The Donald is in the race!

  • jwood
  • 06-16-2015, 08:23 PM
Trump can negotiate and handle money, something we haven't had lately.
What was that white dot in the corner of his mouth? Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
Yeah, I noticed that too....detracted from his otherwise spell-binding oratory. I guess he needs a mung-wiper to follow him around.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Anyone still remember 1992 and H. Ross Perot? For some of you with dementia let me remind you of a self made millionaire (or was it billionaire? Money went so much further in those days) who ran for president as a third part candidate. Remember that last part. He picked a bad VP, he quit for idiotic reasons, and the only reason that he was in was to hurt George H. W. Bush. He still got 19% of the popular vote. Imagine if he had been the nominee of either major party. He may have won. It was a Bush-Clinton year (and if we believe the media it will be another Bush-Clinton year) and conservatives are much more energized for a new kind of candidate than they were in 1992. I know that Trump could take Hillary in a debate, any debate, under any rules.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anyone still remember 1992 and H. Ross Perot? For some of you with dementia let me remind you of a self made millionaire (or was it billionaire? Money went so much further in those days) who ran for president as a third part candidate. Remember that last part. He picked a bad VP, he quit for idiotic reasons, and the only reason that he was in was to hurt George H. W. Bush. He still got 19% of the popular vote. Imagine if he had been the nominee of either major party. He may have won. It was a Bush-Clinton year (and if we believe the media it will be another Bush-Clinton year) and conservatives are much more energized for a new kind of candidate than they were in 1992. I know that Trump could take Hillary in a debate, any debate, under any rules. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You know that, eh?

Fucking delusional Idiot Jihadist!

Anyone still remember 1992 and H. Ross Perot? For some of you with dementia let me remind you of a self made millionaire (or was it billionaire? Money went so much further in those days) who ran for president as a third part candidate. Remember that last part. He picked a bad VP, he quit for idiotic reasons, and the only reason that he was in was to hurt George H. W. Bush. He still got 19% of the popular vote. Imagine if he had been the nominee of either major party. He may have won. It was a Bush-Clinton year (and if we believe the media it will be another Bush-Clinton year) and conservatives are much more energized for a new kind of candidate than they were in 1992. I know that Trump could take Hillary in a debate, any debate, under any rules. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What I remember is that Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States twice because of Ross Perot.

Trump is a fucking buffoon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What I remember is that Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States twice because of Ross Perot.

Trump is a fucking buffoon. Originally Posted by timpage
Tim, you are almost always wrong, but you come up with the best avatars!

LexusLover's Avatar
You know that, eh?

Fucking delusional ..... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You could even probably ... probably ... take Hillarious in a debate.

Well, may be.
Jesus told me the "Donald" is out. So you can stay another 4 years "AutoFellatioater"...

Alright, alright. People are going to call me a “RINO” no matter where I line up on this one, so please, hold your hate mail until you read the points below. Is that fair? Let’s go.

– Donald Trump gave over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Despite the fact that he openly criticizes the foundation and the Clinton’s lack of transparency regarding it. Now we don’t have the exact numbers, we only know that his contributions number over $100,000 and under $250,000. Also this may be a good time to note that he personally supported Hillary Clinton’s senate campaign. Just had to give you a heads up, you know, because I’m a “RINOz” and all.

– Over the years, he has consistently supported Democrats over Republicans. Since 1990, Trump has given $541,650 to Democrats—more than he gave to Republicans over the same period of time. Kind of odd for someone who claims to be such a gung ho Republican these days, wouldn’t you say?

– In 2008, Donald Trump supported Obama’s campaign. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but here’s a quote from 2011 for good measure. “I was his biggest cheerleader,” “If you go back three years, I’m saying, ‘Do a great job.’ … ” “I thought he was a positive person, always,”

– Trump has switched parties at least five times since the 1980s. Three times since 2001. Trump is a new kind of politician. He’s what the progressives call “party-fluid.”

– His disgusting abuse of government power/eminent domain. Michelle Malkin has covered this extensively. Here’s the thing, with Trump this isn’t a one-time thing. It’s seemingly an integral part of his business model. In 1997, he even went as far as to use eminent domain to try and evict an elderly widow
—so that he could build a limousine parking lot. I hate to play identity politics here but… what a dick.

– Donald Trump, in 2000 supported gun control, abortion, higher taxes and socialized healthcare. Do I… Do I really need to add anything here?

– Donald Trump Stood against Pro-1st amendment Conservatives when facing radical Islam. Yep, Trump even went as far as to slam Pamela Gellar for her cartoon contest in Texas. Now, regardless of whether you think Pam Gellar’s event is tasteless, the woman faced violence from radical Islam. I don’t know a single, self-respecting Conservative who deemed it appropriate to slam her, standing arm-in-arm with angry Islamists. Not one. Unless you count Trump?

– He wants Oprah Winfrey on his ticket. Yes, the same Oprah who supported Obama, called all of his critics out as racist and yes, the same Oprah who said that all racists were white, and that they “all need to die.” Welcome your new VP.

– Most importantly… his hair. Sorry, this is still We had to bring this down a childish notch. On a serious note, can a man who won’t even reveal his true hairline truly be trusted as president? Hard questions. We ask them.

By the way, please do click on all those hyperlinks for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. You’ll find that everything there is in order. Now, with all of the evidence at hand, we’re left with two possible conclusions. Either…

A) Donald Trump suffers from a severe split-personality disorder. Or…

B) Donald Trump is a fraud. A man devoid of principles who bases all of his decisions on the winds of political expediency.
At best, he’s a bold, entertaining voice of opposition. At worst, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Don’t be fooled. Do your research.

Read more:
Tim, you are almost always wrong, but you come up with the best avatars!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I concur. What a set.
bojulay's Avatar
But his presidency would make a great reality TV show.
Much like Odumbos has.

Iran......................Your Nuked!!!
I concur. What a set. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You better stick with caitlyn... she's got a nice set with a treat for you down below... get it while you can... I hear it's coming off soon?
Trump's new ad is we can overcomb.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Trump's new ad is we can overcomb. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That was funny, LittleEva!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What I remember is that Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States twice because of Ross Perot.

Trump is a fucking buffoon. Originally Posted by timpage're admitting that Clinton was not all that (snap) and a bag of chips! That he needed Perot to become president and stay president. Doesn't speak very well of Bill the Sex Pig does it. Of course, you entirely missed my point which most everyone got. Perot, a flamboyant businessman running as a third party candidate has the best showing of any third party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt. Imagine (this is the hard part for you) if Perot had been the nominee of the GOP...there would have been no President Clinton, Hillary would have divorced the former governor of Arkansas and she would be working for some nameless liberal think tank right now.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Alright, alright. People are going to call me a “RINO” no matter where I line up on this one, so please, hold your hate mail until you read the points below. Is that fair? Let’s go.

I am not yet a Trump supporter but lets be fair and honest.

– Donald Trump gave over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Despite the fact that he openly criticizes the foundation and the Clinton’s lack of transparency regarding it. Now we don’t have the exact numbers, we only know that his contributions number over $100,000 and under $250,000. Also this may be a good time to note that he personally supported Hillary Clinton’s senate campaign. Just had to give you a heads up, you know, because I’m a “RINOz” and all.

Why did anyone give money to the Clintons? Access and not some noble cause. Trump is a businessman and sometimes you need people that you find politically disgusting. You know, strange bedfellows and all.

– Over the years, he has consistently supported Democrats over Republicans. Since 1990, Trump has given $541,650 to Democrats—more than he gave to Republicans over the same period of time. Kind of odd for someone who claims to be such a gung ho Republican these days, wouldn’t you say?

Trump operates in New York. Who runs New York? Democrats! Even their "GOP" mayor was formerly a democrat. Trump is doing business, like it or not. Rail against the democrats who make it such corrupt place that businessmen have to pay bribes to be left alone.

– In 2008, Donald Trump supported Obama’s campaign. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but here’s a quote from 2011 for good measure. “I was his biggest cheerleader,” “If you go back three years, I’m saying, ‘Do a great job.’ … ” “I thought he was a positive person, always,”

Trump even said this again on his presidential announcement. He expected (as did many people) good things out of Obama. All Obama had to do was show up for work, do the minimum, and avoid huge mistakes and he would have been a great president. He failed in that simple task and Trump said that as well.

– Trump has switched parties at least five times since the 1980s. Three times since 2001. Trump is a new kind of politician. He’s what the progressives call “party-fluid.”


– His disgusting abuse of government power/eminent domain. Michelle Malkin has covered this extensively. Here’s the thing, with Trump this isn’t a one-time thing. It’s seemingly an integral part of his business model. In 1997, he even went as far as to use eminent domain to try and evict an elderly widow
—so that he could build a limousine parking lot. I hate to play identity politics here but… what a dick.

To quote the Godfather, "it's nothing personal, it's just business". Like it or not this is how business sometimes works and most of the time someone is going to get screwed over. It might be a little old lady or a sucessful businessman who got into your business too much.

– Donald Trump, in 2000 supported gun control, abortion, higher taxes and socialized healthcare. Do I… Do I really need to add anything here?

At his announcement Trump talked about supporting fully the second amendment and the fact that people are living in fear in New York because of two escaped murderers and magazines that only hold seven shots.

– Donald Trump Stood against Pro-1st amendment Conservatives when facing radical Islam. Yep, Trump even went as far as to slam Pamela Gellar for her cartoon contest in Texas. Now, regardless of whether you think Pam Gellar’s event is tasteless, the woman faced violence from radical Islam. I don’t know a single, self-respecting Conservative who deemed it appropriate to slam her, standing arm-in-arm with angry Islamists. Not one. Unless you count Trump?


– He wants Oprah Winfrey on his ticket. Yes, the same Oprah who supported Obama, called all of his critics out as racist and yes, the same Oprah who said that all racists were white, and that they “all need to die.” Welcome your new VP.

A joke, what? You don't know a joke when you hear it. Try this...Vice President Biden.

– Most importantly… his hair. Sorry, this is still We had to bring this down a childish notch. On a serious note, can a man who won’t even reveal his true hairline truly be trusted as president? Hard questions. We ask them.

What color is Hillary's real hair? What would Biden look like without hair plugs? Bill Clinton's hair constantly changed color on the campaign trail depending on if he was talking to college girls or senior citizens. I guess Barack puts shoe polish in his hair from time to time.

By the way, please do click on all those hyperlinks for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. You’ll find that everything there is in order. Now, with all of the evidence at hand, we’re left with two possible conclusions. Either…

A) Donald Trump suffers from a severe split-personality disorder. Or…

B) Donald Trump is a fraud. A man devoid of principles who bases all of his decisions on the winds of political expediency.
At best, he’s a bold, entertaining voice of opposition. At worst, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

But if he is president then his political expediency is to do a good job for the country. He has four billion dollars, a successful family, and a hit TV show. What else is left to put the cherry on the ice cream? Becoming a GOOD president.

I give you Chester A. Arthur. He was from New York and he was a corrupt politician and he knew that he was. When Garfield died from an assassings bullet, Arthur announced to all of his cronies that the fun was over. Being a corrupt port authority offical was great, being a corrupt vice president was fun, but being a corrupt president....was not going to happen.

Don’t be fooled. Do your research.

Like I said, I am not a Trump supporter but I do like to listen to what each and every candidate has to say before I make up MY mind.