Reference & the Lazy-ass


This post seemed at the time like a fake alert since you did not review or see that provider but posted anyway. Not lazy there.

Regarding the 'real upscale providers' you see, please share with this Community as we will benefit from your swaggering successes for sure. If you do not feel comfortable or reticent to get your "first review" up, consider posting about your experiences with 'real upscale providers' in the Mens Lounge with thanks.

Your review of BP Tristen (upscale?) was helpful, although you might consider adding additional information the Community might use to help them make informed decisions. Rude, controlling and perfunctory might become "she would not let me suck her nipples nearly bitch slapped me when I tried," or whatever really happened. Really happened.


LOL... or NOT! I'm booked for the next week... ha ha

interesting though... aren't we the judgemental one... deciding how one should use his time and projecting ones own experience on me... FWIW, when I'm working and on my fancy ass I-Phone I can't be bothered cutting and pasting...

Imagine that... some actual thought on the topic.... LOL

Feel free to cut and paste whenever YOU want though... I have no problem with that ) Prolly got nothing better to do.
Trees... so seeing upscale providers is a "swaggering success"??? Sounds like a bit of projection going on there. As for "comfort" level... so I must be "uncomfortable" because I don't review??? Should I do my "non-reviews" in the third person? LOL

if you don't like my posts, go pound sand! ROFMAO! In the meantime I'll return to lurking an let you get back to making sure everything runs comfortably here )
travis13131's Avatar
Should keep my mouth shut!!! BUT, ….BillyC in my opinion, you are coming across like an ass. Now that is just my personal opinion, and not talking for the community. I enjoyed what you had to say , which started out as intelligent/entertaining . Now I feel you are just being an ASS. Have little respect for your pears, who in reality also don’t give that much of a shit.

If you know trees posts.. He never is projecting. He is being sincere…and a gentleman!!! Who is projecting here? By the way I do not know the guy, so there is no white knighting. You were amusing, and now disrespectful

My fancy ass I-Phone. REALLY????? …We all have fancy ass iphones?????

I can't be bothered cutting and pasting????????

And that will be your lose!! For me a sincere apology is due to trees and the community, it is a done thing, maybe you are drunk..All good. No need for excuses. But get real brother, cause you offend me!!!
BC is there a purpose to this thread? You asked for everyone's opinion and then proceeded to argue with everyone who responded. Trees has contributed a ton of useful information here to benefit us all. What useful info have you ever provided? This thread you started is a total waste of time. It takes two minutes to send reference info including links. If the lady you wish to see asks for more than you are willing (or able) to provide then move on.
travis13131's Avatar
Thought Johnnyrod1980 was in response to me...and I went editing. So this thread is a non thread

AND DIG his response!!!!
BC this thread proves that like ASS holes everyone has an opinion some are just larger than others.
Do you understand how hard it is to wade through the extra characters, different spellings, spaces, and other issues we run into as far as trying to find someone to get a reference? Depending on where it is, and how many others with similar names it could take a while to find the right person.

For instance- **providername** provider name provider_name

If you know who I'm supposed to be looking for, have her contact info, why make it difficult for us to wade through the slew of 'creative' handles?

On another note, she could have been a traveling lady and I'm not even trying to narrow the correct pool of possible handles...

It's just very difficult to manage time spent searching for real current providers to TRY to get a reference- because remember after all that work on our end, we are not guaranteed an actual response from the woman we just located.

Now, if it's a well known provider I think link to profile is a little silly, and sometimes I will do the necessary digging, but that is all up to how much time I have to work on it......

Good luck in your search of the 'perfect' TCB
BillyC makes a point about references. I didnt like to do reviews because i just wanted to see women and have fun. However it became necessary because even when i did provide references and contact info for it was hard scheduling because the refs took to long to get in touch with or didnt respond at all. So this started posting reviews in order to speed up scheduling process. Reputation is not built on reviews but how you treated and acted with providers.
I ask for links. Half of the time gents will send a ref of a name that is spelled wrong or not the complete name itself thinking I will know who this lady is. Then I have to pm back and ask for more details etc. This wastes both of our times. If I ask a gent to send a link then there is no confusion. If its asking to much for a gent to copy and paste something for me , I am not letting him into my body. We all have our standards and I respect that they are different. I am only offering you insight into the question at hand as to "why "
boobs mcgee's Avatar

I understand completely. Yes it violates logic that they would make it even harder for the client to book. That may add to a feeling of exclusivity, or merely for their "safety" or a few other reasons.

I find it that the higher priced providers tend to have more intrusive screening. I recently had one provider quote $500/hour and required a scanned copy of your Drivers License. Needless to say I passed, and I bet many others do to. Nothing like giving that info to a provider who may dabble in identity theft or blackmail.

My advice to you, is to stick to sugar daddy websites. They don't screen. I bet you could definitely afford a few sugarbabes, and they won't be as demanding
Let's put an end to all of your screening worries BillyC....

I have checked BillyC's references. And they all check out fine. I vouch for him as well.
He's good people!

And yes BillyC, you are right, it is our job to do the screening.
It's apart of the money you pay us. It's really very easy for me to copy paste in google the ladies #, name, or email address and make contact.

The other day a non member used Sexy Sonya for a reference. Of course it could be
sexxy__Sonya, SexxxySonja ect. While I was talking to him I googled:

Sexy Sonya Escort Austin.

Bam, there she was. Her TER her ECCIE links, Her # and email.
I quickly asked him if her # a start with _ _ _ he said yes, so I emailed and texted her and got a same day reply.

I will email, text, pm, and call a lady if I am in need of a quick reference.
I'm lucky and always get a quick reply. Making every contact possible is key; incase she is screening calls, not logged on to email/pm. If a lady responds hours later, well you can't blame her can you .

We can all stand to be a little flexible here.

P.S. Shameless Plug:

If you don't like screening, hire me! I'm great at what I do!
travis13131's Avatar
BillyC, SO I did not enjoy your last few comments, but I did say I enjoyed the discussion, with that being said. Going with your idea for the thread…I personally have my references in a word document. It is buried in one of my clients folder. It is named clientsname.year.fn Such as…… janedoe.6.19.2013.fn And the fn is my thing for fun. So, I simply go to that word doc, and copy and paste. For me it’s a non issue Two seconds done, copy and paste. That is my positive point to your thread.. I think we all work differently in business, and for this business thinking from the woman’s perspective, I would not hold her verification process as a negative thing towards her. In fact I feel relived, and respect the process. Your getting appointments with the woman hard to see, big time respect to you. The respect would not be there if she did not have her way of verifying her clients and it was just an open highway….Peace
Yea, i-phone is ubiquitious... and it's NOT fun to walk or drive around cutting and pasting on it. That's my point.

Of course, everyone has an opinion and mine is no better than anyone elses in any case... this is about the 3rd time I"ve stated that. Further, I'm also NOT the one who questioned about anyones "worth" on the thread... so my somewhat "snarky" response to that was simply continuing in that vein. I have no problem dishing out or taking )

Speaking of continuing in a vein... "non-thread"... well, maybe, but so let's see... commenting on whether a girl will do flips and land in my lap, stand on her head, how long she X's, if she slobbers while Y'ing is cool... but we can't talk about screening procedure? ROFLMAO!! Now, OK, my delivery might be "biting"... sorry, but come-on, we're just having fun, and "screening" being "off limits" or unworthy is hilarious.

Anyway, Travis, that's a great idea... Never thought about that (spreadsheet)... which is prolly why I'm the last person to be known as the "the sharpest tack in the barrel"... I think I could put in in my "notes" section of the phone or something... didn't pay all that money for nothing... LOL That said, I'm not really "a hobbiest" in the sense that I don't see that many girls... usually stick with 1-2... just sort of "frisky" lately and noticed this interesting disparity in screening and that it seemed to coincide service and quality of experience )

PurtyBaby: I hear you... that' is exactly what I'm saying... only reversed: You're saying the guy is lazy and I think the girl is lazy. IMO if the customer service level is SO LOW, and the girl (possibly) so disorganized that she can't even do the screening work, I'm not going into HER body ) JMO, and you have yours, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either opinion... your experience is different than mine... Your ship and mine will NOT pass close by... it's OK )

I will add that IMHO one of the biggest red flags in hobbying is disorganization... being the opposite I can smell it a mile away ... and inability to find the time to screen is one of those red flags IMHO... this includes girls who DONT" screen (pretend to) and those that clearly have no time for screening or even civil or playful discourse while setting up an appointment.

Anyway, thanks to all for opinions... prolly beat this dead horse too long, sorry for stirring up the thread, but then again, life is full of ripples )
Anyway, thanks to all for opinions... prolly beat this dead horse too long, sorry for stirring up the thread, but then again, life is full of ripples ) Originally Posted by BillyC