Sometimes you just can't make Lemonade..

I hope all gets right in your world, Ms. Foster - you are a sweet and lovely lady.

Good Luck,
Judge Smails's Avatar

Sending good thoughts your way and hope things look up.
White Tiger's Avatar
Hi, babe, what they all said. My goal is to be your ATF, since you're already mine. (I think we should talk about this in person.) Hobby love
motocrossman39's Avatar
Take Care Of Yourself and Family First, We Will Be Here....
Good Luck & Take Care!

You ladies and gentlemen are the absolute best. I try to keep it in perspective and remember that this is supposed to be about fun, but letting people down, children, friends and clients included, honestly breaks my heart. So much for not getting emotionally involved, huh? Thanks again for understanding and being patient.
Guest092210's Avatar
Hope you feel better soon and are on top of your game in no time as well. In the mean time we will be praying for you and awaiting your return .
ntxman's Avatar
Wish you the BEST Reese!! Take your time we will be here when your ready!
airlineguy12's Avatar
Hope everything works out quickly for you, your a beautiful lady both inside and out it seems. I'll be looking for your comeback and will have to get around to meeting you whenever your back to 100%. Good Luck, MsFoster.
Sweetie , we all know that life is full of emotions and rollercoasters, but it is ladies like YOU that keep US going. we want you back when you can get back, take care of yourself and family first, then get your ASS back to work and make us happy again too. KISS
Family first, period. Anyone that's blessed to have family to worry about can handle the crises and health issues because it shows they place value on their family members.

Just had to say that I enjoyed your list. I was trying to figure out what to do with all the lemons laying around. Thanks for the smile.
SASpurfan's Avatar
I have been told I make pretty good lemonade when I have to. Here if I can help.

Don't forget. If you ever wanna get drunk and make some bad decisions, I am just a phone call away!
Cpi... I don't think any decision would be bad with you.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Reese, I've met many ladies online and have noticed you in particular. Someday I hope to meet you irl. I hope all get healthy and back to their normal routines. If you need to get away for a little while, let me know. If you'd like a friend to talk to in strict confidence, I'm here for you.

In the meantime, we will all hold you emotionally, so you can relax a little. In reading the responses, I can tell you have many caring people here. Add me to that long list.