on the ECCIE Global Board... You just beam down and impart wisdom on all us deserving souls here on ECCIE

ET PHONE HOME...Nan NOO nan Noo..

as for your advice for my future clients

FUNNY... I have the same for yours...Do they have search engines on your planet?

Maybe you should try hibernating a little harder...
Thanks for mentioning that I've quit smoking. That will help when I visit Houston in a few weeks. Hopefully the guys that wouldn't see me because I smoked will see me this upcoming visit. Again thanks for mentioning that I quit smoking.

Why are you bringing information from another board onto this one? SRO disabled his account a long time ago, and would probably not like to be mentioned on ECCIE.

In your post you have displayed a lack of discretion and shown a very nasty side of yourself. Exactly how does that help your business?

Maybe I should have quit my vices sooner, but that was the past, nothing I can do about it but move forward. Almost 7 years sober and well on my way to kicking the smoking habit, and almost finished with school. Better to be a late bloomer than not at all.

You keep on with your bad self.

Look and there you are!

BTW I hear you are a quitter{smoking that is} Congrats!

too bad you weren't a quitter of vices sooner

I'll take being a poor speller over your mistakes any day...

but if sro does drive you to drink...please remember drinking and driving is bad
all the best! Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Are we really going to do this whole routine...AGAIN? None of you are going to like the results if so.

Someone bring the thread back on topic, or this one is done.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I'm not using Weeby directly, just their templates. I used a third party domain hosting for my new .com that doesn't have a problem with adult content.

Dream, I did go ahead and purchase the privacy suite with the domain hosting site, because it eliminates those whois sites perfectly, good advice.

You're correct, Escortsite will not transfer my current .com even though I paid for it for the entire year. They did however, give me my domain key, giving me the access to change it myself if I wanted. All they did is make things harder for me for no reason.

I do know the basics of HTML, and escortsite allows you to access the internal programing of your site, and use both html and java. The thing is, if they would have just done what I asked, they would have stayed my registrar, and I would have continued to pay them... Idiots.

Speed racer, I'll be playing with your codes later today, I'll let you know if I can get it to work! Thanks a ton!

It seems that most every hoster is "against" adult websites.. I've had a few with different people, Escortsite the longest, but never had a problem. I know now, that if you've paid for your domain, it is indeed yours. They might not do anything with if FOR you, but your .com is yours until it expires. Its just about learning to do something with it.

Thanks bunches for all the useful info! Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
If you want to find hosting sites that allow adult content, just go to a adult industry news/resource site and lookup the hosting companies they have listed. just google and you find their are a lot to chose from. try Xbiz, or,or here if you want to go with a popular site use, they won't built a adult site for you, but you can built it yourself, just don't use their website builder, make one for scratch,
Also I'm going to be very honest about something
Escort sites are not really that hard to built, you don't need a database or any fancy scripting, just some CSS, HTML and j-query and if you can use a graphic program like photoshop, or find someone to make your graphics for you, you're set, you should learn css, it will make things easier. you can make all sorts of gallerys, videoplayers, slide shows using J-Query and you can get that for free from tons of web designer sites, hell all you got to do is use the J-query that google provides or if you want to download it yourself, you can get it anywhere, and it's free also. here just one place, that non coders can use or Wow Slider and Code canyon isn't free but it's dirt cheap.

learn Dreamweaver, don't bother with Frontpage, that's not supported anymore, microsoft expressions took it's place, and that's also not going to be upgraded, but it's has a easier learning curve than Dreamweaver.

but if you don't want to learn all of that just find a webdesigner, heck you can find a template yourself and get a designer to tailor it to you or want to go the easy route use wordpress and get you a wordpress template, it easy and a lot of addons you can use. as long as your not making a porn site you will be ok.
Dream, a fountain of useful info! Thanks so much! Jeez I can't believe it never dawned on me to search adult websites for their hosts.. DUH! I've only learned what html basics I've watched on youtube or read in tutorials. Thanks again, I'll be spending some time looking css and j-query up, cause I haven't a clue; But trying to get a grasp on it.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
here are some links you can use for css, you can also learn a lot of other stuff like PHP. PERL, ASP etc drop down using jquery if you want to learn microsoft expressions javascript using css layout using microsoft expressions various other beginner stuff
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Dream, a fountain of useful info! Thanks so much! Jeez I can't believe it never dawned on me to search adult websites for their hosts.. DUH! I've only learned what html basics I've watched on youtube or read in tutorials. Thanks again, I'll be spending some time looking css and j-query up, cause I haven't a clue; But trying to get a grasp on it. Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
check this out for hosting

really your biggest problem is not that you have adult content, it's what you do may be considered illegal in a lot of places, get a host that is overseas, take a look at