Encounter: Good spin in Roc

Better yet, ask them the purpose of the stop and shut your mouth. Do not consent to any other questions other than they're reason for the stop. BE POLITE.Even mongers have 4th amendment rights Originally Posted by Fog01
So true. First thing I tell them is I do not consent to any searches, and under advice of my attorney, I will not be answering any questions without them present, then, let me know when I'm free to go, lastly, shut up from then on except to thank the officer and wish them a good day once released.. Because you're in your vehicle, they are entitled to see you DL, registration, and insure. Just always keep your hands well in sight of the officer, and don't reach for anything without asking him for the OK so that they can position themselves to observe. Also, if it's dark, turn on your inside light before they even get to your window, in fact, also have your DL + vehicle papers ready and out in the open when they walk up.

Regardless of what you think about Five-O, you do not want to give them and reason to be apprehensive in regards to your stop. Be nice, but forward, and cooperative within your rights. Remember, they are doing a job, and they are trained to suspect and be inquisitive. The less you give them to chase, the faster they will lose interest in you.

BTW, that's the advice my Rochester Police officer Uncle gave me when I got my first car in 1976. It has served me very well all these years since, and on many occasions.
Don't tell them to let you know when you're free to go. Ask if you're free to go. It's a yes no question and they have to answer.