Jasper, Texas, still hasn't learned...

My dad used to whip my ass alot worse than that. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Well, that explains where all the brain damage came from.

I have taken a few elevator rides downtown at HPD. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is that some kind of gay code phrase for being a catcher?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2013, 06:21 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? do you actually think the cops have the right to beat you for arguing with them? What country do you live in?

She was arguing with the cop in front of her. He was the one who hung up the phone on her when she was trying to get her mother to pay the $100 fine. She never touched the cop or threatened him.

Then the cop behind her grabs her by the hair of her head and slams her face into the desk.

Do you really think that is proper police procedure?

That is the type of behavior that results in people killing the cops in revenge. And if that type of police brutality went unpunished, the revenge would be deserved.

If I got beaten like that and the cop got away with it, I would wait six months and then go looking for him when he was off duty.

And he would never see me coming. He would wake up a bloody mess in a hospital with no idea what happened to him.

And I say that as someone who has police officers as close relatives. Originally Posted by ExNYer
They should have done the George Zimmerman defense on her and then you'd be defending them without the video!

''We feared for our life, so we shot her.''
jbravo_123's Avatar
I blame liberals and Obama.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
My dad used to whip my ass alot worse than that. I have taken a few elevator rides downtown at HPD. NO BIG DEAL.

You are a PUSSY. I have NO DOUBT. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Im beginning to believe than you have fewer IQ points than your family has teeth. Fewer even than if you multiplied those teeth by branches in your family tree.

Some of the shit you say is so beyond belief, I am beginning to wonder if you're of legal age to participate on this board...or intellectually complete enough.

Sorry you're a victim of child abuse. Your Pappy shouldn't have used that crowbar!
They should have done the George Zimmerman defense on her and then you'd be defending them without the video!

''We feared for our life, so we shot her.'' Originally Posted by WTF
You're still an idiot as far as the Zimmerman case is concerned.

I see you failed to get on the jury. Nice try, though.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Watch the video again.

That "lady" could have taken the first cop in a fair fight. She was resisting his commands, and it looks like he wasn't going to be able to force the issue. She is constantly jaw jacking.

Instead of the second cop bullrushing her, they should have tazed/pepper sprayed her.

I have no sympathy for her.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 01:26 PM
its not about sympathy, if that were the case, the two cops wouldn't be at McDonalds looking for jobs right now
bojulay's Avatar

Clearly a case of excessive use of force.

The woman wasn't some dangerous criminal making threats
with a weapon in her had.

Those two idiots not only violated the woman's rights and caused her
physical harm but also probably cost their county thousands of dollars.

I hope her lawyers stick it to them good.

You take on a different roll when you become a cop and it's not suppose
to be the roll of a thug.

Cops should be held to a higher standard and the people most outraged
by something like this should be the good cops out there.

Sorry but I hate bad cops.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I also wonder about what happened to the third lady in the video who stood by and did nothing the entire time.
I also wonder about what happened to the third lady in the video who stood by and did nothing the entire time. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
In her eyes, she probably saw nothing wrong.

It's the cop mentality.

Many people go into law I forcemeat with the best intentions, but after being exposed to the underbelly of society, they change.

It's a lot like polititians. During campaigns, they promise everybody everything. But after elected, the realities of the real world tend to get in the way of their idealism, and they fall into the same trappings that causes many of the problems we, as a Country, face now.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
That was a woman?!

Jesus. Thought that was Priest Holmes from 'her' size.
JCM800's Avatar
Instead of the second cop bullrushing her, they should have tazed/pepper sprayed her. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
that's usually what they do in most cases with an uncooperative person that they're still trying to detain ...but they seem to already have her in control already. so all that was totally excessive. the one cop just lost it.
This is why I don't live in a small town.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2013, 04:48 PM
You're still an idiot as far as the Zimmerman case is concerned.

I see you failed to get on the jury. Nice try, though. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I was looking for a 'hang'em' jury.

JD looks for a hung jurist!

Is that some kind of gay code phrase for being a catcher? Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's where the cops got their revenge for us loudmouths. You would not know because you were sucking some gang members dick.