Trump Found Guilty On All Counts.!!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Until recently, Donald Trump spent his entire life in NYC, mostly in Manhattan. He followed in his father's footsteps and built a rather successful career in the city. The citizens of Manhattan knew him well, as I did living in the NY suburbs for 46 years. Yet Trump garnered about 16% of the vote in Manhattan in the 2020 election from those voters who knew him so well. The people in Manhattan are not dumb. They understand Trump and almost all could never support him.

Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. I find it hard to believe that the jury pool did not include any of those 16% that voted for Trump. Yet the vote on all 34 counts was unanimous.

We will see in the next month or so if the felony convictions have any impact on the polls. Recent polls have indicated that Trump supporters would withdraw their support if Trump was found guilty.We shall see.
Just had the first orgasms that they didn’t have to fake!!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Guilty on all counts.
Confirmation that trumpf is a criminal.
Jury made the right decision.
Trumpf needs to be sentenced to the maximum penalty.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Firing squad.

winn dixie's Avatar
What a great day. Bragg stopped the turd Reich.
False flag terror attacks blamed on Trump supporters will be next in the playbook.

Count on it. Originally Posted by texassapper
That could very well be the game plan. Civil unrest then martial Law all kinds of bullshit in major cities. It's going to be a very hot summer in more ways than one. I feel sorry for those who still have their heads tucked up their ass.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If there is unrest, it will be because the law saw fit to convict a small minded crook. Riots from lawless right wing.

If, and I stress if, that happens, I can already see Laura Ingraham and the rest of the lap dogs on the network comparing them to the protests of a group of evil cops staging a snuff film and expecting to just walk.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That could very well be the game plan. Civil unrest then martial Law all kinds of bullshit in major cities. It's going to be a very hot summer in more ways than one. I feel sorry for those who still have their heads tucked up their ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Holy moly.

MAGAs are gonna talk themselves into violence again.
34 counts down, 54 more to go. This trial was just low hanging fruit, the more serious charges up next.
And he sent a fundraising email while waiting for the verdict...GGAT
Yesterday I had a drink to celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest days in history, and today I will have to drink for my sadness 🤣😭
VitaMan's Avatar
This is what happens when irrefutable evidence of a crime is available and presented. A jury
takes less than 2 days to come to a decision.

No conspiracy secret political witch hunt.


I wonder what the Truth Social rant will look like at midnight tonight.
... Hee Hee! ... What's with all the sour faces??

Obviously this gets overturned on appeal.
Sham trial - Sham result.

Couldn't have gone any better...
Trump has been sayin' all along that it's a sham trial.
So, obviously Trump then needed a guilty verdict on ALL charges.
Because "guilty here and not guilty there" just aint good enough
in a sham trial ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Everyone was expecting the old "overturn on appeal." How many appeals has Trump got going ? And who will pay ?

Overturning judgements are a lot harder when irrefutable evidence has been presented.
Like I said in my initial post. This jury just about guaranteed the election of Trump as the next President.