Why was Still Lookings review of Katie Foxx removed?

pyramider's Avatar
Why are you surprised? When ROS info is posted and the poster does not get a vacation . . .
dearhunter's Avatar
I was hopeful that discussion would bring reason......my bad.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I was hopeful that discussion would bring reason......my bad. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hell, don't take it so hard...hee hee...it's Wonderous Beeg Dee!!! It's a Thrill a Fu*king Minute around here.

BTW, loved your thread in the Natural Lounge - funny as hell.

Onward, monkmonks query:::::

First, is it "that's bullshit, bubba, and you know it" OR is it "that's 'Bullshit Bubba' and you (we all?) know it."

Please clarify your punctuation (capitalization?) for the slow witted Dallas fuctardos among us...heh heh heh.

I'm gonna buy the idy that he received points at an opportune time to tilt his total over the line - but only at a heavily discounted rate. Mmmmm, say fy-dolla fer an hour with full menu and MSOG?

Does anyone know the whereabouts of the miztorious mod bat-cave where threads go to purgatory?
LazurusLong's Avatar
To answer the original question posed in this thread, the review is not removed. It is in fact present and here is the link.


Which means that this thread too should be locked before it degenerates into another pissing match.

Since the question as posed was a not true statement that a review was pulled, I see no reason why St Chris or other staff needs to answer a negative inquiry.

And this one needs locked up now because the review IS where it belongs.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Why was Still Lookings review of Katie Foxx removed?

I never saw it. Was it just up for a few hours?
Thats not the review I was referring to Lazarus.

But thanks for your concern.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Sorry Monk, My bad. I actually never saw the katie review so when I had been looking at SL's reviews that's what my addled brain selected.

Due to the way it went down, would his review contribute a single thing to this board?

Not one valid sliver of worth in a review by him of Katie.

Now it appears the Allison review is gone also.

I'm sure we'll find out once Cats and Dogs no longer fight.....
Duke of G's Avatar
It is in the National Lounge now.......where moderators don't get to decide when the horse is dead....ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Oh really? What ever made you think the National areas are unmoderated?
I'm going to start a new thread as a petition to create a new forum dedicated to the recent ruckus between Katie Foxx and Still Looking. Originally Posted by Roly-Poly
Well, coming from a provider who has actually seen Still Looking, I can honestly say I didn't have ANY issues with this guy whatsoever.. He's not a threat, wasn't a douche like some claim, and he didn't even ask me to take pictures.. He only did so after I asked him to because I wanted to and I was a part of his tour.. There was absolutely no drama, just good times, and I really think the whole Katie Foxx/SL scenario was blown completely out of proportion... I would definitely sign a petition to lift SL's ban if that's even possible... Mods, can you tell us if his ban will be lifted anytime soon or if there's anything that can be done?
I am glad SL treats most of his contacts well. However, behavior off the board does not excuse bad behavior here. Having lots of support from other members is good, but it still does not escuse breaking the rules here. There is a process to be followed. SL is engaged with that process with staff. Thats really about all I can say as the issue is between the person involved and staff.
The reviews have been restored so no need for this thread any more. Plenty of off topic posts already
dearhunter's Avatar
Oh really? What ever made you think the National areas are unmoderated? Originally Posted by Duke of G
The same knowledge that tells me that johnnybax is an "administrator"......and last time I looked, that is not a "moderator"........welcome the world of reading what you want to see, instead of reading what you see.

Is this common in Dallas?
Its has been restored? Where?????? And its not assigned to her?????? ijs
Whoever suggested that LL be a mod should be banned. It turned a contributing, albeit sometimes overbearing guy into a pandering sycophant that might as well be running for the Republican nomination.

Bubba, please let the adults talk. We're talking about grown up stuff here.

And dearhunter, this Houston vs. Dallas bullshit is tiresome.