The antifa are the brown shirts of the corporate media establishment...
Shit Eater types exposed as communists!
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
SPLC employee Matthew O'Dea wearing Communist and Antifa attire.
This has been described as a "smoking gun." What is interesting is that O'Dea did not even deny that he is Antifa and has been employed by the SPLC - he confirmed the accusations in a public Facebook post.
However, this is only the most blatant in the many incidences of SPLC collusion with Antifa. The SPLC whitewashed a brutal assault by an Antifa group against a restaurant in Tinley Park, Illinois, where a conservative organization was holding a conference. 18 Antifa entered the Ashford House restaurant armed with clubs, sticks, and masks, and started a riot, assaulting customers and employees who were not even part of the conference. In January, 2013, five of the Antifa members pled guilty to several felony charges and served sentences ranging from 3.5 to 6 years in prison.
They also have been accused of linking to Antifa websites and allowing an alleged Antifa member to co-star in a documentary produced by the SPLC.
Antifa should be considered a domestic terrorist group, and organizations that support Antifa should not be cited as a reliable source by the media. In fact, they should be shut down, as providing material support for terrorist organizations is a criminal offense.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is one of the worst enemies of the people. Their fraudulent, deceitful advertising and financial accounting methods have been repeatedly exposed. This is a domestic hate group. is calling for a federal investigation of the SPLC's connections to Antifa, potential financial misconduct, and attempts to silence American citizens' freedom of speech.
Here is a nice article written about the ShitFuck above and SPLC...Wonder why all of these varmints and the SPLC don't try some of that " invading of a diner and roughing up innocent customers " here in Texas ?
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB