Who'll Be The 2020 Dem Presidential Nominee?

One of the more disturbing things about these polls is people will vote for a man that is in, at best the early stages of old age related dementia.
Anyone remember the movie "Dave" starring Kevin Kline that came out in the early 90's? ..... I think we may see a similar variation of that movie play out in the upcoming 2020 Demonicrat convention ..... in the movie Kline (the president) suffers a stroke, so those who wish to take over and run the show hire a man who impersonated the president (also played in the movie by Kline) by escorting him to act as president so that he can be their "puppet" and also because they deemed the vice-president to be incompetent to do the job, and they had to make sure he didn't just automatically ascend to be president if everyone knew the original president had become incapacitated ..... well ..... suppose some version of that happens at the convention? ..... the Dims are perfectly okay with riding an incompetent, incoherent Biden to the convention, while HilLiary is laying low, lurking behind the scenes to gather support for the vice presidential offering ..... and then, if Biden wins ..... the Dims push the impotent Biden out of office, and voila! ..... HiLiary now easily moves into the presidency that she couldn't win in 2016 and then this country's worst nightmare begins ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
I liked Super Dave Osborne!
Of course you have absoltely no proof, only opinion, that the DNC forced other Democratic candidates to drop out of the race.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What are you looking for a letter of agreement? Of course they were "gently coerced."

its not the dim "voters who do not seem to care" that matter

its the independents, and to hone that further, independents in swing states Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Usually I would agree with you but I believe there will be various segments of certain states in which voters will show up on both sides because of the pandemic response.
HedonistForever's Avatar
SR - u are correct - biden makes pre-senile demntia "gaffes" - excused by the DPST LSM - and DPSR indoctrinated voters are not allowed to care or see differently according to the LSM controlled by the DNC,

Biden in debate v Trump - that will be intersting to see if he can speak two cogent sentences.

A vote for Biden is a vote for the VP candidate for POTUS - he won't last a year. if elected.

Trump approval ratings - LSM said the same Bs about H... in 2016.

None so blind as will not see. Originally Posted by oeb11

Which I know for a fact. When I told my Democrat friend that watches only MSNBC that Biden is incoherent and can't put two sentences together without mangling both, his response was "what are you talking about, I've never seen that"? I chuckled and apologized to my friend and said I wasn't laughing at him only that he just confirmed what I keep telling him, MSNBC will never let you see the warts of the Democrat party.

He still thinks Trump conspired with Russia, after all "look at all the Russians his people were talking to"! About what I say. It couldn't be anything good he says.

And he thinks Flynn committed treason. When I asked him what was treasonous, he said "he acted against the interest of the US and in the interest of the Russians". When I asked him to give me an example, all he could say was that "he lied to the FBI about talking to the Russians". When I asked what he said to the Russians, he said that Flynn made a deal to lift the sanctions Obama had just put in place. I told him that wasn't true, that Flynn asked the Russians to hold off on retaliating with sanctions of their own, something in the best interest of the US, with no quid pro quo offered.

He said "that's not what I heard", to which I said "precisely my point".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I liked Super Dave Osborne! Originally Posted by friendly fred

Super Dave 2020!
Which I know for a fact. When I told my Democrat friend that watches only MSNBC that Biden is incoherent and can't put two sentences together without mangling both, his response was "what are you talking about, I've never seen that"? I chuckled and apologized to my friend and said I wasn't laughing at him only that he just confirmed what I keep telling him, MSNBC will never let you see the warts of the Democrat party.

He still thinks Trump conspired with Russia, after all "look at all the Russians his people were talking to"! About what I say. It couldn't be anything good he says.

And he thinks Flynn committed treason. When I asked him what was treasonous, he said "he acted against the interest of the US and in the interest of the Russians". When I asked him to give me an example, all he could say was that "he lied to the FBI about talking to the Russians". When I asked what he said to the Russians, he said that Flynn made a deal to lift the sanctions Obama had just put in place. I told him that wasn't true, that Flynn asked the Russians to hold off on retaliating with sanctions of their own, something in the best interest of the US, with no quid pro quo offered.

He said "that's not what I heard", to which I said "precisely my point". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
your friend and the leftists here have access to the same "knowledge" base
HedonistForever's Avatar
SR continues to harp on "Trump tells lies" as a reason not to vote for him. Well......


Democratic Rep. Omar says she believes Reade's allegation against Biden

But Omar says she will vote for Biden anyway. Lies don't matter, being a sexual predator doesn't matter, hell, truth doesn't matter as we now clearly see with all the newly released classified information proving the FBI set up General Flynn. The FBI lied and changed the wording of information given by the CIA which led to a false declaration to the FISA court with regard to Carter Page. We now know that the current Director of the FBI, Chris Wray, had this information for over 3 years and sat on it, holding exculpatory evidence from the courts.

The Obama administration lied and drove the narrative that Trump had conspired with the Russians knowing all along that it wasn't true and their media cohorts gleefully carried out their soft coup.

Nobody cares about anything other than getting a Democrat or a Republican elected and it doesn't matter a damn, who that person is, what they have done or what they have said that doesn't relate to policy. This is where we are at in the 2020 election.
  • oeb11
  • 05-26-2020, 01:54 PM
Omar and Biden - she is a woman who committed immigration fraud in marrying her brother to get him into the country.
She lied about a relationship with man she just married - (socialist white guy -non-Muslim).

She is fine with a rapist as POTUS - fits right in with her ideas of sexual conduct.
That mask on Biden that he wore yesterday was not a mask - it was a muzzle.
You honestly believe those polls? Those are the same ones that said that Hilary was winning by a landslide. I agree though keep Bumbling Biden in we all need a good laugh after this pandemic shit show.

Super Dave 2020! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Chung Tran's Avatar

But who? Mark Cuban? Stacey Abrams? Lizzo? Bernie? Buttigeig? Hillary? Michelle? Oprah?

Lemme know your choices or prediction. Originally Posted by gnadfly

The DNC has a lot of input. However, Biden's poll numbers are too strong. He is killing Trump in Penn, Mich, Wisc and North Carolina. He has a small lead in Forida and Texas is tied. Biden only needs to flip three states that HRC loss to get to 270.

I think he stays with the plan to put a woman #2 on ticket. I think it will be one of these 4. All 4 have shown interest in being on the ticket. The vetting process has already started.

A. Biden/Harris
B Biden/Demings
C. Biden/Gov Whitmer
D. Biden/Klobuchar Originally Posted by adav8s28

this is the ticket.. Demings has an heir of strength, which Biden must have on the ticket. we have to picture Biden's choice taking over by 2022..

The only reason Biden made it through the primaries is because the DNC convinced people to drop out. Then Bernie rolled over.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
something obviously went on behind the scenes.. 3-4 Challengers suddenly drop out and show up on stage with Biden in Dallas, all in for him right before Super Tuesday. I was looking forward to a hard-fought race going through May, but instead Texas didn't matter on March 3rd.

the real test for biden is still to come

his lucidity, or lack thereof, will be on display and tested in presidential debates, if there are any
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Biden has to refuse to debate.. it would be ironic historically, but Biden would be chopped up. I saw his interview on CNN today.. not particularly "Gaffy", but the gaffes don't concern me.. the feebleness, the slow thought process.. the way he closes his eyes hard while speaking (warding off an incoming gaffe).. the way he interrupts his own thought process, diverting in the middle of a sentence. that resonates with me. too bad Michelle is a non-starter VP pick, that is who Biden really needs. Demings is the best of the vettable candidates.. I like Klobuchar, but I think her candidacy would alienate enough blacks that her positives would be rendered ineffective.

by the way, while I thought Trump was a bit Jack-assery to the Reporter today, who asked about Trump's mask criticism of Biden.. the media refused to understand the obvious, that Biden wore a mask outside at the gravestone.. no one but "Dr." Jill Biden nearby, and every other time Biden has been seen, he was maskless.. not hard to see that as a "political" gesture.

this is the ticket.. Demings has an heir of strength, which Biden must have on the ticket. we have to picture Biden's choice taking over by 2022..

something obviously went on behind the scenes.. 3-4 Challengers suddenly drop out and show up on stage with Biden in Dallas, all in for him right before Super Tuesday. I was looking forward to a hard-fought race going through May, but instead Texas didn't matter on March 3rd.

Biden has to refuse to debate.. it would be ironic historically, but Biden would be chopped up. I saw his interview on CNN today.. not particularly "Gaffy", but the gaffes don't concern me.. the feebleness, the slow thought process.. the way he closes his eyes hard while speaking (warding off an incoming gaffe).. the way he interrupts his own thought process, diverting in the middle of a sentence. that resonates with me. too bad Michelle is a non-starter VP pick, that is who Biden really needs. Demings is the best of the vettable candidates.. I like Klobuchar, but I think her candidacy would alienate enough blacks that her positives would be rendered ineffective.

by the way, while I thought Trump was a bit Jack-assery to the Reporter today, who asked about Trump's mask criticism of Biden.. the media refused to understand the obvious, that Biden wore a mask outside at the gravestone.. no one but "Dr." Jill Biden nearby, and every other time Biden has been seen, he was maskless.. not hard to see that as a "political" gesture. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Who is this strong descendant of hers, and why does that person qualify her to be VP?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Who is this strong descendant of hers, and why does that person qualify her to be VP? Originally Posted by friendly fred

former Sheriff and Police Chief of Orange County, Florida.. Val herself is a former Police Chief.. 2 tough cookies.

you thought you had me on that "heir" remark, didn't you?

well you kind of did, but I wiggled out of it well

former Sheriff and Police Chief of Orange County, Florida.. Val herself is a former Police Chief.. 2 tough cookies.

you thought you had me on that "heir" remark, didn't you?

well you kind of did, but I wiggled out of it well Originally Posted by Chung Tran