the legacy of Trump

Clay Media's Avatar
trump haters hate the color orange.
ICU 812's Avatar
It is my belief that political historians fifty years from now will write that one aspect of President Trump's "legacy" will be the deluge of spurious legal stacks brought by the liberal left.

Many of these issues are still up in the air (as of 03/09/2024), so there still may be something that sticks to will kill his candidacy, but many to most of these issues are pretty thin. Even the two impeachments did not go forward into a trial, let alone conviction.

One may be really hot about these things right now, but fifty years out, these things will diminish in apparent magnitude to the point of being frivolous in th judging eye of political historians.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yes the trumpf legacy is that of a man crying wolf sni ck
VitaMan's Avatar
I disagree. In 100 years historians will write that Trump was a petulant bully, attempted to thwart transfer of power for his own benefit, and was and remains the worst President ever.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it takes 2/3 vote to impeach. and the Senate saved Trump because of the Republican majority.

To add to that:

It was the largest number of senators to ever vote to find a president of their own party guilty of an impeachment count of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Even after voting to acquit, the Republican leader Mitch McConnell condemned the former president as “practically and morally responsible” for the insurrection.
ICU 812's Avatar
Who was charged? And with what? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

That no one was charged in the Harris County (TX) election debacle does not mean that the ballot shortages did not happen. They did.

Some polling places could not open until ballots were delivered. Other polling places had to close early whren more ballots were not delivered. Some polling places never were able to open at all for lack of any ballots. Over a hundred polling places were affected by ballot shortages in one e\way or another.

that no one was charged is an indication of the depth of putridity among the Democrats in control of the political infrastructure in Harris County . . .at all levels.
VitaMan's Avatar
Please post only on the topic of the thread. As per guidelines of this forum.

Even after voting to acquit, the Republican leader Mitch McConnell condemned the former president as “practically and morally responsible” for the insurrection. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... And yet the Legacy of Trump is that NOW the very same
Mitch McConnell ENDORSES Trump for President.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Teh legacy of trumpf.
VitaMan's Avatar
... And yet the Legacy of Trump is that NOW the very same
Mitch McConnell ENDORSES Trump for President.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Don't be so naive.

Hope you are around in 100 years when the historians pen the legacy.
Wasn't Trump called an illegitimate for 4 years and that was shillary and left wing fanatics...and that was 2016
Does the Russan hoax...which turned about to be a totallly
orcaststrated load of crap come to mine?? I'm sure you didn't forget that???...or did you...that's called selective memory
winn dixie's Avatar
Wasn't Trump called an illegitimate for 4 years and that was shillary and left wing fanatics...and that was 2016
Does the Russan hoax...which turned about to be a totallly
orcaststrated load of crap come to mine?? I'm sure you didn't forget that???...or did you...that's called selective memory Originally Posted by bb1961
Trumpf lost the popular vote in 16 by 3million. Trumpf is good at losing.
His legacy is losing and creating stories why he lost.
ICU 812's Avatar
I disagree. In 100 years historians will write that Trump was a petulant bully, attempted to thwart transfer of power for his own benefit, and was and remains the worst President ever.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it takes 2/3 vote to impeach. and the Senate saved Trump because of the Republican majority.

To add to that:

It was the largest number of senators to ever vote to find a president of their own party guilty of an impeachment count of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Even after voting to acquit, the Republican leader Mitch McConnell condemned the former president as “practically and morally responsible” for the insurrection. Originally Posted by VitaMan
WEll, I will agree with you on the assessment of President Trump's character and personality. There is not, so far, any charge connecting him with anything anyone has been convicted opf in connection with the events of Jan 6th, 2020 . . .so untill something happens with that, it is off the table.

I am not certain about the numbers, but in the 1860s, President
Andrew Johnson misses conviction by one vote in the senate. . . .but there were fewer states then too, so maybe you are rightg on the absolute numbers.

A hundred years is a long time. In the 1920s, "The Trial of The Century" was about the kidnapping of the Lindburg baby. In the 1990s, I think that was eclipsed by either the OJ Simpson murder trial or the trial of the police involved with the Rodney King beating . . .so perceptions do change.

A hundred y\ears off (2124) there will probably have been someone else who is justifiably disliked more than Mr. Trump. I just think history will be softer on him in retrospect and perhaps harder on GW Bush and his political associates.
ICU 812's Avatar
Trumpf lost the popular vote in 16 by 3million. Trumpf is good at losing.
His legacy is losing and creating stories why he lost. Originally Posted by winn dixie
And after the November election, we will all know how accurye that ststem,ent is. Only one previous president has successfully run for a second term after leaving office.
Trumpf lost the popular vote in 16 by 3million. Trumpf is good at losing.
His legacy is losing and creating stories why he lost. Originally Posted by winn dixie
And yet - Trump's Legacy has Him LEADING in the polls.

#### Salty