
So... Charles... let me get this straight... even if you were to enjoy a GREAT time with a particular girl... you're not going back for seconds... right?

>> "So, I don't anticipate much for a session, and my anticipation is often met. . . .You'd be happier, IMHO, if you stayed away from the reviews and didn't expect much out of the lady" <<

With an attitude like that.... why are you even here? Originally Posted by MrGiz
Soooo, I came close to not answering this, but I think your question was asked honestly.

So here's my blunt (and hopefully, just as honest) answer: I am a shy person. It is really hard for me to make friends. Yes, I hide behind this computer. My shyness coupled with my lack of confidence makes it really hard for me to have a successful (in my mind) session. My lack of confidence comes from a long history of failing to please women sexually. Hence, the need to pay women to spend an hour with me. Lately, I have been fairly unsuccessful at making that happen. My last three dates have canceled on me.

BTW, I used to write reviews for PA. They were a PITA, and I could never remember all points in the session. So I quite. And, apparently, review are notoriously unreliable, so I don't read them very much. I don't even have ROS access.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-31-2011, 06:18 PM
Do you think it might possibly have anything to do with your posted advertisements?

Sounds like fulfillment of expectations...
simpleton's Avatar
Sometimes after a session I think, I could have banged my ugly neighbor and bought some shoes. So I do underatand what your going through.

Ads???? IDK what you're talking about.
anaximander's Avatar
Thus far no repeat visits to bunk sessions.
But there is one I have a desire to see again
to give both of us a chance to redeem ourselves.
She is just too beautiful to be that lame.
I'm just wary of that seafood restaurant dumpster.
Being out $440 would boil me.
Haven't had my first hobby experience yet but on friday I will. Personally it would be awkward for me to just show up without having chatted then up a little bit. Anticipation, for me at least, comes from learning a few things about what they like and telling them what I like. I can't see just showing up and getting after it without some level of chemistry and knowledge about each other. Reviews can be informative but some are written out like a short story for hustler.