Coming to you LIVE from Restoring Love at the Dallas cowboys stadium

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-29-2012, 01:36 PM
the Jerry Jones Living Memorial Stadium/Arena/Art Gallery/Vendor Heaven/Car Show can now add Sheep Barn to its credits ..

I kinda liked the pic of Beck and the sheep that was signing the shearing release ... the way Beck has his hands clasp together, the death stare, and his evil lil grin speaks volumes ..
Wow! The hate-filled venum being spewed here is remarkable. Those of you who were not there do not know of what you speak. I too was there at the rally last night. There was not one word spoken of hate, politics, or bashing any person. The word Democrat was never mentioned. What was discussed, however, was "restoring love", hence the theme of the rally. He and others talked of not waiting for someone else to help your fellow man, but simply to stand up and do it yourself. He talked of tolerance and getting away from petty hatred. Bringing God back into our lives and bringing America to the morals and character that it once was. How dare he speak of such herecy. How do you disagree, much less condemn such ideals? The speakers there talked of laying down your senseless hate and spending that energy to worthwhile projects such as feeding the homeless like we did years ago and not relying on the government to do it. Yes, many of you on this thread would have been very uncomfortable there and felt very out of place.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Shhh . . .! Facts irritate and confuse liberals! Then they go crazy. Be careful!
ShysterJon's Avatar
wolfeman, I don't hate Tea Partiers -- I feel sorry for them for being dupes for corporate America. I'm glad y'all got together to talk Jesus yesterday, but today is another day and maybe it's time y'all started actually FOLLOWING some of the precepts of Christianity, like looking out for your fellow man, rather than just giving lip service to the New Testament. I'm sure if I were wont to do it, I could find threads in this forum in which you've expressed the 'every man for himself (and fuck you if you're a woman)' Tea Party creed. So hurray for you for praying yesterday. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. But today you're up off your knees and you're just a fucking hypocrite again.

COG, you spend your whole fucking day spewing diarrhea in this forum (and little else, I imagine). I try my best to avoid reading your nonsense, but when I accidentally do, I have yet to notice anything anybody would consider within a billion miles of a 'fact.' You remind me of the tired, bitter, racist old man in the play '12 Angry Men.' You should change your handle to 'EarlyAlzheimer'sOldGuy.'
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
See, the truth REALLY irritates them. When they can't think of something to say, it's always "You're a racist!" or "You're a hater!"

That's why this place is funny.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2012, 04:30 PM
I too was there at the rally last night. There was not one word spoken of hate, politics, or bashing any person. The word Democrat was never mentioned. What was discussed, however, was "restoring love", hence the theme of the rally. He and others talked of not waiting for someone else to help your fellow man, but simply to stand up and do it yourself. He talked of tolerance and getting away from petty hatred. Bringing God back into our lives and bringing America to the morals and character that it once was. How dare he speak of such herecy. How do you disagree, much less condemn such ideals? The speakers there talked of laying down your senseless hate and spending that energy to worthwhile projects such as feeding the homeless like we did years ago and not relying on the government to do it. Yes, many of you on this thread would have been very uncomfortable there and felt very out of place. Originally Posted by wolfeman
Nobody comdemns those ideals. What's condemned is the fact that so many of you need to go to a rally to have someone remind you of those ideals.

And then you come here and pretend you're the only ones who believe them.

If there was an entry fee, you was robbed.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2012, 04:31 PM
See, the truth REALLY irritates them. When they can't think of something to say, it's always "You're a racist!" or "You're a hater!"

That's why this place is funny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, this place is funny because you're a racist and a hater.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What makes me racist? What makes me a hater? Why must you resort to epithets?
ShysterJon's Avatar
I'm not sure I've ever read ANYTHING in ANY WAY funny in a Tea Partier's thread. Humor requires imagination, and Tea Partiers by nature, are dull thinkers, not free thinkers.

EarlyAlzheimer'sOldGuy, it is beyond ironic that suddenly you are objecting to ad hominem attacks, when it is ALL YOU DO, in all your 10,000+ idiotic posts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I believe, Mr. Shyster, that you called me the "racist" and the "hater".
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2012, 05:04 PM
I believe, Mr. Shyster, that you called me the "racist" and the "hater". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, that was me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-29-2012, 05:39 PM
Wow! The hate-filled venum being spewed here is remarkable. Those of you who were not there do not know of what you speak. I too was there at the rally last night. There was not one word spoken of hate, politics, or bashing any person. The word Democrat was never mentioned. What was discussed, however, was "restoring love", hence the theme of the rally. He and others talked of not waiting for someone else to help your fellow man, but simply to stand up and do it yourself. He talked of tolerance and getting away from petty hatred. Bringing God back into our lives and bringing America to the morals and character that it once was. How dare he speak of such herecy. How do you disagree, much less condemn such ideals? The speakers there talked of laying down your senseless hate and spending that energy to worthwhile projects such as feeding the homeless like we did years ago and not relying on the government to do it. Yes, many of you on this thread would have been very uncomfortable there and felt very out of place. Originally Posted by wolfeman
after I paid admission I would have felt like I was watching one of those tv ministers telling me to send him some money ... why does anyone need someone like Beck to remind them how to live? .. If the Tea Party idgets abide by Becks words does that mean they'll stop carrying signs that portray the president of the US as Hitler and lose their petty hatred?

we'll see how that goes wont we?
ShysterJon's Avatar
If the Tea Party idgets abide by Becks words does that mean they'll stop carrying signs that portray the president of the US as Hitler and lose their petty hatred? Originally Posted by CJ7
They had a concession stand outside JerryWorld for people to check their signs condemning evolution, gays, illegal immigrants, unions, lesbians, unwed mothers, Muslims, government spending on mental health care, Democrats, Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, reproductive rights, etc. I guess somebody thought they couldn't hold their signs full of hate and beat The Bible at the same time. Or that God might hit them with a bolt of lightning if they invoked His word while holding signs that are anathema to The Bible's principles.

Does any person with half a brain think that Tea Party principles comport with the New Testament? No, because, that shit is hell and brimstone, Old Testament ancient dogma.

I am neither a Tea Partier nor a Republican. All of the political parties have sold us out. Do you have to be a Tea Partier to believe that this nation must get back its character? And Doove, what is wrong with going to a rally to be reminded of higher standards and ideals? Do millions of folks not go to church every Sunday to be reminded of a better way to live? There are a lot of things that the Republicans, Independents, and the Democrats do that drive me nuts. We no longer have statesmen, only self serving polititions on both sides of the isle. Im no Pollyanna, trust me. But when did the hate enter into disagreement. Shyster, your hatefulness and venum with anyone that does not agree with you is interesting. Someone or something has caused you to hate everyone that does not agree with you completely. You sir, apparently are a very unhappy man. I hope you can resolve whatever it is that is driving this hate. Someone this unhappy is to be pitidied, my friend.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I don't hate you, wolfeman -- I pity you for living life as a prissy little lapdog of big corporations. My life is great and I'm one happy motherfucker. I am beholden only to other men and women, not institutions built to accumulate wealth and power.

Hey, wolfeman -- what would we see if we all went back in time in the Wolfeman Time Machine? Child labor? Adulterated products? Back-alley abortions? Slavery? Gee, I'm nostalgic like you for dem good ole days.