Biden resign

bambino's Avatar
I said in a thread that the way biden did the withdrawal was a mistake. I stand by that. But the end result for the Afghanis is going to be the same no matter how the withdrawal was handled. The Afghan government and soldiers gave up immediately including Kabul. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yes. But you don’t pull out in the middle of the night leaving US citizens, Afghans loyal to us and valuable equipment behind. A complete disaster in front of our eyes.
bambino's Avatar
I said in a thread that the way biden did the withdrawal was a mistake. I stand by that. But the end result for the Afghanis is going to be the same no matter how the withdrawal was handled. The Afghan government and soldiers gave up immediately including Kabul. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
My post #14 was meant for you. Bush got us into this. A DS/Cabal wet dream. 20yr war. They made trillions. Is it a coincidence his dad got us into Iraq. Yeah, the Bushes are the original DS/Cabal operators. Granddaddy Prescott made a fortune dealing with the Nazis. Founded Skull and Bones. A secret society for elites at Yale. Think Clinton’s. It’s all true. You’re rooting for a regime that wants your demise as a free individual. You just don’t get it.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 06:28 PM
Trump declaring victory over ISIS is like him declaring his win in 2020. All bullshit and trumpfucktards eat it up. Originally Posted by royamcr

Desperation in teh DPST bars - when even teh WSJ tees off on the beloved marxist leader.

And stop the insulting name-calling - 'r' - although - I am not sure One 'can'.
Yes. But you don’t pull out in the middle of the night leaving US citizens, Afghans loyal to us and valuable equipment behind. A complete disaster in front of our eyes. Originally Posted by bambino
One of the rare occasions we agree.
Desperation in teh DPST bars - when even teh WSJ tees off on the beloved marxist leader.

And stop the insulting name-calling - 'r' - although - I am not sure One 'can'.
Sadly. Originally Posted by oeb11
Fuck off with your constant bullshit dpst name calling. Igor dumbinsky
bambino's Avatar
One of the rare occasions we agree. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
What about post 17?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
If bumble butt biden resigned to vp Harris will be in charge.

God help us Originally Posted by lbbguy
We needed help from God when Bush43 & Dick Cheney were in charge. If needed she would do better than those two.

The "C" history student from Yale university did not have a good run as President.
adav8s28's Avatar
The politicians lose wars. They have since WW2. But Trump did destroy ISSIS in a year. He took the gloves of the military. Originally Posted by bambino
Five of the six largest cities were already captured before Trump became president. ISSIS was on the retreat.
LexusLover's Avatar
No, ... trump thinks ... Originally Posted by royamcr
Did Trump whisper in your ear while you were giving him head?
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
Desperation in teh DPST bars - when even teh WSJ tees off on the beloved marxist leader.

And stop the insulting name-calling - 'r' - although - I am not sure One 'can'.

Quoe - 'r' - Fuck off with your constant bullshit dpst name calling. Igor dumbinsky

'r' - Please stop your demeaning, incessant name-calling and insults.

Try to focus on issues.

Do consult ted Cruz for lessons on debate

you can learn to post other than scatology, intercourse synonyms, name-calling, and profanity.

you Too 'r' - can develop independent thought and rise above teh marxist indoctrination of Comrade Xi and the fiden crime cabal.

LexusLover's Avatar
I said in a thread that the way biden did the withdrawal was a mistake. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Doing something intentional is NOT A "MISTAKE"!

His "woke" but asleep cabinet, including his Racist Secretary of Defense who is more concerned about "gender transition" than creating an unbeatable military, advised him on what to do about Afghanistan ... and then said if it went bad they could blame it on Trump!

Guess what? The vast majority of U.S. citizens aren't buying it! Neither the LameStreamMedia!
LexusLover's Avatar
Fuck off with your constant bullshit dpst name calling. Igor dumbinsky Originally Posted by royamcr
Accurately labeling is not "name calling" ....

... BTW ... are you a forum "mod"?

On the whole you have little to offer in the way of legitimate opinion based on FACTS! The above quote from you is just an example ... when you all don't have any reasonable, fact-based comments to make in a constructive conversation ...

... that's how you all respond ... then you accuse someone of "name calling"!

It's time for you to grow up and be mature.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 07:21 AM
Thank you - LL
One cannot change those too blind to see, too deaf to hear, and too indoctrinated to have the capability of independent thought.

They are condemned to be sheeples to the marxist tyranny and totalitarianism all their pathetic lives.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H I M ran in 2016 on ending the war.