My Personal Harem of Five ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Back when my wife lived in Vegas she was offered to join a harem and go back to Saudi Arabia or something like that. I think she gave it serious consideration until she realized she would be 6th or 7th down the list.

Red head with big boobs, what an addition to a harem though. Originally Posted by Boltfan
This was more the direction that I was wishing to go ... and it's early, I'll continue with some more thoughts later but with your wife, Boltfan, how was she contacted? Was there a "scout" of sorts that went out looking for zaftig females in Vegas or was she a showgirl?

What I wanted to do, on some level, is get a "feel" for what others thought of harems and try to find out how to GET in one (obviously there is some interest in Dallas! LOL) if you weren't too long in the tooth or large (I have a feeling that interest in middle aged larger females is close to nil) ... or just have the silliness fun of hearing someone's ideal situation with this.

Me? The Alpha Male harem is appealing. Others? Probably if I was serious as heck about creating one, I would want a different assortment of men. Tall, short, long, small, younger, older ... I tend to like them all.

For me, I just (overall) like an amount of aggressiveness, which is probably within most men.

Obviously, this does exist. And although sexual slavery is abhorrent on so many levels, I'm mainly wishing to discuss fantasy and the idea of women being hired (at really high levels of pay) to go to different countries and work in a modern day harem, among other thoughts.

And yes, garlandbone, I have sincerely thought of creating a salon of sorts for years. Just never did it. I appreciate your interest and will answer your PM's, all. If I were to create something like this, it would be my goal to have an experience for you that would be talked about for years and remembered for life.

BUT, this was really just a desire for a back and forth of ideas. And sensual desires. Nothing really more or less. (Maybe more, though!)

Am I making sense at 6:05 am this Thursday morn?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I had a harem in high school. It started in a class I was taking where it was me and 12 chicas taking the class with me. I bought a dozen roses one holiday after the class started and after that, I was in Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You know, DFW5Traveler, that is VERY cool! You actually did that? You're a charming rogue, and at a young age, too! Traveled. Charming.

How do you look in a loincloth or a sarong wrapped around your waist?

MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Elizabeth dear,

Let me know when you get this together. I'd honestly LOVE to be a part of a harem... damn sensual. RAWR! vixen!

So, you'd like to recruit and shackle "a few good men," have us oiled up, wanton and lusting after you, ready to pleasure at a moments notice...straining against the bonds, looking for that elusive release determined by your whim? Hmmm....where do I sign up?

To quote Garth and Wayne, "I'm not worthy!"
gatewayloco's Avatar
Move to Utah...that goes on there all the time.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Move to Utah...that goes on there all the time. Originally Posted by gatewayloco
O.K. Now, that was just damn funny. Thanks for sharing that one!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar vixen!

So, you'd like to recruit and shackle "a few good men," have us oiled up, wanton and lusting after you, ready to pleasure at a moments notice...straining against the bonds, looking for that elusive release determined by your whim? ... Originally Posted by Tony Patella
Yes. Completely. Oh, and you would be shared with other women, of course. I tend to like to spoil my pets. LOL.

Big Love! Well I think the Harem is very sexy and full of "Arabian Nights" but I fear there might be more of the sex slave thing than we might imagine, young girls from Eastern Europe, etc.

For me no Harem but there was a women and her three sisters on Sarawak.
DustyHands's Avatar
Here's a little dose of personal experience reality for the Big Love type harem fantasy...
Just got back from a family vacation we were going to take to CA with us and my wife's sister and her family. At the last minute my brother in law could not go but they talked our (cute, young) babysitter into coming along. As we traipsed through airports/ restaurants etc... We got some funny looks. Me, my wife, her cute sister, the cute babysitter, and 5 kids under the age of 6. There were several Big Love jokes, but I've never been so exhausted in my life! At the end of every day my wife and I were too beat to do anything more than collapse and I can't imagine trying to keep multiple wives happy!

P.S. I did come up with what I thought would be the perfect porn name- "Mighty Bigamy" (like" mighty big 'o me" -get it?) But then realized if I set up or something people would expect a BBW named Amy!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. I need some help here. What is "big love"? BTW, I'm probably one of the few women that do NOT like the term "BBW". I don't mind "BW", i.e., Big Woman ... but the term BBW was used in tandem with the clothing industry a few decades ago to help the ego of larger women while shopping.

Then it morphed into this direction. Shrug. Just a slight thread drift.

Although LJ really hit upon the truth of the matter that harems, in reality, aren't the romantic notions that women tend to have of them ... I can still dream a little bit.

Now. "Big Love". Is it the name of a television show? Sounds like it. I'm often SO out of touch with things that are going on in the real world. I need to start getting the paper or watching television and not relying on the static information that I glean from website news. I would appreciate knowing what it means.


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
A thanks to that special someone for letting me know about the show, "Big Love". Hugs!

Now, not to veer too much off topic, but how would a man keep three wives (or more) sexually satisfied? It makes more sense to have three husbands ... but to have a few wives or many women in an harem, that just sounds like too much for one man to handle.

