New findings support reproductive equality

does anyone have a link to the statistics on aborted babies in black population?

I'm wondering about this as the black population isn't very large like it normally should be. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Black women who have abortions are ultimately "Crime Fighters" thats what Obama's Science and Technology Czar John P. Holdren stated in one of his books. He believed population was the reason for, crime, poverty and disease.
MU I give you credit, Lol on the "black meat in the grinder". THX! Where is the "outrage" over abortions when it comes to blacks? Originally Posted by themystic

The dims are the negros current master. Dims understand and control them better than anyone else. The republicans are way behind on knowing the negro mind. Silly republicans, they thought the negro would embrace republicans for freeing them. Oh contraire! The republicans are assuming they think like them. HA! The dims look to Africa for the answers. For Africans to survive they must breed like rats and roaches. So, the dims realizing negros in general may have a hard time functioning in a modern society but need their votes. The dims decide to give them basic needs for their vote, bribe the higher IQ black leaders to promulgate the lie. However, how do you deal with a growing population of low IQ negros? Answer - ABORTION!
themystic's Avatar

The dims are the negros current master. Dims understand and control them better than anyone else. The republicans are way behind on knowing the negro mind. Silly republicans, they thought the negro would embrace republicans for freeing them. Oh contraire! The republicans are assuming they think like them. HA! The dims look to Africa for the answers. For Africans to survive they must breed like rats and roaches. So, the dims realizing negros in general may have a hard time functioning in a modern society but need their votes. The dims decide to give them basic needs for their vote, bribe the higher IQ black leaders to promulgate the lie. However, how do you deal with a growing population of low IQ negros? Answer - ABORTION! Originally Posted by Muscleup
I give you credit MU. That is damn sure an independent opinion. Granted there may be many who share it privately, but damn few who voice it. And to think some of the snowflakes in here think Im to harsh. You only got half the answer. Prison
I give you credit MU. That is damn sure an independent opinion. Granted there may be many who share it privately, but damn few who voice it. And to think some of the snowflakes in here think Im to harsh. You only got half the answer. Prison Originally Posted by themystic

Abortion is much much cheaper.

Ausgezeichnet! Das Gefängnis ist eine tolle Alternative zur Kontrolle der wilden Böcke.

Sorry, zlipped into meinum muttersprache. On sie road. Not in Tejas. Eins zu viele (much) Biere!!!!

Maybe I won't get pointed. Blahahahahaha!

Bis bald, HOMO!
  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2019, 09:37 PM
Poor stupid Republicans. They fight tooth and nail against illegal immigration and allowing inmates to vote, and for things like Photo ID to vote. Then when they've got a gift horse like this looking them in the mouth they spit in its face. They should be handing out free abortions on street corners to any pregnant women who look like they're Democrats.

If Muscle Up keeps coming up with ideas like this he'll be the Karl Rove of the 2020's.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I give you credit MU. That is damn sure an independent opinion. Granted there may be many who share it privately, but damn few who voice it. And to think some of the snowflakes in here think Im to harsh. You only got half the answer. Prison Originally Posted by themystic

…...Studies now confirm that Pregnancy can result from Anal Sexual relations. And, these pregnancies produce only Registered Democrats.

This stunning Bombshell is embraced by Democratic political candidates for President, and Democratic Leaders...... Originally Posted by oeb11
Okay, the mystic, time to plan ahead....

…..if and when you finally get together with your little Puerto Rican whoredog… know what to do, right?

FYI....pack lotsa personal lubricant....she'll appreciate the thoughtfulness...

….heck, for that matter, she might even return the favor and bring her fave strap on. While that won't result in a pregnancy you may still have the time of your life. We'll look forward to your review and ROS. Have fun!

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