The Unsuccessful Long-Term Hobby Relationship

DocHolyday's Avatar
Z, I can feel your pain in this thread. It took some real guts to post your experience. I'm here for you Bro. To all you haters out there.... your really pathetic!!!
  • sydmo
  • 04-11-2017, 08:32 AM
I don't know you really well, but you seem like a good dude, sorry this happened to you man, thanks for sharing the story. Takes some balls to open up in this world. Chin up, find a new Lady, there are plenty.
Ouch,ouch,ouch. Sorry that happened to you Z
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
"Women are nasty creatures."
Yeah,but they got all the pussy.
And more sto-o-opid shit has been done in pursuit of pussy...
Take pussy out of the equation and the earth would quit spinning on it's axis. Originally Posted by Observing
Words spoken from a women none the less!

nuglet's Avatar
Ztonk, that's a tough story man. And she even managed to tool you around for 10 yrs.. I'm sorry you got sucked into that game, BUT.... at least you had some fun. Think how her "landlord" will feel someday..
Treetop78759's Avatar
The same holds true for non hobby relationships. While many men are on Eccie cheating on their wife their wife is cheating on them. You think she isn't? Bullshit. The affair probably started on Facebook. You are just blind. Even with the married man and AMPs. If a BJ or HJ isn't cheating to you it's not cheating to them. The next thing you hear about is their poor me heartache stories. Many of these individuals are then on coed during Christmas time being crybabies about how lonely they are because the wife and or GF left them. Perhaps if you didn't cheat on your wife and kids you wouldn't be whining to people on a hooker board who really don't care. We constantly rag on chicks who fall for tricks but a larger percentage of men also get burned. They just don't have the guts like Z to admit it. In fact, women rebound much better then men so when you still hurt she has replaced you for good.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Sorry Z I've only met you a handfull of times but you are a nice guy. 10 years is a long time. Even if you had no delusions of a non hobby relationship you thought there was a friendship there. She owed you the truth at the very least. As a friend she owed you that. Plain and simple not all girls are money grubbin liars and not all guys are cheating asshats. It's just hard to sort through the crap to find the good ones. We all get a little jaded it's just how it goes sometimes.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you Z. It's worse when you are in what they've made you think was a relationship. If they kept it business or hobby, feelings may still have been involved, but it might have been easier to handle or compartmentalize if the truth were made known.
Don't these people realize they will eventually be found out?!?
Treetop78759's Avatar
Do you tell your clients that they need to realize that they will eventually be caught? Who are "these people"? These people are the ones here who pay or accept money for sex.
Not the first time some one has traveled this road! Originally Posted by Still Looking
And definitely will not be the last time someone travels on this racetrack.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sorry Z that really sucks..Hopefully you find a nicer hotter little play thing to keep you distracted and lessen the sting a bit
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
This sucks, sorry this happened to you. Chin up buttercup.
Sorry Z I've only met you a handfull of times but you are a nice guy. 10 years is a long time. Even if you had no delusions of a non hobby relationship you thought there was a friendship there. She owed you the truth at the very least. As a friend she owed you that. Plain and simple not all girls are money grubbin liars and not all guys are cheating asshats. It's just hard to sort through the crap to find the good ones. We all get a little jaded it's just how it goes sometimes. Originally Posted by Tequila Rose
+1 but i have YET to meet you...shall hopefully change in the near future.
  • cR7
  • 04-11-2017, 12:45 PM
Who in their right minds would date a hooker? That's blatantly playing with fire or even worse.
I can't get my head around it
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Do you tell your clients that they need to realize that they will eventually be caught? Who are "these people"? These people are the ones here who pay or accept money for sex. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Those who are in the hobby that keep it business or they don't lie are different than those who make it appear that they want a relationship, but aren't free to make the commitment.
I wasn't referring to clients or providers who keep it business.
Those who continue to lie and make a hobbyist or provider think they are in a relationship will eventually be found out by that person.