Eccie: The adult social media site where trolls are coddled and pampered. it so warms my cockles and lowers my hackles...

Anyone the points out your nonsense is a troll to you.
You are a long winded blowhard.
You are eaten up with...look at me syndrome.
Still waiting for you swan song...
Chilipepper9's Avatar
😘 ...for distracting me, for my smile 🤭 😂
  • pxmcc
  • 08-12-2020, 02:01 AM
Anyone the points out your nonsense is a troll to you.
You are a long winded blowhard.
You are eaten up with...look at me syndrome.
Still waiting for you swan song... Originally Posted by bb1961
bareback, there's a difference between a "look at me" thread and a "houston we have a problem" thread. this one is the other kind.

how bout instead of following me around maybe we can crowdsource some ideas for some threads you, and separately, try, can start so you all can make a positive contribution to this board instead of just trolling?

what i notice is that some of the most embarassing and awful life events make for the best threads (and stories), if you look at them from the right angle (or upside down, actually). you just have to shift perspectives a bit (180 degrees, to be exact.)

good storytellers sometimes drop hints that make people want to keep reading. in the vegas thread, i started one chapter with a picture of some funny looking shoes. and of course, most people are thinking, why the fuck is this clown posting a picture of some dumbass clown shoes? and then they say, what's up with those weird shoes? and it becomes just enough to get them to keep reading. and it turns out, the whole story is about the import of those very same clown (actually pimp) shoes.

so in the latest clusterfuck that is my life-but i still think it's funny-i get a notice from my hoa's lawyer that they are starting the clock til they foreclose on my condo, which is basically the only thing i have of value. (it connected to a silly lawsuit they won a few years back.) i have no 401ks or any of that shit.

so normal people would be freaking out right? well i'm not normal, but that's another story. so i knew if i filed chapter 7 bankruptcy b4 they got too far into the foreclosure process, good chance i could keep my condo.

so i did some research to find the best bankruptcy lawyer i could find, and i met up with him. and he wanted 2400 up front. the sad truth is i made enough last month that if i had saved, i would have had enough to pay him. but i didn't see this foreclosure thing coming. on top of that, i blew my motor out on my camry right after my first meeting with said bankruptcy attorney. and of course, in bankruptcy your credit goes to shit. and last month, i blew the extra money on the hobby and-get this-on Chaturbate. Chaturbate! yup i'm a clown. but at least i had fun! ha ha.

so i hop on my mountain bike to check out this dealership in like Alvin, and i was dealing with a clusterfuck of a headwind, so i got there like 5 minutes after they closed. oh ya, and covid. and lets see, what else, ya some other stuff too, something called mrsa which meant i had to take some antibiotics. the fun just wouldn't stop..

anyway, i'll finish this trainwreck later. this story is such a clusterfuck though that if i broke it up into like 3 parts, people who are bored from sitting at home might actually read it to see how all this craziness ends. it involved a casino and a car that secretly runs on rocket fuel and a forgotten mask and getting in the wrong line for free money and a drink called "fly fly" and sitting on a curb waiting for an uber and god knows what else. but no Chaturbate. i call that progress..

anyway, what are your hobbies and interests? maybe we can start from there and crowdsource some possible thread topics you can start.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Anyone the points out your nonsense is a troll to you.
You are a long winded blowhard.
You are eaten up with...look at me syndrome.
Still waiting for you swan song... Originally Posted by bb1961
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-12-2020, 09:43 PM
I've learned that when you call people out on their BS you're a troll, if you're a fool and agree with the nonsense, you're a respectable gentleman. Something I'm not is a sucker
"why the fuck is this clown posting" Originally Posted by pxmcc
I agree with what you said there...
Is that sad story a page from your memoirs or a letter to Dear Abby??
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Another troll returns, it was better without you!
Please leave again quickly!
  • pxmcc
  • 08-13-2020, 08:56 AM
Says the gay who has been banned 20 times or so...

The only thing you ride is The1Slayer or Sistine’s knob... Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
dorian aka permission2look aka back2houstonhobby, one of my buds said ur shine. are you shine?

i dont believe it. one of you, if i saw him in a back alley at 3am, i'd do a decently long stare down til the dude for some reason suddenly cracked a smile.
the other guy, same race? naw i'd just say how ya doin buddy and go about my business.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-13-2020, 09:00 AM
Anyone the points out your nonsense is a troll to you.
You are a long winded blowhard.
You are eaten up with...look at me syndrome.
Still waiting for you swan song... Originally Posted by bb1961
+ Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I agree with what you said there...
Is that sad story a page from your memoirs or a letter to Dear Abby?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Another troll returns, it was better without you!
Please leave again quickly! Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
aww how sweet. looks like some little boys are crying for attention. isn't that special. it warms my hockles..

the only fun i still enjoy on this site is reverse trolling. its useless for anything else. kinda the point of this thread. qed.

by the way, you sorry fucks can't troll for shit. you're a disgrace to all the respectable trolls out there.

you follow me around like mary had a little lamb. sad.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Nobody has to follow you around you go nowhere, and know nothing, you post begging for attention, some of us are willing to give it to you knowing it’s only a few post til your inferior trolling gets you banned 3 months.
That’s 3 months nobody has to listen to you at all.
It’s heaven.
Just call me God! I will bring this peace to Eccie.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-13-2020, 11:30 AM
Nobody has to follow you around you go nowhere, and know nothing, you post begging for attention, some of us are willing to give it to you knowing it’s only a few post til your inferior trolling gets you banned 3 months.
That’s 3 months nobody has to listen to you at all.
It’s heaven.
Just call me God! I will bring this peace to Eccie. Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
you 3 are a waste of carbon. if you modified your chemistry a bit through anaerobic reduction and turned yourselves into coal, you could be put to better use, and at least keep some eskimos warm.

have any one of you produced a single thread in the last 6 months that anyone has actually read? i say no. if you think any of you have produced anything greater than a turd in the last 6 months, post the link. ya'll have been turd factories in my absence. kudos..

that's why this site sucks. content producers can't ban turd factories such as yourselves. it will continue to suck until that rule is changed, or not.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
And you are one of those clapping monkey toys, just wind you up and watch you bang away.
Until you disappear... lol
  • pxmcc
  • 08-13-2020, 01:53 PM
And you are one of those clapping monkey toys, just wind you up and watch you bang away.
Until you disappear... lol Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
in your case Lester, i think the universe would be greatly improved if you modified your waste of carbon into one giant turd, and then you slid down into one giant galactic toilet, vacuum style, and we could hear kind of a sucking sound as turds tend to make when they're flushed..

i dont get banned; i ban myself when i want to do an especially brutal reverse troll. it is always well worth it.

lester your story is you live in a filthy run-down trailer park with a flea-covered mutt and an obese wife who tips the scales at a deuce and a half, pushing 3, whose boobs sag way past her stomach and who scares little children with her stretchmarks. you come out in the morning with an empty bottle of mad dog 2020 from last night all smelly with your wifebeater on and your nasty hair that should be on your head but is all on your back poking out through the holes in your smelly wifebeater and your bulging belly slipping into full view despite your wifebeater's best efforts to hold it back; a fool's errand.

no i might be wrong, cause i can't bring myself to contemplate your sorry existence. it's just way too nasty. no can do.

boys, i aint into overweight, boring, nerdy, socially awkward dudes whose main accomplishment in life is to produce turds being my groupies. if you all were hot chicks, that might work. but ya'll? aww hell naw. plus that makes you like 3 faggots. aren't you supposed to be straight or something? try, i hear you dabble in the hobby occasionally. maybe there's still hope?
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Bang, bang, bang... you know the toys are cute, but an alleged grown man? ... truly pathetic.

One question wind up toy?
If you don’t get banned you ban yourself????
What the fuck are you crying so hard about? IJS
obese wife who tips the scales at a deuce and a half, pushing 3, whose boobs sag way past her stomach and who scares little children with her stretchmarks. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Did you do a view on her...I must have missed it