Double Trouble in Houston???

I just made it here to Houston. You should come on down. Apparently, a lot of providers have been traveling to H-Town this week.
Well, I think she's good looking - a little young for my taste, but there's always room for young, sexy wenches here. Just like Jello. Ooo, maybe have a jello fight with your doubles partner for your photo shoot. Pudding or gelatin, doesn't matter, still had jello. For the record, I would pay to see this.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Dakota come on down....

They were actually pretty tame with cha. Take a look at the last provider inquiring about Houston in coed
Don't let any of these tards scare you off... There's lots of ££££ to be made in Houston, go fuck their brains out a bit and they'll shut the fuck up soon enough.
pyramider's Avatar

Why don't you post those "taint photos" in the Houston provider ad forum with an inquiring title like, "WANT THIS?"

That will make the guys stand up and pay attention.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Fixed that for you.
boardman's Avatar
what trouble?
Guest082318's Avatar
Dakota, as one that lived here you are always welcome in Houston. And you know the boys will be waiting.
You have a great reputation in Houston and so does Amelia. Those that want to see you probably don't or won't post here but just like in the movie, Field of Dreams...if you build it they will cum!!

Heck i'll even buy you a drink to welcome you!!
Dakota123's Avatar
nm Originally Posted by hardnfast
LMAO.... smdh....
I came up last Sunday and I come each year....I LOVE Houston! Will be back sooner then I actually intended. Have fun playin in H Town!
EB.....did you CUM already?

But seriously....glad you had a good time in Houston.
boardman's Avatar
Dakota123's Avatar
I am curious what the problem is....

Told you it was a threAD Originally Posted by boardman
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Soooo worried that this reads too much like an ad..and yet still you post the link to my actual interest ad,( ya know, the one everyone suggested we make..) IN this "threAD'.
hell, saved me some time...Thanks sugar!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No one in this thread has said a threAD is a bad thing or a problem. You ladies are just taking it that way