To gift or not to gift

A gift is something given while expecting NOTHING material in return. Anything else is not a gift. There are many reasons for giving a gift. But things like bring a bottle to a session for the lady is not a gift. You would not be giving it to her if you were not going to have sex with her. Its just an added expense for your session. She may not be expecting it but its really no different than leaving a tip.

In Jillians' example, if the guy gave her the newspaper and expected nothing more than a thank you or a hug, that's a gift. He truly appreciates her and just wanted her to know that. If he was hoping she would be extra nice to him, give him more time, etc, that was not a gift.

That is not to say these kind of things are not worth doing. They can help set the mood, show caring or respect of the other person and much more. Just don't get your feelings hurt if the "gift" you give does not get the result you hoped for. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
He was not expecting more time. Many times he asked if he should leave. I very much enjoy spending time with him, which I hope he knows. And the beer was not meant to get me drunk or because he wanted to enjoy it as well. It is a beer meant to enjoy, not shotgun like bud light.
But also the fact that he remembered that I like hazelnut drizzle on my coffee from Starbucks was very sweet. It's appointments like this that remind me why I've stayed in this business.
**Not saying OBSG was saying that any of the above was the case. I just want to clarify that he was not expecting/demanding more time or trying to get me drunk in hopes that I would give him something extra.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I think it requires to be observant and pay attention to clues -and take notes- to know what the appropriate gift is for each person, for we value and like different things ...
Everyone likes receiving gifts ...

My 2 cents
Today, I had a particularly taxing evening. My last client showed up with a "Calgon take me away"
package from Bath and Body. He had NO idea...but it was the perfect treat. That meant so much more than a financial "tip".
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Gifts are always nice when unexpected. The smallest things are so greatly appreciated.
Jillian, if someone you had seen only once or twice had given that would you habe felt the same way that it was purely a gift for the sake of making you happy? Did the fact that a level.of trust and mutual respect had been established affect you enjoyment of the gift?

Some guys do indeed gift for the simple reward of seeing a smile on your face. A simple thoughtful gift can change a persons whole day. Kudos to everyone who gives from the heart. Sometimes the impact on the receiver can be far bigger than you will ever know regardless of the gifts value.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Some guys do indeed gift for the simple reward of seeing a smile on your face. A simple thoughtful gift can change a persons whole day. Kudos to everyone who gives from the heart. Sometimes the impact on the receiver can be far bigger than you will ever know regardless of the gifts value. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Exactly. When I give gifts, I expect nothing in return. I have given gifts to some of my female friends outside of sessions, like having something sent to their homes. Usually when I travel I bring something from overseas to my favorite female friends. Stuff like that.

Why do I do it? A selfish reason. When I give it makes me feel good.
dammit. now I have gotten philosophical. I hate it when that happens. bringing items such as a bottle or a book or flowers or whatever to a session is a nice thing to do. if the intent is right, there is nothing wrong with these gifts having a ositive impact on a session.

however, if the motive is to get something extra from the current or future sessions I would think just paying for the extra time etc would be a more sure wsy. many ladies appreciate the gift but would appreciate the extra cash even more.

I have taken gifts to providers I have seen several times as a way to say thank you for treating me so well. One provider saw me several times before we booked a session. it was an outcall I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her seeing me socially. After we are, I took her back to the room. when she opened the door, there was a trail of rose petals on the floor leading to the bed. on the bed were roses and her favorite chocolates. a bottle of her favorite wine was chilling on the table and a platter of meat and cheeses was there as well.

I could have just booked a regular session with her and everything would have been fine. but she had mentioned once that she hated that she was seldim treated like a lady instead of as a provider. she considered it one of the tradeoffs for being in this occupation. she was sleeping when it was time for me to go. the donation card on the bed next to her with a note thanking her for allowing me to treat her like a girlfriend for a couple of hours.

we have not had a second session for a number of reasons not hobby related. but when I see her out and about she always give me a huge smile. that is reward enough for doing something special.
Today, I had a particularly taxing evening. My last client showed up with a "Calgon take me away"
package from Bath and Body. He had NO idea...but it was the perfect treat. That meant so much more than a financial "tip". Originally Posted by alaine
Very nice post Alaine - you're one of those people that's genuinely nice that makes guys want to give you a gift. You're in the tops of ladies I've seen who are really, really just a sweet, nice person.

Expect there to be a strong correlation to the number of gifts a lady receives to how nice of a person she is. Some ladies just stand out as being great and others will just never understand why they always have troubles.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-19-2014, 09:49 AM
I don't expect anything special for a gift. The appreciation for the gift is enough for me.

I've only gifted a provider once and was truly worried that it would appear stalkerish or that it would look like I was looking for more from the session or relationship, but took the risk and gave her a gift anyways. Being the person she was, she looked genuinely surprised and appreciative of the gift. To sum it up, I like her as a person and wanted to just do something nice for her.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I posted this thread last year and it got some interesting responses

I had a house full of flowers for about a month after posting that thread LOL
Took a girl to VS after my 20th time seeing her a couple years ago. Completely spontaneous. Was lucky she had the time to do it. Gave her the spending limit (knew she'd go over and she did, lol).

I don't know who had more fun...her dashing from rack to rack or me smiling and watching.

I think I did.
I took a wonderful lady after a fun night in San Antonio to the Victoria's Secret store and was told by the sales lady that there was a seat where my lady could step out of the changing room to model the garment. I just know that doubled what I intended to purchase.
I just gave a gift this afternoon. I brought a single hybrid rose that has a very special color blend. The lady I visited loves this particular flower and it is rare. It brings me joy to give such gifts. I do like GFE.. the ladies I see understand this and play along I guess. They do seem to enjoy this stuff. I cook for them. I research old movies for them. A few pieces of jewelry here and there. Victoria secret stuff. A six flag pass, some books for a ladies' preschooler. It adds to the fun. Maybe I get treated a little better maybe not but it sure takes the hard edge off the hobby.
Six flags pass??? SIX FLAGS PASS????
Sorry, I just had a mini orgasm...

See, women love gifts!
We are not barbarians or cave men. To be a gentleman to some one that is giving you a great time is the thing to do. Showing an appreciation for effort is not some thing we need to apologize for. I am in the hobby for the fun I get from it. My sole aim is for whom ever I am with to look back on our time together with a smile.