Reviews? Believable or bogus?

AmishGangster's Avatar
The review is only as good as the reviewer
Over time, you learn whose reviews you can trust. Beyond the issue of whether some guys over-inflate the session, there is also the question of whether the reviewers wants and expectations match my own - your idea of a fabulous BBBJ technique may not be the same as mine, for example.

The fact that the guys here can't seem to keep the ROS and Private areas private also diminishes the quality of the reviews, since a lot of guys are hesitant to be truly honest about a lackluster session or girl knowing that the info is likely to get back to her.
Big Stig's Avatar
I'm not going to say that reviews do not provide some useful information, because they do. A single review on its own does not do much for me, but multiple reviews generally reveal trends and consistent activities. As for the rest of the story narratives, mostly useless bullshit. I don't care how many orgasms a guy gives to a provider or how beautiful the provider is or how great her body is. I have found that my perception of beauty and a good body is usually much different than the majority of reviewers. The only thing I ever look at reviews for is consistency in certain activities.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 12-07-2013, 09:26 AM
They can be helpful. Especially if one wants to reduce the risks of: scams, drama, LE or just bad service. They are less useful if one wants accurate appearances or service levels.

It is kind of like observing other drivers on the road. A high percentage look like fucking idiots and you kind of overlook the good drivers.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The validity (or lack thereof) of the review is inherent in the style and content of the review itself and can be sensed if you are perceptive enough like a good movie or a bad one where the actors are just mouthing their lines with poor timing and no conviction.

There are some reviewers that I do not even bother to read anymore because they are all stamped out by the same cookie cutter just using different names and pictures.

A good review is alive and puts you in the room where you feel the action and suspense, but unfortunately most are just slapped together and spewed out in a slap-dash manner.

. . . The good ones are always the rare ones!

Cpalmson's Avatar
For the most part, I find reviews to be believable. When I read a review, I've already predetermined the lady in question is someone worthy of my time. What I want to see from the review are

A) Service offered-- believe it or not, ladies change what they offer. If she was CBJ with one client and BBBJ with another client, I want to know this and quite frankly why. A review help sort this out. Services offered also allows me to see if she has an open menu or not.

B) TCB skills-- Is she on time? Is she the girl in the pictures? Etc.

C) Her track record-- Is she consistent? Has she improved? Has she performed poorly? I know with some girls it is hard to know this if she has few reviews. Also, you kinds need to read the ROS across her reviews. If she is consistent, it will show in the reviews. If there are inconsistencies, it will become obvious and probably a red flag.

D) Who is reviewing her? Is she reviewed by the same guy more A LOT? This tells me that she might be someone's ATF (offering good, reliable services that brings him back for more) or it is a White Knight trying to "pimp" out a girl he cares about. Also, if she has reviews from guys I know and trust, then it makes her reviews more believable.

When it comes to the ROS, yeah, it is subjective, but as mentioned, I use it to find patterns. Another reason I enjoy the ROS, it gives my ideas for future encounters. If I know the girl will do a fantasy, then I am more apt to ask her. Plus, if I know extras might be available based on past visits, that is good to know.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
I do value reviews but only to a point...... They are a good first step in acquiring hofo but they do have to be taken with a grain of salt. Knowing the reviewer and comparing there reviews to a provider that I have seen is a good way to judge their perceptions.

I do believe some guys do write them more to stroke their egos more than to share honest information. I really don't need the nitty gritty details about how much of a stud or how great of a lover you are guys. I tend not to believe those reviews anyways.

I think the biggest difference in reviews on sites that grant the ladies viewing and responses to rewiews and those that don't is the physical description of the ladies. It is a lot harder to relay the honest flaws, and we all have flaws, in a ladies appearance if you know she is going to read it. This is especially true if I like the lady's overall appearance, personality, and\or performance .

So in general yes I find reviews helpful but only if I'm familiar with the reviewer.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I believe half of what I see and (virtually) none of what I hear. Therefore, the reviews, as well as the Showcases, are worthless to me as a conglomerate of words. I read some stuff in both categories and occasionally pick up a nugget of information that will help when I decide to rent some goods.

Between the drama aficionados, the uptight who don't share, the greedy who don't share, and the massive egos of those who consider paying for sex a 'conquest' there is relatively little value per word on eccie. But there is value; one just has to wade through so much crap to get to it.

I wonder if I were to open up, let my guard down and meet some of the local guys if it would help. As things are I would guess there are 250-300 or more eccie members that would prefer to watch a guy crash and burn for entertainment value for each member that would spend a minute helping a guy make a contact. But that's about in line with the real world.
JoanJet's Avatar
highly over rated imho..........

now reviews are good for one thing and thats letting guys know if the lady is not what she appears to be or might have some major baggage of some sort

one persons 10 may be another 2 so although I scan reviews, I never base my decision on them
I rely on the opinions of the guys I know well who have seen the lady already

but then again, what the hell do I know Originally Posted by chizzy

I never believe anything till I see it.

There's not much control or any on reviews ,the P411 Ok system is the only one I trust. Some men obsessed with review's , big turn on for them to read about the other men you have been with. 70 % are wrong. When do we get to review the men. LOOL
gimme_that's Avatar
The review is only as good as the reviewer Originally Posted by amishgangster
"When do we get to review the men?"

When you start laying the envelope on the night stand instead of us.
john_deere's Avatar
come on, girl. don't you know that everything written on eccie is "purely fantasy fiction written strictly for entertainment purposes and has no reflection on any actual activities participated in by the writer."

RedLeg505's Avatar
I'm not interested in stroke material, I'm mainly looking to see 1) that it's from a trusted reviewer 2) what activities are available and 3) is it the girl in the pics, etc. the actual blow-by-bow copy doesn't interest me much. Originally Posted by RichardNixon
Pretty much 100% exactly how I see reviews. Don't need a "blow by blow" of all the activities. And I DO care who wrote the review. Someone who just joined the day before the review, and the review was their second post, and its raving about a brand new girl that just appeared in the area, I tend to not put much credence in.

A review by an established hobbyist who has other reviews I've read and then seen the ladies reviewed to confirm, I'm much more willing to believe and therefore be willing to see the reviewed lady.

But still... the review is only the starting point. And I HAVE seen some new ladies that got poor initial reviews because the reviewers weren't what I consider believeable..and I'm glad I did. In at least 2 cases, the lady was much better than the review claimed.

So I take them with a grain of salt overall.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't mind if reviews have a lil bit too much sugar sprinkled on them. It's good to hear guys having a good time with a girl. Makes her more seeable. That said, I do find it perplexing to read about how a bunch of out of shape old guys that can manage to not only stay up for an hour (or more), but to blow multiple times. I can understand younger guys doing it, because when I was younger I could fucking do it. Hell, I'd see two girls in a day sometimes, and 3 or 4 over a 2 day period (what the hell happened to all of my disposable income?). That and everyone's dicks are so big these days. Makes me feel like I have a lil ol' wee wee sometimes. Lots of guys are good at DATY'ing, too, according to this board, which is cool. I don't really do it, maybe once a year. They got gals squirming all over the place. It'd seem like combinations of all the above would make one prime candidates for porn movies. Maybe they should audition.

Then again, maybe every old guy on here isn't out of shape and actually CAN do the above. Good for them if true. All the above said, good reviews are a hell of a lot better to read than a boring 3-liner that basically said you showed up, copped a couple feels, possibly popped one and left. Ho hum. Good job not only lulling me to sleep, but also making me waste 20 seconds by clicking on your lousy ass review. Short stories are good when you're giving a presentation or reading one of Aesop's Fables. But some like that shit. I don't. I prefer the ones that at least make me THINK about jacking off, so pour on the sugar, I say.
The first few reviews I did were done while "high" on the experience and I had no idea what I was talking about. Didn't know from experience in the hobby world what GFE, PSE, and a bunch of other stuff really was all about. I've had a LOT of fun and have learned well. Now mine are more cut to the chase and relevant.

In researching reviews to make a decision, I mainly look for trends and consistency in each review of a particular provider. There is so much YMMV, but I believe a pretty accurate picture of what to expect can come from several previous reviews. Sometimes what ISN'T said can be as important as what IS said.